Fang Qi has a black line in his head. Miao Miao doesn't pull down his face when he comes back? How nice to whisper. Why are you shouting so loudly? It's amazing!

Miao Miao came back after a while. Sure enough, his small face was the same as eggplant. Zheng Yuyi and mud: "I heard that there is a Xuanwu temple in Dongshan. There is a Taoist who treats people all the year round. He is very old."

Xuanwu temple? Xuanwu is a Taoist saying. In fact, Xuanwu is a Taoist, but there are few Taoist temples named Xuanwu. The east mountain is not far from Luoyang. The mountain is not high and is not famous. Fang Qi said, "OK, let's go and have a look after the wine."

Miao Miao teased, "where are you going? The princess asked you to sleep with her."

Gao Changgong asked Zheng Yuyi where she had put the two children. Zheng Yuyi said, "it's in the backyard. It's all right. Someone takes care of the meal. Don't take care of them. It's sensible."

Fang Qi said that you take them out and play together in the afternoon.

After eating, Zheng Yuyi went to bring out the two children. The two children learned to read and write with Zheng Yuyi and taught them martial arts. The two children came out to salute Fang Qi respectfully, called Uncle Sheng, saluted Miao Miao as the second master, and saluted Gao Changgong and the black water demon.

In fact, the two children were brought by Zheng Yuyi during this period, so they were closest to her and adhered to her one sister at a time. Fang Qi said, "I saved them, but they are only closest to you. There's no way."

Miao Miao glanced at him. "Who made your boss look like a donkey? If you laugh at them every day, you can buy them a sugar man and be close to you. " All the people who spoke burst into laughter.

Everyone went out of the city to the east mountain. It was really not far away. It was only a few miles away on horseback. The Xuanwu temple was built at the foot of the mountain, and the whole Taoist temple was not big. It only entered the hall before and after. However, when I arrived here, I saw that many straw huts were built near the Taoist temple, and some people cooked and boiled medicine inside. Many poor people lined up from the temple to the outside.

It's strange. Does the Taoist see a doctor for free every day? Several people tied their horses under the trees in front of the view and walked up the Mountain Gate on the stone steps. There was also a line in the yard. Someone saw them come in and shouted, "this is the place for the poor to see a doctor. If you want to see a doctor, line up behind!"

Fang Qi said with a smile, "I'm not here to see a doctor, but to see a doctor for you."

The herbs were piled up like a pile of firewood. There were several big pots in the yard, several young and strong people were cooking medicine, and a woman pulled down the bellows in the stove. The smell of herbs filled the whole yard.

A Taoist with half white beard and hair sat under the hall corridor and put his finger on the patient's wrist: "go and get some medicine to drink, next." Raised his eyes to see Fang Qi and them, ignored them and continued to feel pulse.

Fang Qi went up to him and saw that the Taoist was skilled, but he only cut his pulse, but did not prescribe a prescription. After cutting, he asked someone to get the soup and medicine. While feeling his pulse, he said, "Oh, there are all kinds of people these days. They have forgotten their last name."

Fang Qi looked at Miao Miao and said in his heart, is this bastard swearing? However, people scolded him by name. There was a ghost in his heart, so it was not easy to talk to him. Zheng Yuyi said quickly, "master, don't be hard to say. Do you know who our uncle is? He is a famous miracle doctor in Yanjing city. "

"Oh, disrespect, ha ha." The Taoist said grimly, but he didn't stop. He didn't even look at Fang Qi.

Fang Qi wondered how awesome the Taoist must be to put such a big spectrum? But when I think about what others said just now, it was not aimed at his medical skills, but scolded him for following the Mongolian Yuan people. In modern terms, it is called "traitor". This disease is not easy to cure. If it is not well made, it will become a public enemy of the whole people. So I just stayed aside and pretended to look around carelessly.

An old woman in the queue suddenly fell down and fell to the ground, pumping her limbs and spitting white foam. The people next to her were scared and hurried to get out of the way. When Fang Qi saw that no one was going to help him, the Taoist priest only looked at him and continued to feel his pulse. He came forward and knocked on the old woman for a few times. The old woman no longer twitched. Fang Qi pinched her mouth and asked Zheng Yuyi to find a stick to bite her, weighed out a silver needle and pricked it for a few times. After a meeting, the old woman opened her eyes and slowly got up from the ground to thank Fang Qi.

Seeing so many people waiting in line, I don't know to see the monkey years and horses. It's boring to stand next to them. Miao Miao pulled Fang Qi to go. Unexpectedly, the Taoist shouted, "since you're here, don't I have a look? After reading it for me, I'll tell you something. "

Seeing that the Taoist priest said so, Fang Qi couldn't go again. He took the bench and sat aside to greet people. Miao Miao rolled up his sleeve: "I'll come too." Zheng Yuyi also said, "I can do it, too." All at once divided into five teams, which is much faster. In half an hour, everyone finished watching it.

In fact, there is nothing to see. The medicine boiled by the Taoist priest is for smallpox and tuberculosis. There are signs in the early stage of any disease. Drinking a bowl of soup medicine may be better, which may not be a cure for all diseases.

The Taoist got up, beat his back, coughed a few times and entered the Taoist temple. Fang Qi followed him into the temple. The Taoist temple is also small and pitiful. The real person enshrined in it doesn't know who it is. On the contrary, the foot of the statue is very majestic. A big snake is wrapped around the tortoise and holds its head up like the tortoise.

Fang Qi knows that it is not called snake, but dragon and turtle. Dragon and turtle are one, because it is the son of dragon and naturally has the characteristics of dragon.

To the second floor hall, in fact, the main hall is only in the front. The rear hall is much lower than the main hall. It should be a place for Taoists to rest. When I entered the inner hall, I saw an old Taoist lying inside. There were only two people in the Taoist temple, one old and one young.

The old Taoist closed his eyes. The wrinkles on his face were like bark and covered with old age spots. His face was like a thin paper covering the withered bones. His mouth was shriveled. He didn't make a sound quietly, like a dead man.

The Taoist closed the door. "My master is too old. He has to fall into bed half the day."

Miao Miao laughed and said, "Taoist, since you can practice medicine, why don't you show your master?"

The Taoist shook his head. "If you can cure the disease, you can only cure the disease, not the old. If you can cure the old disease, I'll take you."

Fang Qi asked, "how old is your master?"


Fang Qi also rolled up his sleeves. "Well, I'll cure your master for this old disease and make him live seven more years. Do you believe it?"

Of course the Taoist didn't believe it. Hehe said with a smile, "well, you can make my master stand up alive, and I'll convince you."

Fang Qi opened the door and asked the Taoist priest, "there's sandalwood. Order me a plate." When he came to the old Taoist bed, he first knocked open several acupoints, and then took the gold needle reduced by the magic subduing stick to plunge it into the old Taoist's heart chakra.