The waiter came up to pick up his things. Fang Qi asked him to come and ask how far away it was from the newly built Yanjing city. The waiter replied, "go along the official road and you'll be there."

They settled the meal bill and rode along the official road. The road was very lively. There was an endless stream of cattle carts and carriages carrying goods, and there was little desolation in the Central Plains.

The snow on the official road was trampled into mud. They accelerated and came outside Yanjing city in the evening. From a distance, they saw a magnificent new city and the towering big Yanshan Mountain in the north. Even if they didn't know much about feng shui, they knew this place was a good place.

It is said that Zicong borrowed the power of Pang to press the stone statues of Pang on the corners of the nine gates, which saved Yanjing from the flood. When he entered the gate, he looked at it. Sure enough, he saw two stone statues on the city base by the moat.

Shi Beibei is miserable enough. Even if he carries a stone tablet, he also carries a Yanjing city. He can't get away after thousands of years. It's worse than monkeys. Monkeys have been pressed at the foot of Wuxing mountain for only 500 years.

As soon as they entered the city, two yuan soldiers came and asked, "are you Fang Miao?"

Fang Qi nodded: "exactly."

Yuan Bing: "the housekeeper asked us to take you to the West Street house."

After Yuan Bing came to the West Street, he saw that the house was really magnificent. There were horse stones outside the door and two stone lions at the door. As soon as he entered the house, all the male and female servants came out to visit his master.

Miao Miao looked at it and said, "Ho, the bald donkey is really thoughtful. Everything is ready." The two yuan soldiers finished the task and left.

Fangqi handed the horse to the servant: "ah, I'm home at last." This is a quadrangle courtyard, which is divided into front and back. In front is the living room wing room and behind is the inner house. Ordinary servants can't enter the inner house.

The servant put on the wine and vegetables. Miao Miao took off his coat and sat at the table: "Wow, it's great. The cook's cooking is delicious." When the servant wanted to pour the wine, Miao Miao waved his hand, "go out first and we'll come alone."

Fang Qi looked at the house. From the perspective of later generations, the house and furniture were naturally a little rough, but at this time, it was already very luxurious. No matter how beautiful they are, they can't live here all the time.

Miaomiao hummed while eating vegetables. She looked like she was overjoyed. I'm afraid now is the happiest time for her to cross over.

"I've been eating. I've been walking all the way for many days. Oh, I can't live through the days of traffic, public security, dog communication and roaring. I really want to be Spider man and climb the Internet every day. "

"Why didn't you say you wanted to take the bullet train and take the plane? We'll sing folk songs wherever we go and go back when we're done. At least it's a lot of experience to go through. It's also a bragging capital to go back. "

Miao Miao suddenly said, "by the way, why don't we make a mark somewhere and make a big discovery when we cross back. By the way, watch mobile phone! "

Fang Qi touched his wrist and took out his pocket: "it's over. I lost it. Where's yours."

Miao Miao also searched everywhere. "Mine is gone, too. I can't remember where I lost it."

Fang Qi thought: "I understand that it's not lost, but these things don't have crossing elements and have been lost in the hole of time." According to the theory of quantum mechanics, the same is true for the human body. It may survive for a long time.

Miao Miao studies cutting-edge physics. Naturally, he knows more than him. Although he can't fully understand how people can be fine through it, he still knows the Buddhist concept of cause and effect cycle. Einstein said that the final science points to theology, because theology can explain everything, but science can't.

In the morning, Fang Qi was about to get up, but Miao Miao grabbed him and hugged him: "don't get up. It's not easy to have a stable nest. Sleep with me for a while." I slept until noon. After dinner, Miao Miao wanted to go shopping.

Fang Qi shrugged. "There is no Wangfujing or Xiushui Street here. Houses are being built everywhere, and there are all rotten mud roads. What are you going around?"

Miaomiao was struck by him and suddenly lost interest. When he came yesterday, he saw that the streets were full of animals such as donkeys, horses and cattle, muddy land and building houses everywhere. Even if he wanted to go, he lost his courage“ We'll be a house man and a rotten girl at home. Practice, play the piano and say love. What do you want to do, OK? "

But Fang Qi couldn't sit still at the thought of so many servants at home. "No, we have to find a place to open a medicine shop, or all these servants will run away."

Miao Miao also thought of this question, "yes, we have so many young masters."

Go out and ride your horse around, find a face and negotiate with the landlord about the price to buy the house. Anyway, there are hundreds of liang of gold and silver in your hand. You're worried about nowhere to spend. Now it's finally in use.

Within a few days, Fang Qi's "guangjitang" medicine shop was officially opened, which was taken from the meaning of "Guangji world", but the purchase of medicinal materials became a problem. The new town was just built. Although there were many people living in it, there were many forced relocation by Yuan soldiers, and there were not many shops.

Later, I learned that if I wanted to buy medicinal materials, I had to go to Jizhou. Jizhou city has existed for hundreds of years and was originally the capital of the Golden State. After discussion, they decided to go to Jizhou city. It would be more convenient if they could buy a medicine shop.

Because the Lunar New Year is coming, but it is still 300 miles away from Jizhou, they decided to rush to Jizhou the next day. Prepare delicious food. The next morning, they left the city and rushed to Jizhou. There was a lot less snow along the official road. There were people who couldn't ride on horseback all the way.

Fang Qi suddenly had a strange feeling, "Miao Miao, do you think Kublai Khan would bring Yang Lian Zhenjia if he came to Yanjing?"

Miao Miao shook his head. "I think so. He is a favorite of Kublai Khan. I heard that Kublai Khan also sealed him a national guard monk." After that, he would turn around and say, "are you thinking about how to deal with him again?"

Fang Qi said, "since Kublai Khan dotes on him, it shows that Kublai Khan must rely on him. Yang lianzhenlian is a Uighur from southern Tibet and has practiced magic. The Tibetan secret religion seems to be very mysterious, just like the metaphysics of Taoism."

Miao Miao said, "let's go to southern Tibet?"

Fang Qi thought of the terrible dream he had. He kept walking and climbing along a big snow mountain, but in the end he was made into a wine bowl. He didn't know what he was thinking in that life and why he ran to that ghost place.