Grandpa looked at him lovingly. "Come and sit with me. The monk you invited is really powerful. Alas, there are experts in the world. I have to admire them." Fang Qi knew that grandpa was old but not confused. He meant to find a step for himself.

Sure enough, my aunt asked, "Dad, there are still monks on the mountain?"

The third uncle also asked, "didn't you say that the temple was just built?"

Grandpa laughed and said, "these two monks were invited by Fang Qi. You can't figure out why the eighty-nine old monk would be so respectful to each other. I suggest you go and talk to others. I've been confused for most of my life. Listening to master zhizen's words is like being enlightened."

When the old man said so much about the old monk, they were all excited, "well, let's go up the mountain tomorrow."

Grandpa nodded and said, "you can talk to others, but you have to donate some incense money to worship the temple. You can't go empty handed."

The eldest aunt nodded again and again, "that's natural. We're not stingy."

My uncle and aunt also agreed: "if you can get the master's enlightenment, you will not give less."

Miao Miao pulls his uncle out of the kitchen. His uncle smiles and blossoms. "We Miao Miao will make people happy. I told Yan Yan to keep Miao Miao for us. She won't do anything."

The big aunt smiled and said, "this girl has been spoiled by heaven."

Uncle came and sat beside Fang Qi, patted him on the shoulder, "deflate," thought and smiled, "I misunderstood you. Have two more drinks in the evening."

Miao Dong brought the dishes, and his third aunt followed him in to bring the dishes. Grandpa looked at a table full of people and said with a smile: "darling, if they all come back, we have to open three tables."

My uncle took out the wine, poured all the glasses first, turned the rotating glass platen up, let everyone take the wine, salute grandpa and grandma, then toast alone and drink it in a few circles. Fang Qi was a little dizzy and couldn't sit still. Miao Miao stood by and said, "what's the matter?"

Fang Qi stood up and went into the kitchen to wash and dry the celery and chewed two. Miao Miao ran in: "don't drink if you're uncomfortable. My uncle thought you could drink." He came out and said, "I'm drunk. Uncle, don't pour him any more."

My uncle was also a little drunk: "Miao Miao, you haven't done that yet, so protect him?"

Miao Miao immediately choked: "uncle, if you don't say that about me, you will be punished three cups!"

Miao Dong only smiles and doesn't talk. If his uncle doesn't quarrel with his niece, he won't be comfortable at home.

Uncle sure enough picked up the wine glass and drank. When he wanted to pour the wine again, Fang Qi pressed the wine glass: "uncle, your blood pressure is high. You can't drink any more. I'll replace you with the bar." Take the glass and drink the remaining two.

My uncle really felt his heart jump, so he knew it was bad. He nodded Fangqi with his fingers, "you boy have seed..." the man fell to the floor at once. Fortunately, my aunt helped him nearby, but everyone was in a mess.

Fang Qi hurried to the kitchen. Miao Miao also came in and grabbed the celery: "how much do you want to wash?" Fang Qi also found a scallion and cut it into pieces. He cut the washed celery into sections and put it into the juicer to make a paste. Miao Miao handed the vegetable juice to his aunt. Fang Qi took out a silver needle and pricked several needles on his uncle's acupoints, indicating to his aunt to pour it down.

After more than ten minutes, my uncle finally calmed down, opened his eyes and smiled: "I'm really old."

Everyone had a false alarm. They helped uncle sit on the sofa and let him lean against him for a while. Uncle shook hands with Fang Qi: "you're really good. I'll take you if I don't accept medicine."

After a while, grandma filled him with half a bowl of rice: "have some rice and press the bar."

Miao Dong brought him a small bowl and served him with soup. "Brother, you can't refuse. Miao Miao, my heart was broken. The boy was stunned and asked for a price of $5 million, but he has real skills. " As she spoke, her eyes turned red. Her aunt held Miao Dong and patted him on the back. "OK, we all know that you are suffering. It's not blessed. Happiness is happiness."

Grandma waved her hand and said, "don't cry for me on our festive days. Whoever eats will have his own meal. Grandma, I won't serve."

Miao Miao came up to him, "grandma, you are waiting on you."

Yue's grandmother smiled and wept with Miao Miao in her arms. The third aunt hurriedly said, "Mom, look, you said you didn't cry, but you cried yourself. I'll feed you. "

Until after dinner, the three sisters in law cleaned up and washed. The little Luzi brothers and sisters who had not spoken made tea and sent it up, got into the room to play with the computer. Miaomiao pulled Fang Qi into the room: "look at you, make everyone like this."

Fang Qi cried and laughed, "I'm also to blame?"

"Blame you, blame you!" Miao Miao snuggled up to him and beat with his pink fist. "I ask you, do you see what's wrong with your uncle?"

Fang Qi thought for a while, but he didn't dare to say. Unexpectedly, Miao Miao suddenly buried his head in his arms and sobbed. Flustered, he hurriedly asked what was going on. After asking for a long time, Miao Miao said, "I don't dare to say."

Fang Qi was stunned for a long time. "You can see it, too?"

How do you think the tears are slipping down? "Miao Miao said."

My uncle loves Miao Miao the most. It's inevitable that she is so sad and afraid. Fang Qi thought: "just now grandpa said to let them find the old man on the mountain. The old man must be able to see that he must have a way to save."

Fang Qi thought that he had something to find the old monk, so he said, "let's go now, otherwise your uncle and they will be late tomorrow."

Miao Miao said, "OK, I'll find a flashlight and let's go up together."

They came out to say goodbye to them. They climbed up the mountain with a flashlight. The night was misty and a new wind blew. When they climbed to Shuyu Pavilion, snowflakes floated in the sky. The more they climbed up, the greater the wind and snow. The new wind swept through the mountains and made a sound like waves.

It was just two months before Mingzhao picked up the flashlight and went up to the dark temple, but Mingzhao felt that he had just climbed to the dark temple with his flashlight. Miao Miao also felt something wrong. "Is there something?"

Fang Qi shouted, "old bean, are you? Shit! Die! " However, when he shouted a few times, the sound was blown away by the wind in an instant. In the rest of his eyes, he saw a dark shadow on the moon platform. He still didn't see anything when he shone with a flashlight.

Fang Qi immediately felt a layer of goose bumps all over, and whispered to Miao Miao, "you go up first, I'll be in the back and see what the hell is!"

Miao Miao is much more sensitive than Qi. He knows that he is not as good as him. Walking slowly is a drag, so he said, "I'll call the old man out!" Rush up the steps.

Fang Qi closely followed him, but before he climbed the five steps, he felt a cold breath on his back, couldn't help stretching his legs, and the whole man jumped up and fell down.