In addition to enlightenment, Fang Qi ate, played and ate these two days. He was bored. "Well, we can also turn around. It's said that it's very mysterious here. Maybe there's something to gain."

The hall where the face ring man lives is very large, and there is a large bath pool, but it is very simple. This is not at all consistent with his status as a high priest. They were like thieves who broke into the house and began to look for places like secret rooms everywhere.

Fang Qi and Miao Miao found a temple. They saw all kinds of sacrificial reliefs carved on it. It was very mythical and magical. However, different from the Central Plains culture, the Maya style was very realistic and had never illusory elements. Those reliefs were like words and simple drawings.

Miao Miao looked at it for a long time and suddenly put his hand on a palm shaped rune. The rune sank, and then there was a dull sound of Kaba. The stone wall moved slowly, revealing a larger hall. The hall was built with resplendent gold and ornaments made of gold everywhere. In the middle of the hall was a gold scepter about one meter and five long. On the scepter was a large snake with the sun on its head.

Fang Qi and Miao Miao are like two poor boys who suddenly enter the treasure house. They don't have enough eyes.

"Cake sellers, isn't this the feather snake god they worship?" Fang Qi read the Journal of Juvenile Science and knew that Maya was a very mysterious civilization. Just about to reach out and touch it, Miao Miao suddenly looked at him and pointed to the four stones inlaid with different colors under the scepter. "Be careful, this thing can't be taken by anyone."

Fang Qi knew it might be a trap, or a mechanism. He has read a lot of tomb raiding novels.

Miao Miao pointed to a gold platform above. "We're not here to steal. There seems to be a book there. Let's go and have a look." When they came to the stage, they were surprised to find that there was indeed a gold book made of gold.

In fact, this high priest is mysterious enough here. These days they tossed their faces around the man's house and found that the high priest had great power. He could not only appoint or remove the king, but also start a war.

Among them, there are 17 famous great wars, including the capture of several large city states such as kovor and Gartner, and there are countless small city states. These wars are recorded in a golden book called the story of coca.

Ke is a kind of spear they use. Strangely, they fought not for complete occupation, but for the desire to conquer. The golden book also records the strange things of each city-state. For example, the history of a city-state is very old, and the sacrificial ceremony is also to talk to the God, and even get the divine decree.

Fangqi remembered Ning en's God. Their God may also be a highly developed civilization in the last solar period. It is not a fairy floating around in the sky as described in the Central Plains Civilization, but a god riding a fire spitting spacecraft. In the early days, they got more divine purposes, and God also taught them a lot of astronomical and mathematical knowledge.

For example, the city-state is located in a huge pyramid, which was not built by them, but the product of high civilization in the last century. A large number of people have fled into the ground and lived for more than 100000 years. When they came out of the ground, the outside has changed into another look. These underground people have experienced so many disasters and have almost forgotten the inheritance of that glorious period.

The golden book focuses on the energy column in ancient civilization, because when the energy column is destroyed, the collective consciousness goes with the wind and no longer exists. This collective consciousness was the basis of high civilization at that time, and their developed science and technology was based on the will of everyone.

Seeing this, Miao Miao suddenly remembered something and held his cheek: "deflate, I doubt the direction of human development."

"What's the matter?"

"Don't you think we were talking about building a cloud system when we lived in that era? The so-called cloud system is a super brain, which is the knowledge that all people on earth need to store. Is this their energy pillar? If this super brain is destroyed, all human knowledge will disappear and human civilization will regress. If according to this reasoning, our world is promoting the construction of this energy column, I think the development to a certain extent is a highly concentrated collective consciousness. At this time, if you want to destroy mankind, just destroy the energy column. Do you think the earth civilization has entered a dead cycle? "

"Er -" Fang Qi never thought of this problem. These Mayans are a lesson from the past. They were the descendants of the last solar civilization, but after surviving, they can only pray to the gods to give them instructions, and their individual consciousness has been lost.

If their gods are the native people living in the sea, why don't those native people help their kind? This shows that the Mayans are many years later than their native people and are the product of another civilization.

Fang Qi analyzed the matter to Miao Miao. Miao Miao was also at a loss and looked at the Golden Book: "I also feel strange. Maybe these Mayans have been seriously degraded. They have stayed underground for too long."

Fang Qi shook his head, picked up a golden spaceship model and looked over and over: "I think what Ning en said is somewhat reasonable. Today's people are just the continuation of the former civilization. If we regard the native people as the land that sank in the Pacific Ocean, it means that after them, the world has been destroyed several times. "

"Hey, come and see." Miao Miao turned to a page, pointed to the pictographic characters on it and said, "it says that the sky is falling apart, the land is separated, and her former brothers have become passers-by. Doesn't this mean that the mainland is drifting? "

In the early days, the continent was a whole. Until later, the continent was divided into four continents, and human beings were distributed on each continent. Since then, humans have become strangers. They kill each other and fight each other. Once the civilization was destroyed, does this mean that there was one family in the world?

Fang Qi remembered that it was once said that the Mayans and Indians were the most closely related group with the people of the Central Plains. Later, they separated for various reasons. It seems reasonable.

"Hehe, it makes sense for Qin Qingyang to look for Xianshan. There must be a lot of ancient books and legends in the former Qin Dynasty. He may still have such legends in his time. Just before the mainland was separated, it was a highly civilized land. But when the legend came, it became a vague and absurd myth. " Fang Qi thought of those ancient legends, "it's necessary for us to trace back. I think the Mayans have a certain connection with us. It's just a different path. "

Miao Miao was greatly encouraged, "Mayans are perhaps the oldest people on land, preserving the most complete history in ancient times. Well, let's start digging up here. "