Miss Meng, who had been sitting quietly nearby, stood up and said, "where's my uncle?" The congregation replied, "he let people in."

Half dead, Meng Zhaoqi shouted, "help me up!"

It turned out that Fang Qi thought that Lord Wang Bo had a position, no power and could not turn over any big waves. Who would have thought that he ran to send a letter to the Lama soldiers and brought people to attack the white lotus Hall of Weishan Lake. Is this really a person? The man was really rebellious, so he hurriedly advised him: "sect leader, don't move. Your daughter is also a good fighter in war. Besides, two thousand people and horses are not a big deal. As long as you enter this Weishan Lake, it will be your heaven and earth. Are you afraid they can escape from the sky? "

Meng Zhao was really tired and weak. He fell on the bed and said to his daughter, "take my big order." Someone took the Lingjian and Meng Zhao gave it to his daughter. "If they are reasonable, they will not send two lines of men and horses. Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. If there is a fight, I order you to kill all these people and stay alone. It can also be regarded as an explanation for Kublai Khan. "

Fang Qi said, "there are still 1000 Wuwei troops in Yuncheng. I asked someone to send a letter to Chen Tang and let them block the way of the lamas and Uighurs. I'm sure none of them will fall."

Meng Zhao also knew that the Wu Wei army was the strength of the Mongol Yuan people. He nodded and said, "well, please apologize to Chen Tang for me. I didn't mean to be an enemy before."

Fang Qi, Miao Miao and Miss Meng came out. She ordered troops to meet them. They went to zhe BIE and told zhe BIE that they had agreed to surrender with Meng Zhao, but now the Lama and Uighur sent two thousand troops to attack Weishan Lake, asked him to go back and send a letter to Chen Tang, and asked Chen Tang to take a thousand armed guards to break the back road between the Lama and the Uighur.

The crowd was excited and worried. After all, bailiantang was not an official Army, and it might not be possible to win a fight with the Uighurs. Fang Qi said, "farewell, you hurry back to deliver the letter. These two thousand Uighur soldiers must be killed." At this time, the trumpets outside were deafening. Needless to say, Miss Meng had called people to prepare for the battle.

Zhe BIE and two bodyguards rode down the mountain to deliver the letter, while Fang Qi and they rode to the east to find Miss Meng. In fact, they didn't have to find it. They could feel that the whole mountain was shrouded in a tense atmosphere. The gathering place was at the bottom of the East Mountain, and a group of believers trotted there with guns and knives.

Fang Qi and his team rode to the East, where there was a large empty field. It was probably that the water washed down by the tributary of the Yellow River was blocked by micro mountains to form a beach. The beach was covered with dry reeds and miscellaneous trees and grass, and the beach was covered with ponds and puddles of different sizes. It should be submerged when the flood comes, and it will be completely exposed in the dry season. It's August, and some places are also half immersed in the water.

Near the deep-water area, there is a row of water stockade, which can dock ships. From the water stockade, there are several wooden bridges extending out of the foot of the mountain. There is also a dry village at the foot of the mountain. The water village and dry village are connected together. It can be defended no matter what season.

Miss Meng stood at the foot of the mountain on her horse. Four people, Chunlan and Qiuju, stood behind her. The three masters respectively guarded the other three sides to prevent sneak attacks.

Fang Qi clapped his horse and came forward. Since his dark horse tore and ate the rinbo Lama, he was forced again. Now he wagged his tail and looked ahead. Fang Qi could feel the violent blood running in his blood vessels. He also knew that there would be a big war waiting for him, and he was excited to ring his nose.

"How are you going to fight?" Fang Qi asked Miss Meng. In his opinion, the first line of defense could not stop the collision of the other party's ships at all. The Uighurs, like the Mongolians, attach great importance to horse fighting, so they must be heavy ships. Small boats can't carry 2000 people at all. Only large ships can.

"I know it's hard to hold, but hidden stakes have been laid underwater in front of the first water stronghold. It's not easy for a big ship to come in. Let the archers shoot arrows and then set fire to them in a small boat. They must not be allowed to land anyway. "

Fang Qi nodded. The first water stronghold was full of archers, and the boats below were ready. Hundreds of horses stood in uniform, and thousands of infantry were ready with knives and guns.

From a distance, I saw a large ship with the king Bo leading the way. They rode the wind and waves around the reed marsh and came towards the Weishan.

"Let's go." Miss Meng ordered the flag at one stroke, the infantry spread to the two wings like wild geese, rushed to the first line of defense, and the horse team made several columns forward. This girl knows how to arrange troops, but she's still doing well. She just doesn't know what the result will be.

Fang Qi and Miao Miao followed her and ran forward. Standing at the foot of the mountain, they didn't look too far. They didn't know it was close until they ran all the way. It was at least three or four miles. If the Uighurs were allowed to land and fight, these followers of Bailian Hall would suffer. Infantry would have been weak against cavalry.

Before arriving at the Shuizhai, the boats turned into more than a dozen. On the first boat, there were Lama soldiers wearing yellow monk clothes and red pointed hats. There were not many Lama soldiers, at least 100 people, but they were all ferocious with sharp knives.

Behind them are Uighur cavalry dressed in blue and black. Uighur cavalry and Lama soldiers use different swords. Their swords are generally based on Tang swords. Their swords are long, narrow and have an increased radian. After Kublai Khan drove the Uighurs to North Asia, this knife became the main weapon of the later tsarist Russian cavalry.

When the boat stopped 20 meters away from the shore, the head Lama drank and asked, "did you kill guru Renbo?"

Miss Meng didn't know how to answer for the moment. This black pot was really a little wronged. In fact, Renbo's death had nothing to do with Weishan Lake Bailian hall. Fang Qi smiled: "I'll come." Zongma came forward and shouted at the other side, "didn't the king Bo tell you? Rinbo's practice was poor and he was eaten by the water monster. You can't blame the water monster for farting. The water monster's fart overturned the ship. Ah, it's just bad luck for him. Listen to my good advice and cover your head and get out of here, or I'm afraid you'll all fall into the water and feed the bastard. "

The Lama was furious: "Han dog, if you kill guru Renbo, it will be the time when the white lotus Hall of Weishan Lake will be destroyed!" As soon as he raised his hand, he took off his bow and arrow, pulled a full bow, and "whoosh whoosh" shot three arrows.

Fang Qi also took down the iron tire bow from the horse's back, put on three big iron arrows and shot them out. The three arrows collided with the three arrows, and the people cheered in unison: "good! What a beautiful arrow! " I didn't know that the three iron arrows broke the Lama's arrow. Without saying, they still flew towards the other side.

The Lama was stunned. His arrow technique was powerful enough. Unexpectedly, there were more powerful roles in the white lotus hall. He hurriedly put away the bow and arrow, pinched the formula in his hand, and chanted words in his mouth. A wave of water sprang up a few meters in front of the ship. He wanted to stop the arrow with the wave of water, but unexpectedly, the three iron arrows "hiss hiss hiss" tore the water wave like a brocade and came straight at him.