Fang Qi quickly withdrew his hand: "what's the matter?" Looking back, the workers did not dare to come in, but stood far away in the front hall. They said that all the three people who cleaned up here had been sent to the hospital, with crooked mouth and eyes as if they were evil, and that there was a strange sound in the well.

He didn't go to the hospital and didn't know what the situation was, but there should be no big problem with old beans. Let's see first. No, call someone again.

Luo Hansong almost covered the whole wellhead. If it were not for the workers to clean up, I didn't know there would be another well here. Digging wells at the top of the mountain is not uncommon. There are more than a dozen wells large and small on Lingyun peak. But the well was obviously abandoned. The broken bricks, rubble and large stone slabs covered on it were cleaned up, exposing the faint wellhead inside.

Fang Qi stood beside luohansong and Miao Miao stared at him strangely. "Don't you think this tree is strange?"

When the foreman led him to the construction site, he said that it was a thousand year old temple site, which was strange and not strange. After all, he traveled all over the country to repair many historic sites. He was well-informed and didn't wonder. He said that these trees are all miraculous trees taught by the Buddha.

Then he said, "people's monks have said that this is a Luohan shape enlightened by the Buddha. What's so strange."

Miao Miao stared at him, "don't talk nonsense! I'm serious. Tree tumors do not grow for no reason. There are usually two reasons, one is trauma and the other is bacteria. Look, this tree tumor should have grown in nearly a hundred years. The temple has been dilapidated for a hundred years. It can only be one reason, that is bacteria. "

Fang Qi was startled and stepped back several steps. He almost tripped over the broken brick under his feet. At his feet was the big old slab covering the wellhead. The slab was about ten centimeters thick, about three or four flat. One side was not flat, like a bottle cover with a raised lid, with black green moss on it.

He walked two steps to the well and listened carefully. There was a sound like nothing in the well. It seemed that someone had a toothache and sat at the bottom of the well and hummed, more like the groan of a sick person. Miao Miao came to listen for a while, picked up a small stone and threw it in. It took a while to hear the sound of "fluttering" falling into the water. The voice stopped suddenly and hummed again after a meeting. This time, it sounded more like the voice of countless Arhats chanting scriptures. It was buzzing from the secluded well. The momentum was frightening.

Fang Qi hurriedly pulled Miao Miao back a few steps, "do you think the bottom of the well will be a place to hide treasures?"

Miao Miao sneered: "you're crazy to get rich. Unfortunately, it's so dilapidated here. Otherwise, you may find some clues by looking for stone tablets." Kick the huge well cover stone at your feet, "open it and have a look," palm the body to greet the busy workers, "come here and help move it down."

After pushing and shoving for a while, six or seven people came and overturned the big stone slab with a iron crowbar, but no one was willing to touch the stone with their hands. The foreman knew that Fang Qi was the main investor and left two workers to call on others to go back to work.

The two workers dared not stay here and slipped back to the front hall to smoke and watch.

Fang Qi scraped the thick moss on the stone slab with a crowbar. The moss was as strong as an oilcloth. It took a long time to tear it off and scrape off the residual mud. Sure enough, he saw that there were small Chinese characters on it.

Miao Miao shouted again, "two big brothers, find brooms and water!"

Fang Qi found a tile, squatted down and slowly scraped away the mud, revealing a few words: "Ji ChunZi congle in the seventh year of emperor Xianzong of the Yuan Dynasty", "stone slab built in the Yuan Dynasty? Sleeping trough, that's long enough. Do you know who Zicong is? "

Miao Miao took out his mobile phone and said, "you can go online and Baidu." She was playing with her mobile phone. The worker took a bucket of water and a broom to wash the slate. This time, she finally saw the words on it.

"The three evils and five interests of the Saha and the evil demon immersion..." Fang Qi read it down at one breath and suddenly felt that there was a wonderful feeling in the Three Acupoints of shenting, Shangxing and Baihui. The beauty was unspeakable. He wondered: this inscription is also strange. How can he go through the three acupoints with Qi as soon as he reads it?

Miao Miao came over and read the inscription: "I see. This is a town stone. There should be a town tower on the stone. The tower is called the three contempt three Bodhi pagoda. The tower is destroyed, so evil Qi will surge up. There must be something strange underground. "

The two workers looked at each other. They heard that there was something strange underground and the color on their faces changed even more. "Let's go out first." He slipped away with a bucket and a broom.

"Who is the man named Zicong? Have you found it?" Fang Qi didn't care. After all, it's human nature for ordinary people to be afraid of provoking disasters.

Miao Miao shook his head. "No, it's probably a virtuous monk."

Fang Qi took out the phone and called the old monk and Lao Douzi, asking them to come to lingyunding construction site immediately. It didn't take long for Zhao Sangang to bring people first, along with three or four monks from the provincial Buddhist Association.

The ancient well was dug in the morning. It happened that the provincial Buddhist Association sent these monks to supervise the work. They were afraid that the construction unit would damage any cultural relics. They heard that an ancient well was dug out and immediately followed Zhao Sangang up the mountain.

The four monks, two old and two young, are from Yuntai temple and Zhengguang temple, which are also the largest temples in the province. The monks watched the stone tablet of gaijing and chanted Amitabha together. Old monk huijue said that Zicong's common name was Liu Bingzhong and he was Kublai Khan's Taibao. It is recorded in Yuntai temple that Liu Bingzhong first joined Quanzhen religion in his early years, then became a monk in Tianning Temple in Xingtai, and then traveled everywhere and stayed in Yunzhong Nantang temple for several years. Yunzhong is now Datong. It's normal to come to Lingyun temple after staying in Yuntai temple.

Another old monk twirled his white beard and said, "it seems that there are evil things in the ground. The holy monk only took the stone as a memory. No one is allowed to open it. But the three contempt three Bodhi pagodas are gone. We have to discuss this matter carefully. Do we want to do a Dharma thing and set up another pagoda? "

Hui Jue twirled the rosary, "I heard that someone has been evil. I'm afraid it's too late to cover it now."

Footsteps came from the front hall, and everyone turned to see that it was the old monk Zhichan and Lao Douzi Kongming. Several people met before, greeted each other, and then studied the inscription.

Zhichan disagreed and stopped sealing the well. Evil Qi has come out. It's no use sealing it again. It's better to go down to the well to find out what evil things are doing below.

The void old monk was not comfortable on his face: "since evil things are there, isn't it offending evil spirits to provoke them? As I said, seal it first and do a Dharma thing when the eminent monks of the seven temples come. " He is the right person of the association. Huijue is just a deputy. The old monk Zhichan is nothing. He clapped his hands and said that it is useless to seal the well against others.

Zhao Sangang called several workers to move the large stone slab with an iron crowbar and slowly cover the wellhead. Several monks chanted scriptures and made simple rituals. The large stone slab was heavily covered on the wellhead. Everyone was relieved.

Just as the workers were about to leave, their feet suddenly shook. One worker couldn't stand and fell on the Luohan pine. There was a strong air flow through the stone crack at the wellhead, and the people were shocked and hurried back.

"Buzz" the town stone was blown seven or eight meters high and hit down heavily.