Although Ning en felt as heavy as lead and seemed to be pressed into dried salted fish by the sea, Fang Qi and Miao Miao both felt that their bodies no longer existed and were about to be squeezed into sesame seeds. Fang Qi's Kirin armor suddenly flashed a dazzling light to firmly protect his body. He was more worried about Miao Miao. The armor would automatically protect his body only when he was in danger. When it bounced out, Fang Qi jumped up and jumped at Miao Miao, holding Miao Miao in his arms.

Miao Miao was hugged into his arms by him. He suddenly felt a sudden reduction in pressure. He coughed and gasped wildly. He only felt that his Qi and blood were churning violently. He couldn't even speak out and was almost faint. Fang Qi hurriedly put his mouth to her mouth and took a breath of Zhenqi. As soon as this genuine Qi entered Miaomiao's mouth, Miaomiao immediately regained consciousness.

Fang Qi saw that Ning en couldn't move as if he were frozen in the sea water. He knew that it couldn't move because the sea water pressure was too high. If you don't save him, this guy will lose his life. He takes out the magic subduing stick and becomes super long, and inserts it into his big hole all at once.

The magic subduing stick and burning fire are not powerful, but Fang Qi's own medicine gas is extremely domineering. Taking the magic subduing stick as the conductor, the medicine gas in his body is continuously transmitted to Ning en's body. Ning en was almost dying, and suddenly felt that a fiery force, such as surging waves, suddenly broke through the block of sea water pressure.

But at this time, Fang Qi also saw countless silvery little bees coming straight through the stagnant sea at high speed. He was shocked: "Nigerian media, dead salted fish, wake up. Let's run away. It's too late if we don't run again!" As soon as he was in a hurry, the strong Qi of his whole body stirred up the drug gas and accelerated the input into Ning en's body at a more frenzied speed.

Ning en's body moved, and immediately all the blocking acupoints were connected. As soon as he worked hard, he broke free from the squeezed sea water like ice. It made his strength too great. As soon as he broke free, he plunged into the darkness.

Fang Qi was not idle. From stepping out of the rapids to becoming bigger and bigger, he pulled out three snake bone arrows. "Whoosh whoosh" was three arrows. The three arrows did not shoot at the middle of the sea, but at the bottom of the sea. When the sea was suddenly hit hard, it collapsed like ice and jade, and it pierced a big hole at once.

The uneven force on the sea water immediately had a chain reaction like a domino. The high water peak formed by the whole torrent flowing in one direction suddenly turned into a turbulent flow. The huge force immediately pressed the silver and bright little bees into powder, that is, dozens of them still escaped and pursued after Ning en.

It is not entirely because they are willing to chase desperately, but the turbulent flow of sea water is really terrible. As long as they are involved, there will be no residue left. Moreover, the compressed sea water instantly restored its original density, and the shock wave was also powerful and frightening, swallowing more than a dozen in the blink of an eye.

Ning en also felt the shocking power coming from behind. It didn't seem to say anything worse except scolding stupid humans. Fortunately, Fangqi just added a lot of oil to it. At the moment, the power is sufficient. If you don't think enough, you will die in this shock wave if you don't run away quickly.

The three snake bone arrows went fast and came back faster, even faster than Ning en's swimming speed. Fang Qi took them back and took them in his hand, and raised his middle finger to the more than a dozen little bees who were chasing after them.

Miao Miao was relieved to see that the little bee couldn't catch up for a while. Seeing that the posture was still chasing farther and farther, he was soon swallowed up by the shock wave. Then he asked the topic asked by Fang Qi just now, "why don't they want to be destroyed again?"

Ning en also knew that the stupid human saved his life, but he didn't know what gratitude was. He only knew that they regarded themselves as friends, so he continued: "because time is not enough, there are too many times of destruction ahead. Before the flood, he also destroyed everyone with the shining sword. Since then, a new order has been established, but it is still not ideal, It can only be destroyed again. Later, the time was not enough, and the engineers in their home country had no choice. We can only send one person ashore in a few hundred years to impart knowledge to you and wake you up from ignorance. "

"Oh, I see. It turns out that those saints are native people. Then, what immortals, ghosts and gods are all native people. " Fang Qi thinks this guy is a bit like the shrimp soldier fish under the sea dragon king.

"I can't say that, but there are several reasons. But now we still want to escape, or it will be too late. " Ning en began to float up. The higher it floated, the farther Fang Qi and Miao Miao could see. This was not because they were good at Kung Fu, but because the Lou Zi they had just stabbed was too big.

The sea over there is like a white fish belly in the sky, shining with a pale light. The sea water will not shine, especially at such a deep seabed. No matter how evil the snake bone arrow is, it is impossible to ignite the sea water. However, the turbulent flow stirred the whole seabed, stirring up the rocks and minerals in the depths of the seabed.

Most of these ores are deposited by dead microorganisms and buried layer after layer on the seabed. As they grow older, they will grow into various ores. Now the ores are stirred by the turbulent flow of sea water and scattered everywhere. Those fine ores are like stars in the night sky, which are particularly beautiful.

The shockwave also threatened a lot of small ores, which swept away with the wave. However, both the turbulent water behind and the shock wave are white and cold. With an area of more than hundreds of kilometers, the whole seabed is bright, and the scene is spectacular.

Fang Qi and Miao Miao both looked back and shouted, "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Ning en was greatly disappointed by them: "it's over. We're in great trouble!"

Fang Qi thought it meant killing thousands of little bees, so he argued, "can't we just wait for those little bees to sting and die, and say we're stupid and stupid? I think you'll clam your head!"

Miao Miao immediately raised his fist: "I support deflation and oppose your statement of giant salamander. We can't sit here and wait to die. We have to resist! The truth is in the fist, who has the final say?

Sigh: "you know! This sea water is the power system of the temple. The rapidly flowing sea water passes through the temple and provides a steady stream of power to the people of the mother country. We have disturbed the direction of the sea, which will destroy the temple, and the gods will be angry! "

The gods he said were the unreasonable strange fish chief and his countless so-called strange fish engineers.