The white horse patted the black horse on the head: "look, you still have a donkey ear." Then Gaga laughed again. The black horse reached out to touch his ears, shook his head, turned into a black man, and patted the white horse on the head, "you also have a donkey's ear!" They are playing here, but Fang Qi and Miao Miao have settled down and probe their spiritual consciousness into the second layer.

The second layer is a two-dimensional world, and the third layer is a three-dimensional world, which is more and more complex. Fortunately, no matter which floor you enter, it is fixed and does not change. Entering the eighth floor, Miao Miao breathed a sigh of relief: "deflate, it seems that we have found a baby."

The eighth level is the potential of eight trigrams. At this level, you can more deeply understand the unpredictable meaning of eight trigrams. If there are more, it can never be one floor, but 64 floors, 128 floors, or more.

In history, Zhuge Liang once trapped Sima Yi with the eight trigrams array. He used the trapped potential of three-dimensional integration. Entering it was like falling into a maze. Although Zhuge Liang manipulated the Bagua array, it became extremely complex. However, people are not as good as heaven. Finally, they were broken by a fire. The so-called Tiansuan is a further fourth layer of space. However, Zhuge Liang was so strong that he only knew the third layer, and he could not break through the fourth layer in his life. Lu Xun once commented that Zhuge Liang was "extremely intelligent and near demon", that is to say, he was too smart to be different from monster.

According to historical records, Zhuge Liang probably used the eight trigrams to the extreme. He only used three layers, less than half of the eight layers, and he was already a very wise man. But now Miao Miao and Fang Qi have entered the eighth floor. Jiaolong guessed well that these two guys are the complex of half man and half god.

Miao Miao asked Fang Qi, "are you still going in?"

Fang Qi thought for a moment. This man used eight trigrams on prohibition and used eight times. This man is really very important. Looking at thousands of years up and down, I'm afraid few people can do it. But now that he has entered the eighth floor, wouldn't it be a pity to quit? But if you go inside again and become 64 trigrams and 128 trigrams, if you can't get out, you will be trapped and die in it.

But another thought, life is a gamble. If he gives up such a good opportunity in vain, he may regret it all his life. After living these years, he has experienced more than others have seen in several lifetimes, which is worth it. He said, "go in."

The two people's spiritual consciousness got entangled together and went in again along the birth gate. As soon as they entered, they felt dizzy in front of them. They didn't expect such an environment inside. They adjusted their breath for a while, stabilized their mind and opened their eyes slowly.

Inside is a pure white world. It's so white that I can't see what's in it. It seems that there's nothing. But it is incredible that this light is fast, like bursts of lasting hurricanes. Even though they are as calm as a rock, almost all the souls blown by this white hurricane will disperse.

They dare not let go of each other. Only by entanglement can they resist the attack of this hurricane. But it is certain that there is no prohibition behind the eight fold gate. What they enter is a new world, but the world is too strange to see what is inside, and the wind is strange. The wind has no light, but the wind in front of us is indeed the source of white light.

If it wasn't for the eight trigrams prohibition, they would like to know why ventilation is the source of light, but now they are happy and exciting. Of course, the magical world is beyond ordinary people's understanding. They understand what this is.

After a while, the hurricane slowly weakened and the light became dim. They opened their eyes again. This time they saw what was inside. The world is a miniature model of heaven and earth. Although it is miniature, it is also outrageous.

The sky is like a huge pot bottom, while the ground is square. The sky is covered with stars. The yellow note Sutra says "the sky covers it, and the earth has four poles." That's what I mean. The book of mountains and seas says that "the Communist Party of China is angry and can't touch the surrounding mountains, the earth is absolutely maintained, the four poles are abandoned, the sky tilts to the northwest and the earth sinks to the Southeast..." it says that it is the reason for the formation of geography on the earth.

Later generations either regard this as a myth or pull it on aliens, saying that the Communist Party of workers was an alien and ran to the earth to fight. As a result, they launched a super war and changed the original appearance of the earth.

Association is very rich, but Fang Qi, who knows a little about Hetu, can only raise his middle finger to these people, which is called "bullshit"!

The river chart is a historical record of a more ancient capital than the mountain and sea Sutra. The things recorded on the river chart can't understand these events if they don't understand the eight trigrams and the yellow note Sutra. If someone likes it, you can go to Baidu's stone carvings unearthed during the Warring States period. On them are the human face and snake body statues of Nu Wa and Pangu. They hold a ruler in one hand and sweep a compass in the other. This is to tell people that the rules have been set long ago. Without rules, there is no place. Square and circle are the constituent elements of the world.

The river map is a square jade plate with a circle inside, on which extremely complex patterns are painted. It was from the river map that the Yellow Emperor calculated 128 hexagrams, which were reduced to 64 hexagrams, and soon again to eight hexagrams, which became a classic in later generations.

Who made this rule? I'm afraid some alien fans will involve aliens again, as if aliens can do everything. In fact, after a little understanding of the river map, Fang Qicai understood that the rules were set by human beings, not the ancients, but themselves. There is a hard to understand theory called "time ring theory". Time is not a straight line as scientists say, but a ring.

No matter what age, people can only occupy a little bit in the ring of this time. You see, the predecessors are the ancients, but you return to the ancients and future generations. In the end, the world will retrogress and start again. Therefore, the unearthed figure of Pangu Nuwa tells people that the world is composed of squares and circles, that is, the origin of "round sky and place". It is not the meaning that later generations misinterpret only literally.

Heaven and earth, yin and Yang, men and women are all components of nature. Now Fang Qi and Miao Miao stand under the sky and look up at the stars. They feel that these stars are like the meridians of the human body. The ancients said that "heaven and man are human". In fact, it means that people should integrate with celestial bodies in order to reach the supreme state. In such a state, people will understand what the Buddha said, "all dharmas are empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increased nor reduced."

They sat on the ground and began to meditate. For a long time, they slowly opened their eyes, looked at each other and smiled. It was a worthwhile trip. They could understand what Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism expounded.