The Japanese management company and the scenic spot company are not together, but rented another four storey building in the old street. The small building is a duplex antique building, which is very large. There are about 20 people, men and women, all working.

Oshima asked Fang Qi and Miao Miao to sit down in their office on the fourth floor. "Mr. Fang, since Miss Yada entrusted us to manage the scenic spot, we should do our best, but now things have not been satisfactory."

"What's going on? Does Zhao Sangang not delegate power? " Fang Qi thinks it's not right. He is the largest shareholder and naturally enjoys his due rights. He is a fart shareholder who can't say anything.

"No, Mr. Zhao handed over his rights to us, but when we negotiated with several other villages, each said his own reason, and it was difficult to do things."

"Oh, what do you mean?"

The big island unfolded the topographic map, pointed to a mountain in the middle and said, "this scenic spot is just between the two villages, and they have jurisdiction. We plan to build a hotel here to facilitate tourists' accommodation. Both villages want to build the hotel on their territory and quarrel at the consultation meeting. And your mayor has always wanted us to build a hotel in the town, but we don't have this plan yet. You are a powerful person who can manage everything and do not respect the market orientation. We are very embarrassed. "

Fang Qi was embarrassed. What Oshima said was indeed the truth. Some leaders only looked at whether face looked good or not regardless of benefits. They also pointed out to foreign capital. They had to respond to Shen Guodong.

"Mr. Oshima, since Meizhi asked you to manage the company, you can't worry about doing what you should do. If Zhao Gang has two principles for the convenience of tourists, you can continue to talk about the three scenic villages. Well, I'll take you to see Zhao Sangang. It has to be agreed so as not to leave future trouble. "

Several people came to the office building of the village committee to find Zhao Sangang. He also had a headache for the two villages. He went to work when they were open at the meeting. The two villages have been holding on to each other. Fang Qi proposed: "if we can't reach a consensus, respond to the mayor and withdraw the two village chiefs and replace them!"

Zhao Sangang naturally has no such right. As for the mayor who wants the Japanese company to build a hotel in the town, Zhao Sangang responds to the county magistrate and is not allowed to meddle in the company's affairs. Zhao Sangang said that mayor Ding, who manages their village, went to study in the city. Now the deputy mayor is in charge.

Fang Qi said, "no matter which Mayor he is, you just respond to county magistrate Shen. If we start this way, we can't do anything. "

Of course, it's up to Zhao Sangang. After all, he has authority. After finishing this, Zhao Sangang wants to take the Japanese personnel to a coordination meeting. Fang Qi and Miao Miao go back to the hospital to inspect the ward.

When he inspected the old tomb robber's ward, the little doctor on duty here fell asleep on the table. Fang Qi pushed him and the little doctor on duty slipped to the ground. He immediately knew that something was wrong. He touched his pulse and was still beating. When he looked at the ward, the bed was empty.

He immediately pressed the alarm device, and the security captain and security guard who came were silly, "what's going on?"

Fang Qi hurriedly asked them to see if the patient's family was still there. The captain asked if he owed medical expenses. Fang Qi remembered that the patient's family had beaten more than one million, and there should be more. He turned around and gave the little doctor a few needles to wake him up. The little doctor looked at so many people around him and said, "what's the matter?"

Someone said that the patient had run away. He panicked and looked at the monitor. Sure enough, the patient was not there and forced to cry: "president Fang, I don't know what's going on."

Fang Qi frowned: "go and check the surveillance video." I entered the closed ward and checked the lower brain wave video instrument. Fortunately, the data are still there. There is no damage to any equipment. Copy all the data to the company's cloud disk for easy viewing.

He went out to the conference room to convene a meeting, and all the materials were sent. In fact, the patient only spent 780000, and there were still more than 600000 left. He got the old man out and ran away. There are still omissions in management. All the persons in charge have rolled it out. The security captain is the worst, and three months' salary will be deducted. The little doctor was charmed by his hands and feet and was not responsible.

Back to his room, Miao Miao asked him what was going on. Fang Qi said, "the old man who stole the tomb ran away, and there are still half of the hundreds of thousands of yuan left. Do you still say I'm nervous?" Turn on the computer, "look at the brain wave video and see if you can find any clues."

Miao Miao was stunned. "Wow, the rich are different. Hundreds of thousands of people don't want it."

Fang Qi said, "watch the video and I'll make you a cup of coffee." When I opened the cabinet, something fell out of it. It was a small round paper bucket with a thick and thin pen. When I picked it up, I remembered that it was a piece of paper I had written down. The words "top beam God" were clearly written on the paper. It seems that at that time I couldn't figure out why there was a small snake in people's skull, and it had nothing to do with the old man's brain tissue.

He made a cup of coffee and handed it to Miao Miao. He came to the window with his coffee. The old man's three sons took the old man away and didn't want to disturb the hospital. There must be a reason to run. This thing will be more important than money, otherwise they won't take the old man away in the morning.

The old man had a craniotomy for only a few days. Fang Qi estimated that it would take at least half a month to recover, and it would take about a year to grow completely. These tomb robbers really don't want to die. What is so urgent that they are in such a hurry? Or did Fang Qi discover their secret, or did they know someone had gone to Hulushan?

Yes, they must have sent someone to Hulushan and found that someone had entered the tomb first. That's why they hurried to get the old man out. I'm afraid they can't get the zombie without the old man.

Miao Miao suddenly shouted, "deflate, come and have a look. What is this?"

Fang Qi looked over and saw that the screen was fixed on a strange face. As the mouse clicked to zoom in and out, he felt that this thing was not much like a face, but more like a mask. However, this mask was very scary and should be a ghost face.

Play again. The picture shakes and shakes badly. At a glance, you can see that the old tomb robber is standing on something with ups and downs. It is dark all over. Occasionally, you can see a green and glittering fire in the distance. Through the fire, you can see a ghost face around from time to time.

A stick flashed on his face, and Fang Qi suddenly understood: "I know, he's boating—— But what is he boating? Why are there so many evil spirits in here? "

This is to see this area from the perspective of the old tomb robber, with a sense of immersive trembling. Not to mention Miao Miao, even Fang Qi felt cold all over.