In fact, this is not the array shining, but the reflection reflected by the nine lotus colored light emitted from them, exuding black liquid from the stone groove, and I don't know how the liquid came out of the stone. After the liquid seeps out, the nine palace grid is clearly displayed.

Fang Qi and Miao Miao pinched a magic formula. As soon as they flicked their fingers, the flame spread from the stone grooves at both ends of the Yin and Yang of the nine palace grid to the four sides. In a moment, the nine palace grid was very clear and strange in the dark deep hole.

They meditated for nine days and 72 hours, and finally realized the principle. It took him 72 reincarnations to figure out the truth, but they realized it in nine days. At that moment, they felt as if another window had been opened in their mind. This window is bright and dark. When you enter the bright room, it is dark, but when you enter the dark room, it is bright again; But between light and dark, there is another chaos of non black and non white.

This 50 degree gray space is the current environment in the underground cave. In fact, they also know that 50 degree gray is only a critical point, breaking through this layer is either black or white. If you understand this truth, you can see how square headed dolls grow.

Square head dolls have human body characteristics, but they also have ghost soul. Some people use evil methods to reduce normal people to the size of dolls, and then place them in Kedan wooden coffins to raise corpses. Kedan wooden coffins imprison the souls of the dead and turn them into ghosts. The body is not rotten and can continue to grow. At a certain time, it will grow into a square skull like a watermelon in a rectangular wooden box.

The square brain shell is perfect for the soul to escape from the sun. It can also be said that the skull of the square headed doll is a nine palace grid on four sides.

After fully understanding this series of problems, they both felt that they had entered a new realm, but this new realm was not the eleventh level, but a selfless realm. The so-called non self world is a new space. In this space, people can't feel the existence of the body, only consciousness exists forever.

Without the body, there will be no life and death, let alone the concept of time. Only at this level can we understand what eternity is.

They jumped up, and the flame in the nine palace grid was out of control. The flame soared more than a foot high. After so many days of baking, all the coffins on it were roasted into charcoal. They were licked by the flame and burned all at once. The hole was full of fire, like a purgatory.

Fang Qi hurriedly pulled Miao Miao to run outside. "If you don't run, it's over. This place is going to collapse!" They rushed out of the flame, and the fire snake gushed out of the hole. They ran out for a long time before they stopped and looked behind. It seemed that someone turned on the spotlight in the flame, and the stone balls lit up a strong light one by one. The light was too bright compared with the flame. No matter how beautiful it is, this place is not a place to stay for a long time. They ran along the cave passage together.

Along the way, you can also see the broken limbs, broken arms and scattered pieces of meat of the square headed doll bitten on the ground. When you run more than ten miles, you see a bright spot in front. At the end, you are stupid. It turns out that the end is a hole. Outside the cave, there is a dense fog. Below is a vast abyss. Various vines climb on the cliffs, as if they came to the primeval forest where King Kong lived.

The light was projected from the gap above. Fang Qi suddenly realized, "Miao Miao, do you think this shaman teacher has traveled all over the country like us?" Miao Miao said, "in fact, I thought of it long ago. Indeed, this person has not only gone to many places, but also reincarnated for several generations. We haven't met him, and we don't know what kind of devil he is. "

Suddenly, I heard a sharp scream from the depths of the cave, followed by a shaking of the earth, and even the cave was shaken and fell stones and soil. The two people were shocked. Fang Qigang wanted to say go quickly. A powerful air wave rushed out. Miao Miao was like a leaf and was rushed into the fog. He lost his trace in an instant.

Fang Qi was standing in the pit at the edge of the hole and didn't wash away, but when he saw Miao Miao fall into the abyss, he jumped down without thinking about it. His mind was like a radar nervously searching for Miao Miao's whereabouts. Fortunately, the connection was still there. Fang Qi jumped down and soon knew that she was under the opposite cliff.

He immediately followed him and jumped forward to climb a vine and shouted, "Miao Miao, where are you?" But Miao Miao answered, "Muggle, I'm on your head." Fang Qi looked up and saw Miao Miao holding on to a vine and swinging on it like a swing.

"Hehe, you are really a little monkey. No wonder your grandpa calls you a little monkey." Fang Qi grabbed the trees and vines with both hands and climbed up. When he saw Miao Miao just swinging into the fog, he said, "monkey, I'm the teacher here. Don't come to escort me!" Looking around, the trees and vines here are hanging on a thick tree. The tree is really too big and the fog is so heavy. You can't see how the tree grows from the cliff. One branch can make someone's waist thick and thin.

But the vine came back empty. Fang Qi immediately carried it in his heart and shouted Miao Miao's name. But his voice seemed to be covered in a barrel. It was stuffy and didn't spread far.

"Miao Miao!" Fang Qi climbed up the swinging vine, "stop it, come out quickly!"

"You're stupid. I'm here." Miaomiao's voice appeared on his head again. Fang Qi couldn't think more. He climbed up the trunk. When he climbed to the top of the tree, he finally saw that Miaomiao was actually standing on a branch less than three feet away from him, looking at the surrounding scenery in surprise.

Fang Qi stood beside her and looked around. The top of the tree had pierced the clouds. Standing on the top of the tree to see the world was like being in a fairyland. The fog was dense and the waves surged. But looking up, there was another layer of fog dozens of feet away from them, but it was much thinner than the layer where they were. It is rare for two distinct and undisturbed fog in a mountain stream.

Miao Miao asked, "you shout a fart. I'm up there and you're looking everywhere."

Who was that swinger just now? Fang Qi felt numb on his scalp: "Miao Miao, look at me. Tell me what I was thinking just now."

Miao Miao didn't feel Fang Qi's surprise at all. He still pointed to two layers of fog: "do you think it looks like a fairyland? Let's go up." Then he wanted to go up. Fang Qi grabbed it and shouted, "Miao Miao, why do you think I want to stay with you?"