If the nine palace array is regarded as the division of one cell, then the division of countless cells reaches the limit, and the core will have a sudden change effect. It's like the nucleus is opened and all the energy is released in an instant.

Now the energy released by Fang Qi and Miao Miao is their own medicine gas, which ignites the powder keg. The impact of yin and Yang essence and Qi, the battle between heaven and earth, is also the most primitive force. The impact force instantly ignited the Jiugong array supported by medicine and gas. The shock wave rushed forward from the core position. The Jiugong array was like countless multi-dimensional pipes, bursting one after another by the shock wave.

Seeing waves of scorching power rippling away like water waves, the dust and lead clouds between heaven and earth were cleaned up in an instant. A great poet said: "the golden monkey rises up with a thousand powerful sticks, and the jade universe clarifies thousands of miles."

Perhaps the great poet has already predicted that as long as there is a deadly weapon such as Qianjun stick, the jade can be clarified and the dust will be settled, and all debris and dirt will be washed away.

Now is the clean world clarified by Yuyu again!

Fang Qi and Miao Miao are in touch. At the same time, they open their eyes. The golden light suddenly appears in their eyes. They are ecstatic to feel that their own gas sea is no longer simply medicine gas, but a kind of lavender new energy. When this new gas passes through the meridians of the whole body, electric arcs will flash past. Although we still don't know the name of this power, compared with the pure medicine Qi before, this power is really very powerful.

Miao Miao said to each other, "ha ha, let's name this thing. I think it is no longer a simple drug gas, but also mixed with the power of witch doctors and Taoist doctors. Witchcraft is older, which may help us find the root cause. I don't want to go any further, because the more straight down, the more a dead end. How about we go against the source? "

"We're looking for the origin code?" Fang Qi also knows that Buddhism has said that the future is the end of the world. Since it is the end of the world, it is a dead end. Human development inevitably moves forward and has no choice. However, they have come out of the pyramid of their native people. Ning en said that there is little time. The reason why the current world has not been destroyed is that time is not enough for the development of civilization again.

Similarly, they have no possibility to move forward, but it is possible if they go against the source. However, the front is more developed than the modern, and it will be much easier to sum up experience. However, it has been a long time, and it will be very difficult to trace it back. But what is more difficult than them to go up and up again?

"Well, we can start. I think the witch doctor is closer to the truth than the later Taoist doctors." Miao Miao said that it was an unexpected harvest to collect all the ghosts of the Yin soldiers with a wave. Since the blessing of the Yin button, the ghosts of the Yin soldiers are no longer so fragile. Even such a great power has not destroyed them.

Of course, Fang Qi and Miao Miao's mana are closely connected with them. The explosion of energy expansion can't even kill themselves. They benefit from their mana blessing, so they will be safe and sound. After the Yin soldiers went away, Xiao hei and Xiao Bai vibrated back and just carried them on their backs.

The two boys replied, "little Lord, we were so powerful just now. We thought we were good at it again."

Fang Qi said with a smile, "well, we don't have to take a boat. You two can fly with us."

They sat cross legged on the backs of two horses and flew in the direction of the sunset. The golden sunset shone on them and plated them with a layer of gold, which was even more brilliant and wonderful.

These two guys are really capable. They still didn't feel tired when the silver light suddenly fell at the middle of the month.

In the face of such a dreamy night, even a little hooligan like Fang Qi can't help standing up and pretending to force: "cough, cough, what, my throat and eyes are itchy. I want to read some poems, Miao Miao, you can match me with music."

Miao Miao took out the bone flute and said with a smile, "well, come on, I'm sure I'll cooperate." The cherry lip is close to the flute and blows gently. A wisp of clear sound goes up to the cloud night. It is really like a broken jade bottle and a splash of jade dew. The fairy music is faint. It is like an immortal scattering flowers in the sky. It lingers around and makes people feel like a fairyland.

Fang Qi recited according to the Han Fu written by Qin Qingyang. The boy is really a big winner. Even trivial things can write a sense of rhythm. As he read, he twisted his electric buttocks and ghost step dance. As soon as I tossed, I forgot myself. I didn't notice that I stepped on the air and tilted down.

Xiao Hei quickly turned sideways and picked him up. Fang Qi then played, drank and jumped. The proud man who tossed Xiao Hei wanted to spit blood: "Sir, you old bones and legs, can you stop tossing so hard? You can't stand it. I can't stand it. "

Miao Miao "Pooh" laughed, and the flute stopped. In fact, she has been holding back until now. Seeing Xiao Hei complaining all the time, she couldn't help laughing and clapping her hands happily: "deflate, my three outlooks have been destroyed by you. Where do you look like a practitioner, it's clear that you are a funny ratio II, capital two!"

Fang Qi sat down on the horse's back and lay down on his back: "it doesn't matter. It's a long way to go. I'm going to climb up and down!"

Miao Miao jumped over: "are you a pig shrimp? Still crawling around. " He also lay down beside him, put his hands under his head and looked at the blue night sky, "Oh, the sky is really beautiful. It's rare to be so close to the sky."

Fang Qi said, "if we smash the border of our native people, will they chase us? Well, why do you say they call them home people? Are they the mothers of modern people? "

Miao Miao said, "maybe, but I don't dare to say now. I think it's best to go back and find out. What Ning en said may not be credible. After all, it is a gene fish. There are too many lies in the world to believe. If we take the truth as true, it is likely that we will enter a strange circle of aliens. "

"The strange circle of aliens? Why do you say that? " Fangqi can hardly keep up with her jumping thinking.

"You think, the ancients blamed the gods for everything they didn't understand, right. Now people also blame aliens for what they don't understand. Don't you think this is a new superstition? It can be seen that modern people are not advanced compared with the ancients, but are degenerating. Old wine in new bottles is what people always like to do. At least they don't have to use their brains. They just need to change the packaging. So human degradation makes sense. If what Ning en said is true, I begin to sympathize with the people of my home country. They are also very painful. "

Xiaobai suddenly shouted, "little Lord, look, it's the shore."