When Fang Qi looked into her eyes, he had a strange feeling, as if he had been reduced a hundred times and thousands of times, and drifted into the sea of fire. I read a mantra to avoid fire in my heart, but the fire burned the skin and flesh on my body, and the pain was really tearing my heart and lungs. He always thought he was invincible, but now it doesn't seem to be the case at all. He scolded those guys for deliberately harming him, but now even shouting to break his throat doesn't help, because he feels that he has been reduced.

The high temperature inside made him dizzy and uncomfortable, but his mind was still very clear. He said silently in his heart: come, there must be a reason. There has never been anything without reason. It seems that this female ghost must be involved with me, otherwise she wouldn't find me. As soon as I read this, I felt that the pain of my body was much less, and I was more sure that it was the reason.

Suddenly a voice came into my mind: "don't be afraid, I'm by your side." Fang Qi was so happy that Miao Miao followed her. She never left her. Maybe she also noticed Fang Qi's idea, "you're right. Everything has cause and effect, and you can always find the reason. Let's see what this female ghost wants to tell us. "

Fang Qi nodded silently in his heart. At this time, he felt like a spring breeze. There was no pain like burning a flame. Although the female ghost's anger was very fierce, he was calm now and didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

The flame in front of me was getting lighter and lighter, and gradually the flame disappeared. The female ghost's form of expression is quite strange. It's not like that in some movies. It's a female ghost who can talk, dance and bring all kinds of scary expression bags. This almost didn't say anything, just sucked Fang Qi into her eyes and let him judge for himself.

Fang Qi scratched his head and suddenly thought of a question, "Miao Miao, have we finished the micro method?" There are macro and micro methods, so there are macro and micro methods. Miao Miao showed his figure, "maybe. Now that you have a new experience, you should take advantage of this opportunity." Both macro and micro methods can not be used at any time. They need to have strong energy and the object of casting.

A simple palace appeared in front of them. Countless palace servants shuttled in and out. The sun was shining outside. A handsome man was holding a young and beautiful woman FAK. Cherry blossoms were flying like snow outside the window. Suddenly, the camera turned like a movie, and there was another image of copulation, but this time the female pig's foot was another one. In the other room, the former woman was as haggard as a withered petal. Her eyes were blank, her thin hand hung weakly to one side, and she had a book with the story of Genji printed on it.

Fang Qi suddenly realized that the female ghost was the woman who died of depression, but she was not the only one. The Genji man kept changing the woman under him. Why is this woman so angry? I'm afraid I can't explain. But the picture behind is frightening. The woman's mouth moved as if to speak to the air, and then her lips slowly opened, revealing a little fishy red from inside.

Fang Qi thought it was a tongue, but the dead can't have such a bright red tongue. It's like playing a thriller movie. A blood red insect crawled out of it. The insect was as red as blood. Just climbed out of the woman's mouth, the insect didn't seem to be able to adapt to the new environment. After shaking for a while, the insect began to vibrate its wings and fly.

It's like playing a 3D movie. The insect is flying in front of him. You can see every detail of the insect flapping its wings. Fang Qi could even see the flying insects dragging a light blue line, which was the ghost of the woman, and the insects devoured the ghost. The ghost was unable to struggle, but the insect didn't fly away, but just danced in the air. Soon, the whole body of the insect began to fade, and began to fade slowly like smoke, and finally disappeared.

Finally, Fang Qi and Miao Miao quickly withdrew from the female ghost's eyes, and the female ghost gradually disappeared into the dark. They both felt cold all over. They hugged each other tightly and felt the beating of their hearts since then. Now you can realize what is deep love and deep hatred.

Fang Qi stood up, put Miao Miao in the quilt and wrapped it for him. "I'll find the wood." When I came to the brazier outside, there was only a pile of cold charcoal ash left in the brazier. The charcoal ash was a white ash in the shape of a wooden board, and there were two black words clearly on it: Qiyu?

Fang Qi stared at the pile of ashes and couldn't figure out what relationship Qiyu had with the depressed dead woman. Xiao Xiyuan said that the depressed dead woman was Kwai Ji and had nothing to do with Qiyu. What on earth did those people do? Why did they give him the dead wood sealed with ghosts?

After seeing them, maybe there will be some clues. Fangqi returns to his bedroom and gets into bed. Miao Miao asked Fang Qi, "it's gone?" Fang Qi leaned up and took out the dry cigarette bag. "I think those people seem to deliberately lead us in a certain direction. I don't know what it is."

Miao Miao nestled in his arms and comforted: "don't think about it. It will be clear then. We are just very strange. I only know a little about that book. It is said that there are ghosts, but it doesn't mention anything about insects. Maybe we can find clues only by finding the original. "

The next day, the snow was still falling, but Fang Qi didn't want to stay for a moment. He didn't know whether the guys who gave him the dark wood and claimed to protect them would appear. It had to depend on God's will.

They came to see them off and put the two bags of dry food and copper money on the horse. They walked in the direction of Xiangmo Chuan. They said it was Chuan. It sounded very cow and fork. When they got there, they knew it was just a small ditch, but Xiangmo mountain was very high, about one or two hundred meters.

Jinjiu well is a small village with only three or four families in shanwozi. There is a mountain temple with only broken courtyard walls at the foot of the mountain. There is a well under the pine tree not far from the mountain temple. People in the village carry water and eat in this well.

When they entered the village, they immediately alerted the dog, but every family saw them, but the door was closed. Miao Miao didn't understand what was going on. "Why did these people close the door when they saw us?" Fang Qi went to the nearest house and knocked on the door, but the people inside were silent. Fang Qi put his hands in the crack of the door and tried to open the door. He saw that all the people were crowded together, like a nest of frightened chickens.

Fang Qi asked Xiao Hei to take the bag of copper money and pour it on the ground: "tell me, which Dake pill is."