Song Weijun lingered in Dingzhou for several days and went back to Ansai with three attendants.

After spending a month with general Mo Wu, I thought he was a wise man. I also knew that the Southern Song Dynasty sent three armies to Huai and Hebei, each of which had more than 30000 people. It was a reckless military action. I don't know if those officials have their heads on their hips. They think that if the kingdom of Jin is gone, they can drive straight into the hinterland of the Central Plains.

When it comes to these things, general Mo Wu always shakes his head and sighs, and has heard about the affairs in the court. It is the so-called situation of "the king is no longer the king, and the minister will not be the minister". There are no loyal and good people in the court. Emperor LiZong only listens and believes. If this goes on, "the country will be defeated".

This month, the yuan army never bothered again. Thousands of people gathered in the city. General Mo Wu asked these people to reclaim the barren farmland outside the city, plant crops, and send soldiers to guard the odd tens of miles around. War requires food and grass. The people are poor, and no one grows crops. Now it's a little popular.

General Mo Wu also knows the story of gathering troops to garrison the fields in the Han and Tang Dynasties. He plans to leave the old, weak and disabled soldiers to grow grain with the people like them, and the remaining elite soldiers to practice and kill the enemy.

Standing on the top of the city and looking into the distance, Fang Qi said, "bo'ertai no longer sends troops. It's not that he doesn't dare to come out, but that he is waiting for reinforcements. 30000 people are still too few in Jizhou. If the guess is right, they will certainly have several camps hundreds of miles away for the Jizhou defense line. It's better to take advantage of their timidity and take the initiative to kill them by surprise. "

Mo Wu said with a smile, "the counselor has long put forward it. Unfortunately, we are not enough now. Since we want to fight, we must win the war. I took 30000 people for a discount of nine out of ten, and my courage became smaller. I didn't dare to take any more risks. "

Miao Miao also said, "when they gather people, you can't keep the city. You're timid. They've killed two thousand people. I'm afraid they're more afraid than you. "

General Mo Wu said yes and made up his mind: "OK, let me go down and deploy." Take a group of attendants down town.

Miao Miao said, "you shouldn't have bad ideas again."

Fang Qi bared his teeth: "in fact, I also know that once bo'ertian dies, Kublai Khan will certainly move north. Now mengge Khan is probably not dead. War is like guessing riddles. It's fun if you guess right. It's boring if you always guess wrong. We already know the history and results, so it's not fun. I can't guess Liu Bingzhong. I want him to help Kublai Khan, so future generations don't catch a cold with him. "

Miao Miao came and held his hand: "Oh, don't be so fussy. What do you want. When we find Yang lianzhenjia and take his soul, even if we break through the pass before, we still don't know how to cross back. I miss grandma and grandpa. "

Yes, although it has crossed over, how can it be reversed? If they can't wear it back, don't they want to live for decades under the rule of Yuan tartar?

When he went down to the city and returned to the military house, general Mo Wu said that there were only a thousand elite soldiers who could be mobilized. He was wondering whether he could send them out. The last time they killed 1800 cavalry, they lost nearly a thousand people. This time they are going to attack the camp of the yuan army. At least there are thousands of people, which is a great risk.

Instead of persuading him to sneak attack, Fang Qi proposed to go to Shennong mountain to see his master and see if the old Taoist priest was still there. Maybe Liu Bingzhong is tossing about in Lingyun temple at this time. Maybe he can meet him.

General Mo Wu was worried as soon as he heard it. "Don't introduce it. As soon as you leave, I have no bottom in my heart. I'll start today. I must beat the yuan Tartars!" For fear that they might run away, he immediately called into the Herald: "give me a big order, mobilize a thousand elite soldiers, and bring the siege guns and even the crossbows!"

He is not unprepared. The siege gun doesn't know what it is. Fang Qi and Miao Miao know that gunpowder in this era has not been able to give full play to its power. It's impossible to expect how to defeat the yuan army in an all-round way now. It's good to win a small victory in a local battlefield.

General Mo Wu said that Fang Qi and Miao Miao were really bad. They insisted on leaving. After lunch, the team gathered outside drove north. They also went to see the lower siege gun. It was made of wood, similar to the crossbow, but much larger than the crossbow. The thing fired was the wood for ignition. The wood was hollowed out and filled with gunpowder and stones.

I don't know which craftsman made it. It's really much stronger than ordinary weapons. At least it's more lethal. Especially stealing camps and robbing strongholds, it must be powerful against cavalry.

The horse detection signal must be spread first. These people are also selected people who are used to fighting, but they are not alone, but in groups of three or five. Yuan soldiers have tough armor and fast horses. I'm afraid it's difficult to deal with one person. General Mo Wu told them that as long as they found the other party's spy horse, they would kill it. They must not leave a living mouth to report back.

The group of people and horses meandered along, climbing mountains and rivers all the way, not taking the road of big green hill, but passing through a path on the left. Since it is a sneak attack, we must not attack with great fanfare. Yuan people are not stupid. They must be heavily guarded outside the barracks to prevent sneak attacks.

The next day, there were more than 500 soldiers patrolling in front of the stronghold. They didn't come to the stronghold until the next day. The three camps are thirty miles apart.

Fang Qi calculated, "this camp must be taken in half an hour, otherwise the other two camps will come for help. Return as soon as you're done. "

General Mo Wu confessed to his next generals. These people piled siege vehicles and approached the camp under the cover of infantry. Now Fang Qi finally knows why he used this thing to sneak attack the camp. There are many antler fences outside the yuan army camp. If this thing is fired and exploded, it will blow a big gap immediately.

When he got close, general Mo Wu asked people to blow the horn. As soon as the horn sounded, the siege guns shot out one by one. This thing was the loud voice of the paper donkey. The explosion sounded thrilling in such a quiet night. The flames of the explosion ignited the tent. For a moment, the flames soared and the fire snake danced wildly.

As soon as the cannon rang, the camp of the yuan army immediately fried the pot, and the other party's sharp Gong rhinoceros horn kept calling the police. But they were unprepared and rushed to the battle. Naturally, they wanted to die.

Dozens of war horses rushed out of the yuan camp and killed them outside. Unfortunately, these cattle were so sad that they were bombarded by a siege gun as soon as they came out. They died first before they got out of the army. Their belly was broken and their intestines were rotten by mixed stones and wood.

The infantry didn't rush in, but with the siege gun, they shot the serial crossbow outside. Many yuan soldiers were burned and shot by bows and arrows without even wearing their armor. For a time, the yuan army camp was like a big crematorium.