"Will your parents die if you run out like this?" Fang Qi now thinks that after 90, compared with the madness of zero, it's a fart. When people's brain is hot, they ride alone for thousands of miles to see how powerful they are.

When he said this, the child was also silly. He snorted for a while and said contemptuously, "my father loves me most. He won't hit me. My mother... Scold me at most."

"Do you have a cell phone?"

"Sold for air tickets... I haven't eaten yet. I'm hungry. You said you wanted to invite me to eat."

Fang Qi took his clothes and rolled up the broken sword. "Let's go and take you to eat."

Miaomiao walked shoulder to shoulder with Xiaopan you, chatting warmly. Fang Qi thought that she was probably setting up her parents' phone or something. At least give her parents peace, otherwise the child would suddenly disappear. What's the matter.

When they arrived at the hamburger shop in the street, they ordered some hamburgers and chicken legs. The three people sat on their seats and waited. Miao Miao told Fang Qi that her name was Tang Lele, asked her parents' number, and took out her mobile phone: "Lele, call your parents and say you are with Fang Qi and Miao Miao, so they don't worry."

Lele dialed the phone. As soon as he said a word, he quickly put the phone away and spit out his tongue mischievously, "Dad, don't be angry. I had a fight with the Dharma protector. He was not very good. I almost spit blood. Hehe. I'm with Fang Qi and sister Miao Miao now. They asked me to call you and say, "well, OK, I'm the best, not naughty, rice rabbit, over ~"

The child also said that he was not naughty. If he was naughty again, he would break the sky. He was really a troublemaker.

Lele's mobile phone: "my father wants to talk to you."

Fang Qi took the cell phone and heard a southerner's accent inside: "Dharma protector, is Lele causing you trouble? I'll pick her up right away. Please take care of her."

"It's all right. The child is... Cute." Hung up the machine and rolled her eyes. "Your father is coming. I have to reason with him. You beat me and vomited blood."

"No, you can't rely on me. I'm bragging in front of my father."

When the clerk ordered a meal, Miao Miao asked her, "how do you know about us?"

"You two are in Donglin temple. My father is also a Shaolin disciple. He took me. Jiade hall is a foothold of Shaolin Temple. I wonder if you two are not old enough to be Dharma protectors. I want to find a chance to practice with you. I don't know you'll leave the next day. "

"Are you satisfied now?" Fang Qi was depressed. It was the first time he was beaten by a small pot of oil. It was a shame. If there is still love for the family's unique knowledge, it's the daughter of the Shaolin temple hall leader. It's not good to hear about it.

"You think I'm stupid. You didn't use one finger zen, Kirin step, or Baduanjin. It's said that these three are the secret stories of Shaolin. And your Kung Fu wife is embarrassed. How did you practice it? You big man twisted the snake's waist. Are you ashamed? "

Er, Miaomiao is really going to spit blood. Miaomiao smiles with her mouth covered.

"Did your father tell you these things? I really don't use one finger zen and Kirin step, but I haven't heard of Baduanjin. "

"Stupid, Shaolin disciples haven't even heard of baduan brocade? Listen to my father. People who can use Baduanjin will fight you. If you can't do eight moves, you can break your body inch by inch and die without a whole body. Are you afraid? "

Fang Qi suddenly understood that what she said about the so-called "Baduanjin" used internal force and true force. Otherwise, how can people's body break inch by inch by beating alone? He scolded zhizen's bald donkey in his heart. Sure enough, the tiger worshipped the cat as his teacher. The old man must ask him tomorrow.

In Lele's mind, Dharma protector is probably very good at fighting, or how to call it Dharma protector. However, the old man Zhichan said that he was blessed by the Buddha because he escorted the Buddha's finger relic. He was surrounded by the Buddha's light, so he was called Dharma protector. The understanding with others is that farting in the crotch is divided into two branches.

It's good now. Even Lele wants to fight with him. Which one is it. But this matter can't be explained clearly to Lele, and it can't be explained to others.

Lele has hamburgers and chicken legs, and drinks coke with his mouth pursed. He eats delicious food. He doesn't take fighting seriously at all. If it weren't for the fight today, would the child be reduced and waiting to become a beggar? But when I think about her Kung Fu, she won't end up so miserable if she does anything at will.

But who knows what the child thinks in his skull? He can't touch her track. He's really a bear child.

After eating, she takes Lele home. Her mother finds out Fang Mei's clothes and changes them for Lele. Miao Miao sleeps in Fang Mei's room with Lele at night. Fang Qi seldom had a separate time. He took the opportunity to review his lessons and made a few more online papers.

It's already more than 12 o'clock when he's finished. He's tired of vomiting blood. It's really more difficult to use his brain than his physical strength. Physical strength is like a spring. If he runs out today, he can recover tomorrow. But if he uses his brain too much, he will damage brain cells, and the fallen brain cells will turn into dandruff pieces and flowers until they become bald ladles and heads.

With Lele, a sticky worm, Miao Miao can't go with Fang Qi. He walks around with a small light bulb and a small tail. Anyway, it's fun in the mountains and there are delicious food on the street. Lele is happy and has a good time.

Two days later, the old man who stole the tomb finally showed signs of reflection. First, the brain wave instrument drew a green line, and then began to rise and fall slowly. When Fang Qi received the news, he immediately ran into the closed treatment room for inspection. Sure enough, the reading of the life monitor began to rise to 23 points. If it exceeded 20, people might wake up.

The wave line on the brain wave instrument climbed very slowly, but it was a little up and down, and the amplitude was getting larger and larger. In the afternoon, finally came the news: the old man woke up.

Fang Qi ran over again. The two doctors were also excited. They had never seen such a patient. It was a miracle that brain death could revive in a few days.

Fang Qi came to the old man and began to "talk" with the old man with a special instrument. The image in the old man's brain can be displayed on the monitor. Although it is dark and blurred, it needs electric frequency correction and brightening to see clearly.

However, the situation in the tomb is still terrible. The old man should have deviated from his position before he went astray. The passage is a fake underground palace. After the coffin is opened, several tentacles jump out of the liquid in the coffin to entangle the old man. One tentacle reaches into the old man's mouth. The old man is also an old tomb robber. Although his life and death are at stake, he is not disorderly in the face of danger, The knife in his hand cut off his tentacle.

He wanted to escape, but he didn't expect that there was a turnover plate under his feet. He fell directly into the real underground palace, smashed the coffin plate, stretched out a dark green claw from the coffin and grabbed it with his hand, and half of the old man's face disappeared.