Miao Miao is lying on Fang Qi's back. Fang Qi holds a big iron gun with both hands and flies up. He jumps several times and is more than ten feet away. As expected, he runs much faster than them. Before long, he came to the temple. Miao Miao also saw the big stone platform and exclaimed, "isn't that Zhen Long's soul?"

It's silly for Miao to look up at the dragon. I'm afraid that Miao's head doesn't know what to do. I don't know what to do

Fang Qi jumped onto the altar with a long gun, turned back and said to Miao Miao, "take out the treasure bottle and take down Zhen Long's soul." Miao Miao takes out the bottle and faces Zhen Long's soul. The soul sees them flying excitedly. Unfortunately, it can't fly out of the mask at all. Fang Qi looked east and West and pointed to the stone slab in front: "Miao Miao, throw the stone slab up."

Miaomiao went over, picked up the slate and threw it. Fang Qi took a gun to block the soul. The soul broke away from the power of prohibition and flew out. But the slate in Fang Qi's hand seemed to be sucked up by a strong suction and turned into bursts of fly ash. Scared, Fang Qi quickly threw a big gun and fell back somersault and landed next to Miao Miao.

Miao Miao held up the bottle and collected Zhen Long's soul, but Zhen Long's soul refused to retract. As soon as his soul was connected with Fang Qi's idea, he said, "my body has been destroyed and will never return to its original shape. If there is a way, it can parasitize on your horse."

Fang Qi was quite strange: "you only have one soul. How can you be divided into two?"

The soul said, "the real dragon has no distinction between the real body and the fake body, let alone several souls. This soul is just a combination, and you can divide as much as you want. But if you can continue to practice later, your two horses can become dragons. It's nirvana and rebirth to melt away all the flesh bodies. "

Fang Qi nodded, "if that's all, we'll help you finish it." When they came to Xiaohei and Xiaobai's bodies with Miao Miao, Fang Qi pried open the tianque of the two horses with a silver needle and took the vase from Miao Miao. Zhen Long's soul was automatically divided into two and slowly entered the tianque of the two horses under the guidance of the Qi released by Fang Qi.

Then they filled the medicine gas and washed the marrow of the I Ching for the two horses. The constitution of the dragon and the horse was different, and the way of natural accommodation was also different. First, they constructed the brain gap for Zhen Long's soul, so that it could stay in it completely. Then they took the medicine gas through the meridians and through the five Zang and six Fu organs. As soon as the true Qi ran, they both felt strange: "not dead yet?"

At the same time, he said this, and then he knew that he was wrong. He was not dead. He was dead and could not die again. Only the consciousness and memory of black and white horses were still preserved, but his soul was hit by lightning. This also shows that the lightning is really different from ordinary lightning. It's like these two horses are going to cross the robbery. It's just that these two guys didn't come to cross the robbery at all. Then they lay down their guns.

Zhen Long was struck by lightning several times. This time, he completely destroyed his real body. He can no longer use his original body. Now he can only live with his remaining soul.

They sat beside the two horses and washed the marrow of the I Ching again and again until the hearts of the two horses began to beat again. As soon as Er Ma opened his eyes, he didn't seem to believe that he was alive again. After all, they still kept their previous consciousness. And because Fang Qi gave the fog of real blood to the two horses, they got up and looked energetic. Look at me and you.

Fang Qi patted the horse's neck: "you two don't have big eyes. It's not easy to live. First cultivate yourself for a while, adapt to the soul and body, and don't become a double character schizophrenia."

Don't mention the secret resentment in Er Ma's heart. At least it can be regarded as resurrection. Although there is a dragon's soul in his head, it's better than death. You know, dying like them can't even get into the animal road. Because they are no longer simply animals, but half beasts and half demons. This kind of half beast and half demon soul can't go to hell.

The two of them practiced the trick of combining two souls. Fang Qi and Miao Miao came to the real dragon's body and set a folk fire to burn the dragon's body. The dragon's body was blown out of immortal Qi. It was no different from ordinary snakes, but it was very fast when burned. As soon as the people's fire stuck to the dragon's body, it soared and burned. Almost in an instant, it turned into a pile of white ash. A breeze blew. The pile of white ash did not disperse with the wind, but flew up into the air like petals and disappeared into the dark.

The two of them returned to the two horses. They haven't finished their cultivation yet. Fang Qi looked here and asked Miao Miao, "guess who built here?" Miao Miao said it might be a prehistoric civilization, and Fang Qi thought it could only be explained in this way. Because all the statues here cannot match the humans they know.

No one knows what kind of civilization prehistoric civilization is. But judging from the ruins here, people at that time should have been very developed. Even future generations did not build such a large-scale building. If placed in future generations, it may be the greatest human miracle. Such a highly developed civilization sank to the bottom of the sea? Let's call it the bottom of the sea. Up to now, Fang Qi and Miao Miao don't know where they are. I can only remember that I fell into the submarine vortex at the beginning. No one can figure out whether it will be another different space.

Fang Qi was about to go to the stone pillar to see what the statue was. Suddenly, he heard a dull sound like a giant drum from the depths of the hole. The land trembled every time the drum was struck. Fang Qi suddenly exclaimed, "go!" What bad luck! It's coming again!

If you can make such a noise, it will never be a bat monster. It must be a donkey head monster. As soon as he ran back, the donkey head monster came running with a strong wind, followed by a large group of black bat monsters.

Nima, what the hell!

Fang Qi hurriedly asked Miao Miao and the two horses to hide their breath. As soon as they hid behind the stone pillar, the strong wind swept away. It seems that the donkey head monster has beaten chicken blood again. Now he is very excited. In this way, batmans will drag less and less, and finally be killed by the donkey head monster.

In this way, the donkey is not stupid. It's just not smart enough and a little proud.

When they all ran away, Fang Qicai turned over and got on his horse and asked Xiao Hei, "try to see if you can fly." Xiao Hei spread his wings, jumped up and staggered to fly. It seems that the goods haven't controlled the sense of direction and buoyancy. Several times, they almost hit the stone column, and so did Miao Miao's horse.