More than 7000 people died in the whole town. They all climbed up. Even if they put on their wings, they could not escape death. At this time, Fang Qi couldn't help but tease and force: "come on, let's sing an invisible wing together."

At the beginning, the dried corpses burned by the fire burned into a pile of dry ash behind the window. With the extinction of the fire, those dried corpses were ready to move and rushed up together. Naoko shouted, "set fire quickly!"

Fang Qi and Miao Miao woke up. They went back to pick up firewood and threw them out of the window. Several more mummies were lit. The burned mummies rolled everywhere. There were too many mummies to dodge. More than a dozen burned flames. The hillside was like a broken curtain on fire, and many mummies were burned by fire.

Miao Miao clapped his hands and said with a smile, "the great man said that a single spark can start a prairie fire and burn these stinky corpses!"

The courtyard is also in a mess. It seems that countless mummies have pinched each other. Naoko doesn't know what's going on. He picks up a firewood and throws it into the Zen hall. The flame outside has been extinguished, so he can't see what's going on in the courtyard.

But the firewood she threw lit the hanging blessing curtain in the Zen hall. The flame was burning, and several other blessing curtains fluttered with the wind. Two or three mummies fled from the Zen hall to the courtyard with flames.

This time, I saw clearly that the blood corpse with red blood was pinching with the dry corpse. The three looked at it inexplicably. Miao Miao said, "aren't they a group?" When he woke up, he patted the melon seeds on his small head, "I see. The Scripture said to respect the God and protect the temple. It turns out that they are the gods who protect the temple. Kuo is, this God is too ugly. It's no different from a dried corpse, but it's uglier."

Fang Qi also understood, "little Muggle, there is no difference between God and ghost. You haven't heard the saying that one reads into God and the other reads into devil? Like the policeman who caught the thief the most, he also worked as a thief specialist. "

"I see," Naoko thought, "since it is, we can be saved."

"But there are too many mummies, too few gods, and they can't beat them at all." Miao Miao pointed to the gods and mummies fighting each other in the courtyard. Sure enough, he saw more than a dozen mummies holding a blood corpse and tearing it. Even if the blood corpse was very powerful, it was torn apart by the mummies, and the blood and meat were eaten by the mummies.

"Recite the Sutra again!" Fang Qi hurriedly asked Miao Miao to continue chanting scriptures. The flame on the fire is getting smaller and smaller. If you don't add firewood, it will be extinguished soon. When he ran to the Zen hall outside, there was a thick bloody atmosphere in the Zen hall. The beams, columns and purlins on the roof also burned, and bricks and tiles fell straight down.

When Fang Qi pulled down a cabinet close to the wall, he saw a fallen large cylinder behind. The blood in it was all over the ground. There was still some blood at the bottom of the cylinder, which looked very strange under the jumping fire.

People say that God is the devil, and the devil is God. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. God became a devil because their souls became evil, and the devil became a God because their souls became noble at a certain time.

Fang Qi avoided the blood and wanted to push the cabinet away. Suddenly, he saw a floating blessing curtain sitting behind a red thing. He was scared and his liver jumped. Whether it's a God or a devil, it looks scary.

Pushing the cabinet to get into the bedroom earlier, unexpectedly, the hanging blessing curtain burned off from above and fell down, revealing the blood corpse sitting on the stone platform.

Seeing the look of the God, Fang Qi only felt his heart blocked in his throat. He was afraid that his heart would jump out when he opened his mouth.

The venerable God originally closed his eyes like an old monk meditating. At this time, he opened his eyes and looked at Fang Qi with a look. It seemed that he didn't take him seriously at all. That little look was absolute contempt.

Even if Fang Qi had all nightmares from childhood, he would not dream of such a terrible scene. The body of the blood corpse has been shriveled, so its head is particularly large, the skin and flesh are sunken, and only the green tendons under the skin protrude outward, making the whole body like a dried corpse full of cobwebs.

"Ermi tofu, dear old fairy, don't mess with me. We're just passing by people eating melons with soy sauce. These dried corpses want to eat us, which has nothing to do with us even half a dime." Fang Qi said in his heart that he didn't want to offend the big boss.

He leaned slightly and wanted to leave. Unexpectedly, the God stood up. If it was a corpse, its action could not be so fast. The joints of mummies have hardened, so those mummies are similar to robots in both movement and walking. But the dried corpse soaked in blood softened a lot, and I don't know what was put in the full cylinder of blood, making its body soft like normal people.

But the corpse is a corpse after all. Although it is more flexible than the dried corpse, it is still different from human beings after all.

Fang Qi was stunned and stood where he was and didn't dare to move. The God blood corpse slowly came to him step by step. The two sudden eyeballs seemed to bulge out of the frame as if there was no toad. Ten people would be scared to death when they saw this picture.

The blood corpse came to Fang Qi and stared at him. His hair was hairy and his sweat flowed down from his back spine like a stream.

The bloody corpse stood up for two or three meters, with a head higher than Fangqi. It was tall and its legs were surprisingly long, but no one would want to hold it. It was too scary. As if he didn't know him very well, the blood corpse came up to his face and slightly bared his teeth, revealing several sharp fangs.

People who have seen the snake belt understand that they are no longer human. Although they still look human, they have many variation characteristics. Snake belt people also have such sharp teeth, and this blood corpse God is very strong.

It turned out that Lao Cao, the keeper of Fangqi forest, had a shoe Bazi face, which was long enough, but compared with the God in front of him, it was a small Witch. The face of the bloody corpse was at least thirty or forty centimeters long, the head melon seeds were flat, it seemed to be polished by something, and the big bald ladle didn't have a hair. The whole face looks like a human face shield, and it is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The chin is more than ten centimeters wide.

If people grow up like this, they are not afraid to die of ugliness? I'm afraid if I look in the mirror, the mirror will burst. It's so ugly. They're all ugly. They're so ugly that donkeys have to hit the wall to commit suicide.

Fang Qi's skull was messy. When it came close to him, the smell emitted by his body could smoke him. He couldn't eat for a lifetime. It was not the smell of dead bodies or blood, but an unspeakable smell mixed with metals and chemicals.

“#¥#……%&!” The bloody corpse came up to him and muttered something. Anyway, Fang Qi didn't see it open his mouth and didn't know where to make a noise.

But after Fang Qi heard it, his mind immediately seemed like a tomato was blasted by a gun. In an instant, his mind was chaotic again and again.