There are more than 1000 soldiers in this team, 200 or 300 in the horse team, and the rest are infantry. When the four of Fang Qi were drinking in the restaurant, they saw the team driving into Qinye. The people eating next to them talked one after another: "why should we fight again?"“ Yes, I heard that Izu's pirates and bandits attacked several places in Hakone and Sandakan, killed and set fire. It seems that there will be chaos again. "“ Ah, what a tragedy

Miao Miao winked at each other and said in his mind, "you did another good thing!" Fang Qi replied, "the longer the fight, the better. I'm afraid they won't fight. When they have the spirit, they will harass the Central Plains." Xiaohei and Xiaobai don't look at it at all. They just bow their heads to eat meat and drink to fill their stomachs. When they finish eating, they go to bed to raise their spirits.

Fang Qi and Miao Miao drank slowly. After a while, four war horses came. The general on the horse shouted, "whose horse is this?" Fang Qi put his head out: "Sir, it's ours."

"Come and take it away as military capital!" Lying in the trough, the general was more horizontal than the bandits. He confiscated it in a word. Xiaohei and Xiaobai want to go out and do something. Miao Miao shouted, "don't move! Just fill it up. We can go to Kamakura by boat. It happens that this horse is also a burden. "

This is not like Miao Miao's fearless character at all. Fang Qi feels a little strange. Watching someone come and take the four horses away, he looked back at Miao Miao: "you're so generous. We didn't get anything."

Miao Miao stamped his foot, lowered his voice and said, "stop talking nonsense and go to bed after eating!" She didn't just say nothing. Xiaohei and Xiaobai cleaned up the leftovers from cooking soup. Miaomiao immediately left the front restaurant and went to the back inn. After entering the room, she said, "don't forget that this is the territory of yuanshichao. The recent chaos may stimulate his tyranny. One of the tyrannies is to declare a state of emergency, you know."

A state of emergency is to fight. A war will force conscription. Whether you like it or not, as long as you see that you are a strong man, it's like requisitioning the four horses. It's so simple that there's no reason to talk about it.

Fang Qi finally understood that it was not that he understood that he might enter a state of emergency, but that Miao Miao's predictive ability had made rapid progress again. Miao shouts that she wants to see what she's going through here, but don't go there after all. Therefore, they seldom disobeyed her and let her grasp the clue in the subconscious by feeling, and they checked it together.

Like this trip to Japan, Fang Qi didn't intend to linger here, but Miao Miao said he was going to Kyoto. As a result, he met so many things when he came. If he hadn't come, he didn't know there were so many secrets. Miao Miao is always right. She is much more sensitive than Qi.

As soon as they lay down, there was a noise in front of them. Some shouted and scolded, others cried and howled. Miao Miao got up and said, "go and take a boat." It's almost late now. Qinye county government is arresting people everywhere. Maybe it's a good way to escape by boat.

The four people went out from the back door of the Inn and walked along the alley to the beach. Sure enough, they found a boat with a roof on the beach. At first, the boatman didn't want to. Fang Qi took out two strings of copper coins and threw them to him. The boatman agreed.

The boatman untied the rope and jumped up to let them into the cabin so as not to be seen. A brazier was raised in the square cabin. Although the place was not large, it was very warm. The boatman delimited the harbor, let the ship slide on the water, took out wine and dishes for them to eat, and said that they knew at a glance that they were evading military service.

Fang Qi made a gesture to him and asked him to go boating. The boatman said, "if you want to go to Kamakura, you can't get there for two or three days. You can eat wine and sleep. Don't worry. You will be called when you arrive." Put down the curtain, cover the lights and squeak.

Xiao hei and Xiao Bai ate almost all the meal just now. Now there are only two pieces of salted fish in the dish. They are not interested at all. They get into bed and snore soon.

Fang Qi blew the lights, lifted the curtain in front, and saw a mass of ice and snow floating on the sea. This is a warm harbor, not a frozen Bay. If there is no ice, there will be no snow. The boat slid in the Black Sea, and the sound of rowing and Yin ah could only be heard in the night.

"Oh, last time Beitiao qunzi said that the story of Genji hid a lot of secrets, and probably one was the use of court medicine. As a female official, the purple department will be exposed to a lot of, including medical diet palace chronicles. From this point of view, I'm afraid yuan Shichao's preservation of this manuscript can indeed prove the relationship between Genji and the royal family. Although unorthodox, there are also implications. "

Fang Qi thought that it might be recorded in the manuscript that someone swallowed the undead with black beetles, which was a burst of excitement. "Maybe the undead medicine she said means another layer, not immortality, but urging death to make it quickly enter another world. Remember the life and death situation of Ba Feng Ba falling cultivation. Buddhism believes that death is the rebirth of nirvana. She also said that master lianhuasheng took the insect as a divine object and brought it into Tibet, which just showed that people at that time could look at life and death dialectically. "

They spoke softly. After eating two fish and drinking all the wine in the tin pot, they lay down. The next morning I woke up. The ship was far from the shore. The charcoal fire in the outer canopy had cooked steaming fish porridge. Xiao hei and Xiao Ma were unwilling to get up. After eating, they sat in the bow of the ship in a daze at the sea.

The boat rowed very slowly and could hardly feel the boat moving. It was mainly because the boatman was used to idle days. Now there was a conscription on the shore, and he didn't want to be caught. Why did he row so fast when he had food, drink and money on the sea?

After rowing all day, the boatman stopped rowing at night and let the boat drift with the tide. At midnight, the boatman suddenly came in and greeted them: "get up quickly, there are pirates!" The pirates also have great courage. They are approaching Kamakura port, and they dare to rob here.

All four of them woke up, got up, put on their clothes and looked out from the curtain. Sure enough, a boat approached this side. Someone in the bow shouted to stop with a lantern. If they didn't stop, they opened their bow and arrow. The flustered boatman begged: "please, don't shoot an arrow, I'll stop the ship."

When someone came up like that and fastened it with a hook, two robbers with knives jumped up: "old man, sailing at night, it's either a bastard or a thief. Take out the money! " When he lifted the curtain with a long knife, he saw four people inside and shouted, "give it to me!"

Fang Qi took the lead in coming out of the cabin: "brother, we are poor people. If you say, I still have a bunch of copper money here. Brother, take it to buy a bag of tea."

The man robbed the copper money and turned his strange eyes: "Oh, you know it's a childe. The rich master, take off my clothes!"