The two of them lay down and slept with each other. Several people didn't care. Fang Qi wondered. Are these guys temporary workers? So unprofessional. When they walked over, Fang Qi noticed that these guys fell to the ground one by one, as if they were stepping on cotton. These people were obviously a group of killers.

Looking back, I saw several men sitting at the other end of the carriage. One of the fat men stared at him with very cold eyes.

They blocked up the two ends of the carriage to make it difficult for the four of them to fly.

After the train passed Tokyo station, the fat man suddenly got up and walked here. Fang Qi met him and walked over. Meizhi really underestimated them. She thought so many people on the train didn't dare to move, but now she's going to do it.

The moment they passed by, the fat man suddenly stabbed him from down. Fang Qi pulled back the curved ruler hole he held and stabbed him up from below. His action was very rapid. The fat man's face twisted, and his mouth made a ho ho sound, and fell to the ground with a plop.

The man in the next seat came to look at it and shouted, "someone is injured. Is there a doctor in the car?"

Usually there are car police on both sides of the carriage, but now there is no response. Fang Qi glances through the car police room and sees that the car police have fallen on the travel table.

Fang Qi's action naturally attracted the attention of the people in the front carriage. Seven or eight people stood up and walked over together. Before they reached the junction of the carriage, Fang Qi closed the door and locked it. He turned back and shouted to the passengers: "there is a killer on the train. Run to another carriage and don't be hurt by mistake!"

Someone also saw the crowded killer at the door and shouted, "run away!" Hundreds of people crowded towards the back carriage.

Miaomiao and Meizhi both ran over. Meizhi hurriedly said, "they started, and we'll go too."

Following the passengers to the back of the car, Zhizi rushed to the front and reached the junction of the carriage. The men were already waiting there, staring at them fiercely.

Fang Qi asked Meizhi in a low voice, "will they bring guns?"

Immortals can't escape. It's hard to hide from shooting with any awesome Kung Fu.

"There must be. Just be careful." Meizhi replied.

The killers in the back couldn't open the door. Sure enough, they began to shoot at the door lock. The sound of banging made the passengers scream and panic, and accelerated towards the back of the car. But the more crowded and slower, the killer behind has hit the car door and rushed this way.

Seeing the gun in his hand, Fang Qi said that he really wanted to kill the killer, otherwise he wouldn't even use the gun. Looking at the hat pulled down from the seat and a bottle of drink in his hand, the cat slipped under the seat, put on the hat and waited for the man to approach slowly, suddenly swung the drink and hit him in the face.

The man was caught off guard and raised his hand to shoot. Fang Qi pinched his right hand on his wrist and lifted it up. "Bang" shot. The bullet went through his chin and broke through the tianlinggai. Fang Qi pushed the body and grabbed the gun to shoot at the people behind him.

Unfortunately, he didn't use this thing at all, that is, he didn't get rid of the prison held by his wrist. Even so, he hit two or three, pulled the trigger, and there were no bullets.

The killers immediately got into their seats to avoid and fight back. The gunshots of "bang bang" were heard all the time, and the sponges in the seat covers flew around. Fortunately, they only shot at Fang Qi's seat, otherwise they didn't know how many people would be injured by mistake.

Fang Qi grabbed the man's leg and pulled it back. As soon as he pulled it over, several bullets shot at the dead body. Go back and see Miao Miao hiding under his seat and making faces at him. It seems to say: lying in a slot is fun. It's like an American blockbuster!

Fang Qi unscrewed the drink and spilled it. Then he took out several pieces of tissue paper, inserted it into the bottle and threw it. While they were avoiding, he took out bullets from the dead body, loaded them, turned over from his seat, and shot the killer diagonally opposite.

Three of the back killers were killed in the blink of an eye and didn't dare to come forward for the moment. Zhizi and Meizhi also killed people behind. Miaomiao didn't do anything serious, that is, he took a sneak attack and fought closely. Neither Meizhi nor Zhizi could get any benefit. They took advantage of the poison needle to take down a few first.

The carriage is narrow and can't do anything. Meizhi is at a disadvantage as soon as she is entangled by someone. Zhizi can't get away from fighting with several other people. Seeing that Meizhi is strangled by someone, she can't come forward to rescue her. The murderer is also tricky. He elbows Meizhi's neck and hides behind the carriage. Fang Qi can't shoot him at all.

As soon as he appeared, "bang bang" two shots wiped his hair and hit the carriage wall. Miao Miao shouted, "get away, hidden weapons are coming!"

Fang Qi thinks it's funny. Do people still need to know about concealed weapons? This stupid girl, I don't know what she's playing with.

Afraid of the hand bow and poison needle in their hands, the killers shrank their heads and avoided one after another. The pressure on Zhizi suddenly decreased and turned to Meizhi. There was a foot under his leg. The two probably had a tacit understanding at ordinary times. Meizhi forked his leg, and the man behind him was attacked. He gave a low and miserable cry. His arm loosened, was hit in the face by Meizhi's elbow, grabbed the knife in his hand and inserted it into his back neck.

Miaomiao's voice immediately reversed the situation, and the two worked together to deal with the remaining killers.

Several gunmen here also knew that the situation was not good. They made a gesture to each other, shot at Fang Qi's hiding place and attacked forward. Fang Qi was suppressed and couldn't raise his head. They heard Miao Miao whistling and gestured to him. They knew that the boy had to play tricks again.

Sure enough, Miaomiao shouted, "give me Gatlin and I'll shoot them!"

Fang Qi wanted to spit blood angrily and said that Gatling's bad trick can scare people. You think people are idiots?! Look at her holding up an umbrella on the seat.

The gunman also saw Miao Miao's trick and shouted, "kill this boy! Leave that smelly girl alone! " Who knows, as soon as the voice fell on his head, he got a bag. Before he reacted, Fang Qi's gun rang and the man fell on his back.

Miao Miao giggled: "stupid, you're caught again!" Make faces at Fang Qi. Fang Qi doesn't know why this guy has so many tricks.

Several people in the back dare not attack again. They all lie down and hide, and put a cold shot at the loophole.

Miao Miao turned over from his seat and pointed forward with two fingers like a special police team. Fang Qi knowingly checked the bullet and dragged the dead body in front of him. Miao Miao shouted, "Gatlin is coming again!"

Those people were afraid to shoot again. Fang Qi took this opportunity to rush over with the dead body and gave several shots to several gunmen lying under his seat. The last killer turned around and ran away. Fang Qi pulled the trigger again but made a clicking sound. The bullet had been empty. The empty gun in his right hand threw it at the man and hit him staggering, Then he swung the body and hit it.