When he punched again, Fang Qi jumped aside to get out of the way and scolded: "you're a beast. I saved you. If you don't thank me, I'll kill me. Your parents didn't teach you how to repay your kindness?"

He was stunned and stopped: "Mom and dad? Where are my parents? "

Fang Qi sneered, "how do I know where your parents are? But our well water doesn't invade the river. Now that I've let you out, go back to your home and find your mother. "

He shook his head, "no, although you save me, you want to help me find my parents, or you'll eat my fists and feet!"

Fang Qi looked at his face and knew that what the black guy said was not a lie. Although his skull was a little hard to use and liked to drill corners, he might not be able to beat him if he really fought. Besides, Pang is a dragon. Talking to this rich and handsome man will be awesome in the future.

In other words, it's normal for people to be a little angry just because Liu Bingzhong trapped this evil god underground for so many years. The dragon eats the unicorn. It's the fairy's business. You bald donkey, who cares who eats who? Now the arhat urn well has been broken. It's sooner or later to go out. If it's not to appease him, Ya will run outside and make trouble, but ordinary people will suffer.

Thinking of this, he said, "it's easy to say. I'll take you to your parents, but we have to make three rules."

"You said!" The sound of the urn is like the air passage of the urn.

"First, you have to listen to me. You can't kill people arbitrarily; Second, I will teach you to abide by the rules of the world and do what you eat and do; Third, er, you have to do whatever I ask you to do; Fourth, er, I have to give you an examination; Fifth point... Ho ho, my guest, I haven't finished yet. "

He listened impatiently and shouted in a thick voice, "there's so much bullshit. Just one word, let me listen to you!"

Fang Qi was happy. "I thought you could only drag farts. What are you doing! You'll find that you're more and more comfortable. Don't be so angry. Who owes you? Who do you want to settle! "

He used to be unreasonable, but now he can't win him even with the black faced guy. Besides, now he wants others to help him find his enemy to settle accounts, so he tries to hold back his anger, "I listen to you. Let's go."

Fang Qi hurriedly said to him, "as soon as you go out like this, the police will certainly treat you as a prisoner. Can you look better?"

"Police - what is it?"

Fang Qi thought that he had to explain a lot of things to him so as not to go out and cause trouble. "The police are the constables. If you don't obey, throw an iron chain and drag it away."

"He dares!" He stared, "I can't choke him!"

"Well, now it's a civilized society. Of course, the police won't throw chains around you, but they have handcuffs. You can't be so bad tempered. As I said just now, grievances have heads and debts have owners. You can go to him who offends you, but you can't hurt the innocent. Oh, by the way, you have to have a name. I'll explain to others later. Otherwise, the police will certainly trouble you. Well, I said you were a monk practicing underground. You forgot your name. You only know the law name. The law name is Beibei? Uh, no, there's no law to call a dog's name. Uh huh, how about a meditation monk? "

"What kind of quiet and disturbing is not good! I don't care about monks and bald donkeys! " She's making a fool of herself again.

"Well," Fang Qi lowered his face, "the name is taken casually. I don't want to make trouble for you. Is it important for you to find enemies and parents, or to choose a name casually?"

"Of course, it's important to find enemies and parents."

"That's good. You have to find out which is more important. The name is taken casually. Parents can't find it casually."

"Well, listen to you."

"Don't talk outside. Just be dumb. I'll cover you up. I won't call you Qingxin. I'll call you Beibei, OK? "

"Whoa, whoa -- what's open?"

"Ah, this is Sanskrit. Sanskrit is chanting. You're not afraid of the arhat Sutra. I'll chant. If you don't believe it, I'll try it for you?" Pretend to spell.

"Don't read! I see. You call me Beibei, all right. "

"OK, I learn very fast." Fang Qi is very happy. This big fool is quite simple. It's necessary to teach him.

"Come with me." He took pang to Qilin temple again and pointed to Shi Qilin who fell to the ground. "You take Shi Qilin up and eat people's meat. At least do something good. Otherwise, people will come down later and think you are a grave robber. "

Pang picked up Shi Qilin and put it back. When he came out, he put the stone man and horse back to the original place. After settling down, he went down together. When he passed the stone tablet, Pang pointed to the stone tablet and said, "what's written on it is all lies. I was cheated by the smelly monk. That's not the case at all."

"Oh, tell me what's going on." Fang Qi doesn't care about going out. History is a little girl dressed up. You should have the right to write as you want, which is beyond the control of others.

Go up along the original road and explain how he cheated monk Zicong into Lingyun.

It turned out that Liu Bingzhong was Kublai Khan's adviser when mengge Khan didn't die. Kublai Khan is the second son of mengge Khan. He has a big brother above and a brother below. At that time, Tiemuzhen unified Eurasia, but failed to win the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, the political center was not in the Central Plains, but in Inner Mongolia. The eldest brother occupied the South Camp and the younger brother occupied the North Camp. Mengge Khan took his second son Kublai Khan to chahaltai, the camp of the Chinese army. In order to attack the Southern Song Dynasty, they spent a lot of effort. Only because of the long distance, there was no supply of military grain and grass.

Kublai Khan had long made the strategy of chasing after the Central Plains, so he asked monk Zicong to find a place to set his capital. Zicong traveled around the country and was attracted at the foot of Yanshan mountain. There used to be a Jizhou city, which was originally a city in the kingdom of Jin. Unfortunately, Feng Shui is not good and it is too close to the East China Sea. And the sea demons and ghosts come ashore from time to time.

At the foot of Yanshan mountain, there is a large water pool, leaning back against Cangshan Mountain and facing the water pool. There are mountains and water, and there is a faint image of Longxing. However, when you look carefully, this water pool is quite dangerous. It turns out that the water pool connects the East China Sea. The Dragon King and dragon sons and grandchildren of the East China Sea run here from time to time to play. If it can be reformed, it will ensure that the Great Khan will unify the Central Plains and revive another Dynasty.

He built a city here. Of course the Dragon King didn't do it. Zicong fooled the Dragon King and said: if he could help him build the city, he would build dozens of water wells in the city. Each well would be connected to the East China Sea, allowing the Dragon King to come and go freely. Moreover, it will build a temple for the Dragon King to show that the Dragon King is for the benefit of the people.

Although the Dragon King was reluctant, they fought. The Dragon King couldn't fight Zicong. He lost all three fights, so he agreed.

Fang Qixin said that like father, like son. It turns out that the big black rake is also a fool.