Fang Qi asked Naoko, "what the hell are those?"

"It seems that there will be a big storm. I'm afraid there are some things we don't like." Naoko said.

Miao Miao looked to the East and suddenly said, "will it thunder in winter?"

Fang Qi looked sideways. There were not only thunder, but also lightning. Now it's winter. It's really frightening to see such strange weather.

Naoko suddenly patted Fang Qi on the shoulder: "drive quickly and escape from this place!"

Fang Qimeng stepped on the accelerator and soared all the way. Dark clouds had surged over the port. The waves rolled up by the strong wind were like a wall, with a huge and terrible momentum. The ships moored in the harbor swayed with the waves like leaves.

Before the waves came, the water vapor from the wind and waves had blown over. There was chaos between heaven and earth. The bright lights of Toyota cars were like a sharp sword plowing a road. You can feel that pressure even in a speeding car.

Three who also said a word, are anxiously waiting for the storm to come.

When the bus arrived near marunomori Town, Naoko shouted, "turn right! Drive through IDA. "

As soon as Fang Qi turned the steering wheel and turned to a fork in the road, he saw the cars and signs rolled up by the wind in the rearview mirror flying into the air, like the last day. The car screeched around the car that had just fallen in front, and then accelerated towards IDA.

The latest highway news came out on the radio: "please pay attention to your safety when driving at night. At present, the coastal highway has been hit by an unprecedented storm. Please drive near the low-lying areas to avoid the storm! Again, the Binhai Highway was hit by a storm. At present, the Xiangma Sendai section has been closed... "

With the intensity of the storm getting higher and higher, the road to IDA began to be crowded. Maybe they listened to the weather warning in advance. Looking at the team that can't see the end at a glance, it's impossible to avoid the storm speed no matter how fast.

Naoko pointed to the fork in front: "drive in, let's avoid the limelight first." The road sign says "ghost shaped mountain". Although the name is scary, it should be avoided. After turning a mountain corner, there are all mountain roads in it. The lights can see the withered and yellow trees and grasslands, but naturally into the valley, the wind is much less here. But the thick fog gradually deepened.

Fang Qi didn't dare to drive fast. According to the electronic navigation map, crossing the ghost shaped mountain was at least three times farther than walking from Naida road. After driving for a long time, Miao Miao didn't see anyone. Miao Miao wondered, "why haven't you seen anyone for so long?"

Zhizi didn't say a word. Fang Qi said, "the fog here is too thick. It's normal not to see the lights. It's impossible for anyone to come out of the mountains at this hour."

Miao Miao looked at his mobile phone: "it's already three o'clock in the middle of the night. In this way, he can drive out until dawn."

"Stop!" Naoko suddenly said, "didn't you find anything wrong?"

Fang Qi stopped the car, tore off the mask on his face, took off his clothes and put on the clothes Meizhi had prepared for him. What he saw in the light of the headlights was a stone step, which was half blocked by the tree. He couldn't see whether it was someone else on the step.

Fang Qi turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and walked forward. Behind the tree is indeed a step, and it is still a stone archway. The archway has been variegated for some years, and you can vaguely see the "ghost Temple" above. The bronze bells on the eaves of the temple jingled in the wind, as if summoning souls.

Miaomiao and Zhizi also ran over. The stone steps extended upward and disappeared in the fog.

Naoko wondered, "I remember once passing here. This road is a broken road. It ends here. There should be a cliff in front."

The three walked along the road for less than ten meters. Sure enough, there was a cliff at their feet. Fortunately, Zhizi reminded them in time, otherwise xinnavigation would drive down the cliff.

But looking at the cliff of this road, it doesn't look like the road is gone here. "Zhizi, what happened to this mountain? Is this a bridge?"

The temperature drops quickly, and the wind blows up from under the cliff. It's especially cold standing here.

"No, there is a small town below. The earthquake cracked the whole mountain and the town fell into the Great Rift Valley. Because it was a midnight earthquake, more than 7000 people were all in trouble. It's really unlucky that the back road goes around separately in front. How did you get to this damn place? "

Miaomiao also felt afraid: "yes, it's so ghostly here. Let's go quickly."

When he came back, Naoko suddenly whispered, "Hey, it's strange. Are there people here? I saw the light just now. " Lifting his legs to go up, Miao Miao grabbed her. "I think this place is too evil. Let's go another way."

Naoko looked back, "Miao Miao, do you know how many ways there are to go? The temperature dropped so fast that we might freeze to death on the road before we got there. In a few hours, we can find a place to keep warm until dawn. "

The place was foggy and windy, and the three people were shivering with cold. Fang Qi pulled Miao Miao and whispered, "follow me, don't be afraid."

The steps were very high. After climbing dozens of floors, they came to the hall door. The hall door was open, and half of the door creaked by the wind. Zhizi kicked a broken worship pad to support the door. The three walked into the hall and illuminated it with a mobile phone flashlight for a circle. They found that the hall was different.

In general, there are main Buddhas in the main hall of the temple, and there are some small Buddha Arhats next to them. However, the middle of the main hall is empty. Countless blessing curtains fall down from the stacked wooden bucket arches, dancing and fluttering with the wind.

Miao Miao also turned on his mobile phone and flashed to one side. He screamed for fear of jumping behind Fang Qi. Zhizi was strange: "what's the matter?"

The flashlight in Fang Qi's hand shone on that side, and he saw a mummy with two heads and three eyes standing on the wooden frame over there. His withered yellow hair moved with the wind, especially the sharp fangs in those two mouths.

Naoko and Fang Qi were also startled: "it's frightening. What the hell is this?"

The mummy was about the same height as the monkey, but it had two connected faces. Even its head was flat, its dry fingers were thin and long, and its front nails were bent and stretched forward like chicken feet. Each hand had six fingers.

This may be a deformed man, who was made into a mummy and collected in this temple.

Miao Miao hid behind Fang Qi and muttered, "it's really called ghost see temple. All the things offered in it are things that are neither human nor ghost."

Naoko knew something about the ghost temple. "I heard that this temple is not dedicated to Buddha, but ghosts. But I've never been here. I didn't know it would be so terrible. "

Just then, a rattling sound suddenly came from the nearby wooden shelf. Fang Qi's flashlight shone on the place, but it was too far away. It was dark in the hall, and there was a shadow shaking more than a dozen steps away.