Fang Qi's heart pounded and looked at the man sitting in the back from the rearview mirror. "How long have you known?"

"I knew it from the beginning. Don't think I don't know if you don't say it. I can't feel his existence. He must know the passage of that space. If he is found, he can enter the second world. "

Ho, this guy is not stupid at all. Be careful. Besides, he belongs to the dragon family. It's nothing to see through his tricks. Thinking of this, he said with a smile, "it's a one-sided relationship. When Miao Miao and I went to practice martial arts in the cave, he came out to save us. Later, he didn't know where to go."

He didn't say a word. He only wore a big sunglasses and leaned back like a silent stone carving. Fang Qi thought to himself that he had the power to fight with him. He wasn't very afraid of him. He casually turned the topic aside and teased him to talk: "Beibei, there are enough goblins in the world now. Do you know why?"

"The monk has told you that there will be more and more disasters in five hundred years, one big disaster, one Jiazi and one small disaster, otherwise there will be no people like you."

Fang Qi was surprised and thought he knew his identity as a dark night man. If he knew this identity, he would naturally think of the inheritance. There has never been a pie in the sky, and this special identity will not fall on him for no reason. As long as you study deeply, you must pull out the radish and put mud on it to involve old Yiyun.

"At any time, talents and powers won't let you play. There must be something very important. Do you know why you have the current medical skills? "

When he talked about medical skills, Fang Qi was secretly relieved. "Naturally, it's for me to cure the disease and save people."

"You just don't think there will be trouble later."

Fang Qi thought that since he had this special talent, trouble really came to him one by one. He couldn't hide if he wanted to. He is still in the dark and doesn't know what these troubles mean.

At 7:10, he finally drove back to Heilongtan village. Shi Beibei's children's shoes naturally went to his old nest, cliff temple. Fang Qi went directly to the operating room. Several doctors who started were ready. As soon as he went in, he put on his surgical clothes, listened to Dr. yuan's report and observed the life support system.

The number on the instrument did not change much, but still fluctuated between seven and twelve. The old man's brain was not infected, otherwise the man would be completely useless. The trachea, blood vessels and other objects implanted last time still have no change. Originally, people are an organic whole without other systems, and the body function is almost stagnant.

Someone took the heart. Fang Qi took off the broken heart, carefully replaced the heart, connected the blood vessels, and implanted the nerve tissue and tendons with a manipulator. The heart is equivalent to a person's second brain. The ancients knew for a long time that the muscles and nerves connecting the brain and heart are thinner than hair and must be connected one by one.

It took only 11 hours to sew the heart. After a short rest and eating, it took another nine and a half hours to put two complete lung lobes into the chest. Until the next evening, he supplied plasma and beat his heart with electric shock. Fang Qicai came down from the operating table.

The instrument has the heart pulse number and breathing number, which is unbalanced at the beginning, and there is a pause from time to time. However, this instrument is quite advanced and fully monitors the patient's condition. If it stops, it will automatically give an electric shock, and the ventilator will also automatically suck.

When he came out of the operating room, several brothers of the Kan family came together to greet him. Although Fang Qi was tired, he was still very happy: "the operation is good. Let's see if there is rejection in two days."

When I went home and fell into bed, I wanted to sleep. My mother saw that Fang Qi was so tired and complained: "look at you, can you be so alone in such a big hospital? Don't let others work? "

Fang Qi waved his hand wearily, "I'll sleep first and then eat." It's really tiring to sleep with your head covered. It's two o'clock in the middle of the night when you wake up, but you just don't want to get up in bed. You get out of bed to find food when you feel a little hungry. After rowing a bowl of rice, Fang Qi couldn't sleep. He looked at the fog outside through the glass door.

Back to his bedroom, he wanted to sleep but couldn't sleep again. He ran a few kilometers to the gym on the second floor and walked all his boxing skills. He sat on the floor and realized the Sutra. When he came down to take a bath and turned on the computer, he found that Liu Puyu scolded again: smelly stones and rotten stones. Fang Qixin said that he had to do his homework and never stopped. Why did he get scolded again?

After reading her message, I knew that I always ignored her. Should I be scolded. Fang Qi's alien notebook runs around with him and does his homework whenever he is free. Otherwise, Liu Puyu would have called and flew away. It's strange not to scold him.

Leave her a message and explain, "dear, I have had an operation for more than 20 hours. I climbed over to greet you. How are you?"

There are also several QQ beats, which are sent by CHEN Ye and his close friends in the upper and lower bunks. Fang Qi answered the information one by one, crossed off QQ, opened the web page, searched the world's difficult and miscellaneous diseases and dense corpse spots, and really found several cases, most of which occurred abroad. Look, the symptom is very similar to the picture shown to him by the old police officer. It's very scary. Especially in the middle of the night, I was cold from bottom to top.

What's more strange is that strange celestial phenomena appear all over the world. For example, someone photographed an inexplicable scream in Kiev. The sound lasted for about half an hour. No one can explain what came out. Others photographed the sky as a spiral rose, like the pigment thrown away by a centrifuge. The picture is very strange.

After watching it for a while, I felt that the world was becoming more and more restless, and I didn't see anything. Turn off the computer and go to bed to make up for his sleep. It was a good sleep until his mother called him to eat at noon.

My mother said that the land was requisitioned in the West. Zhao Sangang asked his father to measure the land. His family still has more than two mu of land. According to the existing compensation expenses, he can get a lot of money. While eating, Fang Qi heard firecrackers set off in the street. Fang Qi asked his mother who was going to get married again. His mother smiled: "the school is not open. Old teachers continue to report for duty. The new principal is really. If you come to a teacher, you have to set off a firecracker."

Fang Qi thought for a long time and didn't remember who the headmaster was, but since the hospital was set up, there have been more outsiders in the village day by day. Now that the school is running, many repeat students from other places come to borrow. In addition, all provinces, cities and counties come to study and visit, which is really overcrowded.

Niang said and brought him vegetables. Fang Qi suddenly thought of something, "Niang, I may go out after a while. The case of director Miao is not over yet. The police suspect me. I must finish it."

Before he finished, the mobile phone rang again. It turned out that another patient with a strange disease came to the hospital. Fang Qi hurriedly finished the meal: "Mom, don't wait for me at night. I don't know how late you can come back."