The three people didn't move. Feng bicui ran back, "I want cash!"

Fang Qi tut tut tut mouth, very embarrassed, "we credit cooperatives have to make an appointment to withdraw 10000. You want 70000 cash. Where can I get it?"

"Cash, I don't care!" Feng bicui was rude and unreasonable.

Fang Qi waved, "let's go. Don't waste it here. We have to invite people to dinner when they leave late."

Zhao Sangang said, "you don't know our credit union. You have to say in advance to withdraw 10000 at a time, otherwise you can't get it."

"Well, give you two days. Give me 70000 yuan in cash and I'll sign it." Turn around and go.

Fang Qi said, "no! Sign the agreement before you go. Let brother San Gang write you an IOU. "

Zhang laowilt was also afraid that she would repeat, "well, let's compromise and sign an agreement immediately. San gang went to the county to get the money. In addition, the whole village has to move graves after the new year. Your family hasn't paid the cemetery fee. You'd better move the graves quickly, or you'll be treated as an ownerless grave. "

At this time, Feng bicui felt cheated, but she was also forced, otherwise she would not sell the house at a low price. She signed the agreement, and Zhao Sangang also gave her an IOU. Fang Qi drove with Zhao Sangang, and Feng bicui took the moving truck to the county to get money.

Don't mention Zhao Sangang's excitement, "Oh, God wants to help. There's really no way. Kiko, your mouth is too poisonous. "

Fang Qi took the cigarette and held it in his mouth. "If you think about how many years the Feng family has hurt us, it's heaven and earth's conscience that we can give her 70000 yuan."

"What about his house?"

"Don't worry about him. The whole village is regarded as public land. If someone comes back, give it back to him. We can't help his family grow food."

He went to the county bank to take 70000 yuan at several points and took back the IOU after delivery. Fang Qi thought of Dr. Wang talking about his master. When he returned to Yueshan Town, he specially went to the traditional Chinese medicine shop in the old street to visit Huang Renqing: "old Huang, do you know me?"

The old man saw that Fang Qi smiled: "I heard from Jialin that you opened a hospital. OK, I'll go and have a look when I have time. I didn't expect you to be a figure in our town."

Fang Qi said: "anyway, it's also Fang Qi to go to our village. There are school buses in the morning and evening."

The old man sighed, "yes, I have noticed the changes in your village. Now your village is the most talked about in the town. It is developing too fast."

Fang Qi pointed to the health center, "you are busy. I have to go to Dr. yuan." When he came to the health center, Dr. yuan was resting. Under the guidance of others, he found his home. Dr. yuan read at home. Seeing Fang Qi, he was busy making tea and giving way. When he heard that Fang Qi wanted to invite him to the village hospital, he smiled: "I will retire in a few years. I can work part-time, but I can't work full-time. Moreover, my medical skills are mediocre and I don't make much achievements. I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Then he recommended Huang Renqing. Fang Qi said, "we just came from there. We need some experienced old traditional Chinese medicine. If there are suitable candidates, we can also introduce them."

Dr. yuan: "when I was studying in the school of traditional Chinese medicine, several teachers were very good. Some of them were re employed. Let me ask for you."

When he came out, Zhao Sangang had been sitting in the car and bought a lot of meat, tobacco, wine and tea. "Well, I'm the busiest in our village. Your sister-in-law always bothers me to take people home. We can't help it now. If people come to our village to visit and study, we can't let them go. "

"It's all right. In the future, our village will set up a reception center. Those who come to visit and study will go into the canteen to eat. They will not be received, and the reception will not be reimbursed. Otherwise, we can't make money to catch up with others. Let ya pay for food."

"Ha ha, Kiko, you're amazing." Zhao Sangang laughed, "it's OK, so you don't have to come to eat and drink in the county town for three days or two. Some big villages have to pay tens of thousands of miles for food and drink a year. "

Fang Qi suddenly remembered something. "By the way, you have to receive today. A boss will come to me to brag. You can get a few farm dishes."

"Where did it come from?"

Fang Qi shook his hand. "Some people are very complex. The background of the people I found is not small. Don't ask more."

Zhao Sangang asked again, "come to invest?"

"Of course, since he's here, I must let him invest money, otherwise why let him come. Many people will come on the opening day of the hospital. We should do a good job in reception. "

While talking, the car had arrived in the village and was helping Zhao Sangang move things. A Big Ben came from behind. It was Zuo zongnian's car.

Zuo zongnian ran over as soon as he got off the bus: "what a coincidence. I saw you as soon as I entered the village."

It was the big man who drove him. Fang Qi looked into the car and said, "didn't you bring your little monkey?"

"Well, he doesn't want to get off. Let him stay in the car. He won't die of hunger anyway." Looked around, "your village is very rich. I see houses being built everywhere."

Fang Qi pointed to the white building: "this is just a hospital for seeing a doctor." He took them into Zhao's house and saw that the walls were full of planning and effect drawings. He was surprised and said, "cow force, it's incredibly necessary to build such a building."

Fang Qi said: "this is Zhao Sangang, the head of our village. This is general manager Zuo of meizhai real estate in Yuezhou."

He Ye soaked tea and brought melon seeds, candy and other things. Zuo zongnian looked at the front, "is there a separate place?"

Zhao Sangang went to call Da Sheng and Dou Sheng to their room. Fang Qi closed the door and sat down on the bench. "Tell me, what's going on?"

Zuo zongnian took out his cigar and told Huang Zhao's evil story.

Huang Zhao won the second place in Sanda. He is really powerful. Zuo zongnian hired him as a bodyguard with a high salary. This boy has a flexible mind and is good at coming. He asked him to send a message to do something before long. He is also Zuo zongnian's confidant.

But the boy was not only lecherous but also greedy for money. He didn't know what was going on. The news came out. Several secret negotiations between him and Lao Cai, and even the contents of his words with an official, could be leaked. Later, his men made a deal and were intercepted on the way. He began to suspect that someone around him had betrayed him,

What made him more unbearable was that the boy dared to fool the boss's horse.

That night, he wanted to kill Huang Zhao with a knife. If Huang Zhao killed Fang Qi, he would carry the murder case on his back. Unexpectedly, Fang Qi killed Huang Zhao when he learned that his horse was pregnant with Huang Zhao's child.

People were killed and the bodies were disposed of, but recently the villa is always haunted. Either ghosts press the bed or you can see the bloody yellow omen appear in front of him as soon as you close your eyes. It kept him awake at night. He was nervous.

Fang Qixin said that he had not only been sold, but also had a grassland on his head. It would be strange if Zuo zongnian could bear it. I don't know if Miao Dong bought him off and dug up Lao Cai's roots. If Huang Zhao is not wronged.

But his death is not over. He tosses about Zuo zongnian every day. Originally, the dead fat man was fat and had big ears. Now he didn't sleep well. His face was like a sun dried orange, black and yellow, and his eyes were puffy.

"Be glad you don't have a ghost."