Fang Qi sent the contract photos back to Zhao Sangang and transferred all the money in his account to the account of Heilongtan company. With so much money, all the projects can be started. Even the Taoist temples and temples on Shennong mountain can be repaired, and all scenic spots can be rebuilt.

Sagittarius stood up. "Fang Qijun, Miss Miao Miao, let's have dinner."

Although Fang Qi felt very strange about the Yada family, he didn't see Yada Nan and other people in the family. There were only the old man, Meizhi and Zhizi in the whole villa. Did he decide that Meizhi would become the successor of YadA enterprise?

When she came to the small restaurant, Naoko had been waiting there. The table was full of dishes and wine. She and Meizhi helped the old man sit down.

Meizhi poured wine for Grandpa, while Zhizi poured wine for Fang Qi and Miao Miao. She poured the wine not in a small glass, but in a slightly larger drinking pot. The drinking pot would be better to drink only if it was warmed in warm water.

The old man took the wine and motioned, "Fang Qijun has come all the way to cure me. There is an old saying that it's fun to have friends from afar. I'm very happy. It's just that Fang Qijun's excellent medical skills will make you rich if you are in Sendai. "

Fang Qi raised his glass to thank him. "Thank you for your praise. Traditional Chinese medicine is my foundation. Only standing in our Heilongtan village can I dare say that I can cure your disease. Traditional Chinese medicine, which has been passed on for thousands of years, can not only give people medical treatment, but also let Zhiren cultivate self-cultivation. "

"Well said, I've been influenced by my grandfather since I was a child. I like your culture and study your history a lot. For a long time, we have said that there is no Chinese after Ya mountain, so you see, what we inherit in China is the style of Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, and the Imperial Palace temple is dedicated to the image of Xu Fu. "

Miao Miao disagreed: "Sir, what's the explanation for the yuan seal in your hand? You keep saying that there is no Chinese after the end of the mountain. In fact, it's just your trick to hide your ears and steal your bells. As far as I know, the Chinese are still the mainstream of your upper class society. You still worship the Chinese civilization in your bones. China's ability to accommodate the world is not owned by every nation. "

"Well said!" Fang Qi clapped his hands and cheered. Unexpectedly, crazy Miao Miao could quote scriptures to say this. It was a direct hit on the old man's face.

The old man was really embarrassed. Even Meizhi and Naoko felt uncomfortable.

Naoko's face pulled the old man, "Miss Miao Miao, you are in Yada's house. You should learn to respect your master, not talk!"

Miao Miao sneered: "is it your hospitality to invite guests to insult? It's funny to say that we worship Huaxia civilization! "

Fang Qi mixed vegetables for Miao Miao, "I really convinced you. That's very good!"

Straight son raised her eyebrows and eyes. When the old man stopped it with his eyes, she sat down angrily.

Fang Qi offered a toast: "Sir, I don't have to think about it. Since you have done research, you should know that Chinese civilization is all inclusive, bringing together all rivers. It is the integration and coexistence of multiple nationalities and the uninterrupted miracle of the continuation of human civilization. Such a fallacy is probably only popular in your small circle. It means that you don't really understand the profound meaning of Huaxia civilization, and your narrow thinking leads you to stop. After this meal, please take us home. "

Naoko and Meizhi stared at the old man. General Yada didn't expect that his words before the banquet touched Fang Qi's scales. He put down his glass and bowed his head: "sorry, I said wrong, please allow me to apologize!"

Miao Miao also said, "we also have an old saying: a thousand cups of wine are less for a bosom friend, and half a sentence is more than speculation. I'll give you a toast, too! " Pick up the wine and drink it down.

Then the atmosphere seemed a little dull. Meizhi brought the wine: "Naoko, Fang Qijun and miss Miao came to treat Grandpa. We haven't made a good toast yet." Naoko also stood up, "thank Fang Qijun for treating grandpa!"

Meizhi added, "since my grandfather sincerely wants you to stay, I suggest you stay for another three days and let me accompany you everywhere. I heard you didn't play well. You hurried back to Hokkaido. "

"You go to Hakone to save us. For this reason, we should also make good local friendship. Please stay." Naoko also agreed.

Miao Miao nodded his head and melon seeds. "Since you are so enthusiastic, it's better to obey your orders. Deflate, what do you say?"

Fang Qixin said, you promised me and said a piece of wool. He said, "well, three days is three days. It's just that we can also ask the old man for profound Chinese knowledge."

The old man said, "well, after dinner, I'll show you my collection."

After dinner, the old man took them to visit his personal collection room. This collection room is different from the study. It is quite large, about 200 square meters, and is staggered with display shelves. The display rack is full of rare treasures, antique calligraphy and painting, Qin brick, Han tile, bronze and jade. After reading a circle, almost all of them are Chinese collections, and there are few Western things. It seems that the old man is still obsessed with the things of his ancestors.

"Old man, do you also think you are a descendant of the Qin people?" This is a very interesting question. For historical reasons, little books almost knelt down to Chinese civilization. It was only after the Song Dynasty that they tangled for a long time. They thought they had fully accepted the Chinese civilization and changed themselves, claiming to be Chinese orthodoxy.

It's a bit like a fool learning to walk in Handan. When he learns to walk in Handan, he thinks he's the capital. But this identity is not even the illegitimate son of Xiao San. Although Fang Qi's words are not so straightforward and hurtful, reason is such a reason.

The old man was silent for a long time. "Since FengChen Xiuji, we all think so. Whether you laugh or ridicule, this thought has gone deep into your bones. We are deeply affected by what you have done. "

It seems that the old man also knows that this is deceiving the world. Like Bangzi, he thinks that Confucius is listed as his ancestors. They are the orthodox Huaxia civilization, which is just adding laughingstock. But the footbasin is more obsessed than the stick.

"Fang Qijun, I believe everything has a reason. It's not an accident that you come to treat me, but it's destiny. I am also destined not to die. Meizhi is destined to become the successor of the Yasuda family. "

Not only Fang Qi felt strange, but even meizhinaoko and Miao Miao thought the old man was old and confused.

If Fang Qi is not poor jingling, or is still on the way to find the old ghost, will Yada still live to this day? Even if his son Yada said he had a talisman, it wouldn't keep him alive forever.

Seeing that they were all confused, the old man said, "I have something that you will understand when you look at it." Then he started the mechanism, took out a thread bound book from a secret safe and put it on the table.

Fang Qi felt cold when he saw the dark gray and yellow old book.