After walking in the desert for several days and sleeping at night, Fang Qi finally experienced the magnificent artistic conception of "the desert is lonely and straight, and the long river falls into the yen". Mongolian soldiers set up tents and dried cow dung was used to light matches, but it was very smoke. The rising smoke for several miles went straight up into the sky without wind, and the sunset looked red and round.

The setting sun reflected the red face of yuelie, "Fang Qi, as soon as you enter Mobei, you will be silent. What's the reason?"

"After staying in the Han Dynasty for a long time, you should know that Cao Cao has a poem called 'be generous and unforgettable'?" This is Fang Qi's short song line when he was in middle school. Now it's a good time to take it out and drag it.

"Cao Cao is my favorite poet. It's a pity that he didn't meet a miracle doctor like you, otherwise he could cure his headache."

Fang Qi smiled, "he didn't meet a miracle doctor, but kept secret from doctors for fear that others would kill him. Bian que is the real miracle doctor. "

"Oh, come and have dinner." Miao Miao shouted over there.

When the two came back, Fang Qi drank a bowl of horse milk tea and cut mutton with a knife. It was said that this thing was not as good as barbecue. People used to add seasoning and cumin, but the Mongolian Yuan people only knew to sprinkle some salt and chew it. It was very delicious. However, it's no wonder they eat like this. In fact, most of the time, the poor can only be hungry and full, and their material life is extremely poor. Otherwise, they won't think about looting in the central plains all day.

Miaomiao asked yuelie why he didn't go all night. Yuelie said, "the weather in the desert is changeable. Only those who live in this place know that the gods can't resist. We can only pray and comply with God's will."

Yunmo suddenly pointed to the empty sky, "you see, what is that?"

When they looked at the western sky together, they saw a group of fiery red thick clouds rising into the sky and spreading up quickly like the tide. The sunset shone on the thick clouds, dazzling as blood, which was particularly terrible. The horses rattled restlessly, biting each other to get rid of the reins.

Don't mention that the Mongolian cavalry were stunned. Even the eldest princess looked frightened and shouted, "put down the horses and cover the tent!" Then the trumpeter ordered the trumpeter to blow the horn, and the moo was obviously very helpless in the desolate and empty desert.

Fang Qi and Miao Miao were also very frightened. This was a sign that a big storm was coming, but the storm was too sudden. The more than 13000 cavalry had not been fully settled, and the storm swept in like a hurricane.

Some horses broke free from the reins and ran aimlessly. The cavalry who lost their horses rode up and soon covered their tracks with wind and snow.

Fang Qi and Miao Miao's horse is obviously very calm. They tightly surround the horses and people of the three sisters in the circle. Fang Qi and Miao Miao have cut off the rope of the tent and tightly covered the tent cloth on the horse. I can hear the roar outside in my ears, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, which is very ugly.

Yue lie rode out to rectify the cavalry team. He still hasn't come back yet. Miao Miao said in the dark, "ah, will the wind blow Yue lie away?" If yuelie is really blown away by the wind, the reinforcement task will definitely die. First of all, we must ensure that yuelie can't die.

Fang Qi tightened the silk sash around his waist: "you stay here and wait. I'll go to find her!" Lift up the tent cloth and drill out from the inside. As soon as the probe came out, it was dazzled by the wind. The strong wind rolled the hail the size of soybeans and hit it shamelessly on the face and hands. At this time, it was cloudy between heaven and earth. I couldn't tell the southeast from the northwest, and I couldn't see where the moon was strong.

Fang Qi balanced his body with a big gun in his hand and moved forward as low as possible. Although the wind and snow were heavy, he could not cover his eyes and ears. He could hear the sad scream of war horses and the desperate cry for help of Yuan Bing dozens of miles away. Saving people in this weather is death. If Fang Qi didn't rely on his high art and armor, he wouldn't run out to look for Yue lie.

As he walked forward with difficulty, he let go of his eyes and ears and looked around for the trace of Princess yuelie, but he didn't find her for dozens of miles nearby. Fang Qi was surprised: no wonder this man was swept away by the strange wind? Expand the scope to a hundred miles away. Suddenly, I found a strange scene. I saw people shouting and horses hissing a hundred miles away. When the snowstorm arrived, the smoke dissipated. Those people were all dressed in strange black felt cloth robes, and even the horses were covered with black felt blankets. Only two eyes showed, like ghosts.

Even if Fang Qi doesn't believe in evil, he can see something strange. Is it their ghost that caused the snowstorm? However, these people are carrying the unique machetes of Hu people and are killing the Mongolian Yuan cavalry. Although they are known as grassland desert iron cavalry, they have no power to fight back in front of these people. Some cavalry soldiers rolled out of the wind and snow and were cut to death by those hands.

However, Fang Qi didn't see Yue lie. He was hesitating whether to expand the search scope. He heard the sound of knife and gun collision from a hundred miles away on the right. When he looked carefully, he saw that Yue lie was alone against the five horses in black felt clothes in the snowstorm. These people tore and beat around Yue lie like a lantern. Yue lie was no better than the five good players of the other party. His helmet was crooked, his armor was tilted to the right and flashed to the left.

Fang Qi quickly turned back and called Miao Miao: "bring the horse out quickly. Yuelie is surrounded by people. It's too late if you don't go again!"

Miao Miao asked the three sisters to stay under the tent and don't come out. Fang Qi whistled. As soon as his horse shook, the horse jumped out from under the tent and ran to Fang Qi. Fang Qi turned over and got on the horse, lifted his big gun and pointed in the direction: "it's over there!"

But Miao Miao checked it, but suddenly said, "you can't win chess and don't care about your family. It's evil for the wind and snow. I'm afraid someone will rob the camp." Fang Qi looked at those black felt people who coveted in the distance and said that it was really true. In case all the people ran away, the three girls could not resist their attack.

He took his gun and drove his horse all the way to rescue Yue lie. Unexpectedly, three people rushed straight from the snow and fog on the way. Fang Qi didn't have time to fight with them at this time. With a sweep of the big gun, he pulled down two. The remaining one saw something bad and ran away. He was pierced by a gun. The horse held up his neck under his crotch, grabbed the man and ate him.

Fang Qi beat Ma Rufei, and soon came to the place where five people surrounded Yue lie. At this time, Yue lie had fallen four, but I don't know where to come up with seven. Just when Fang Qi arrived, he stabbed them with a gun. The horse under his crotch rushed into the sheep like a fierce tiger, and the hoof stepped on his mouth and killed two more.

On seeing Fang Qi kill, Yue lie was in great spirits: "kill it with me!" He stabbed them with two guns and ran to the East. Fang Qi's horse followed him and rushed straight to the enemy army.