Big bald ladybug's eyes shone: "yes, yes, I knew you were very powerful in the East. Do you want to do it?"

Fang Qi took out a dry cigarette bag and lit a cigarette. "I want to know what happened to you in those years? Why did you run to Japan to rob? "

Big bald Ladybug asked people to bring two glasses of wine and tell stories while drinking.

The story is not complicated. The big bald lad and the one who hit the arrow can be said to be a good friend of heaven and earth. They grew up together and turned out to be one of the Huns. The ancestors were defeated by the Han Empire and finally divided into the northern and southern Huns, who surrendered to the Han Empire. The northern Huns were chased and fled to the West. This Hun could not beat the Han Dynasty and carried out an unprecedented migration to the West. The history of this migration made the whole Europe tremble.

The Huns not only defeated the rampant Goths, but also fragmented the glorious Roman Empire, and the whole Roman city was slaughtered. The Hun army led by Attila became the trembling "whip of God" of Europeans.

The later Goths were broken up and divided into East and West Goths. The Huns first defeated the Visigoths, all the way to the Danube River, and then returned to kill the East Goths. About 150000 East Goths were killed, and they never recovered from that.

And in this battle, Attila was shot and died. As soon as the talented military strategist died, there was internal coax within the Hun army. No longer thinking of war, they occupied territory one after another. Among them, the nobles, the main army led by Attila, established the Hungarian Empire on the fertile land near the Alps.

Big bald Ladybug and his good friend big head are the foreign Qi army of the Huns. This foreign Qi army has been expanding its territory to the West and finally stopped near what is now Paris. The original social aristocrats had long been frightened by the "whip of God" and tried to please and soften. After that, the small number of Waiqi army gradually integrated into the local people and never established a brilliant front again.

The big bald lads and big men are just the descendants of ordinary cavalry, the glory of their ancestors and how many privileges they enjoy. They were not even canonized by the king when he canonized knights. The descendants of these ordinary soldiers soon fell into the lower class. However, their blood was still full of robber genes. When they were in their teens, the two guys started robbery, were chased by knights, and soon couldn't stay in Paris.

Forced helpless, they had to go to sea by boat and start a business without capital. These two guys were born with the potential to be pirates. Soon they tangled with a large number of thieves and hooligans, robbed a ship and committed crimes. With the pirate leader Da Jinya. Although the number of dajinya is small, he is a recidivist with rich experience in murder and robbery. These people have no fixed place to live and wander around. They can eat together for a year or two.

Gradually, Europe began to arrest them as thieves everywhere, and their scope of activities became wider and wider, from the west to the East. The big bald lad and the big man learned from their ancestors that the East is a very rich place. If they can rob once, it will be enough for them to eat for a lifetime, so they headed east along the coastline.

In fact, although they have heard that the East is very rich, they don't know where it is. When they arrive at the Thousand Island Islands, they think they have reached the rich country in the East. Unexpectedly, they really robbed a lot of trade ships between Japan and the Southern Song Dynasty, and gained a lot.

I got some treasures. Unfortunately, there are not many real gold and silver treasures. Because most of them are trading ships, there are only porcelain, tea and brocade. They went to the southeast where the Southern Song Dynasty was located. Unexpectedly, when they reached the south of the Yangtze River, they felt that it was impossible to rob anything. They were heavily defended and surrounded by warships. They had no choice but to follow a few Japanese trading ships and plunder them.

After coming and going, he also accumulated a lot of property. After that, he robbed this area for a long time and buried the treasure on the nearby island. Although there are pirates in Japan, their combat effectiveness is really vulnerable. After several failures, Japanese pirates dare not come out and hide in the inland sea to rob their own people.

The place where they often park is an island called Hege mountain, which has beautiful scenery and a bay that can avoid storms. They live very comfortably here. I got familiar with the local shrimps and barbarians. I overheard the local legend that there was an ancient tomb called queen beimihu on the Hege mountain. The queen beimihu was a very mysterious figure in history.

It is said that she was unmarried and had 1000 maids. She ruled thirty or forty small countries in Japan for 36 years. According to historical records, "the queen of the Japanese (slave) country. In its foundation, it also took men as the king. It lived for 70 or 80 years. The Japanese country was in chaos and attacked each other over the years. It established a woman as the king, which is not only a humble call. He is a ghost and can confuse people. He has grown up, has no husband and son-in-law, and has a male brother to assist in governing the country. Since he became king, few people have seen him. A man may eat and drink, but a servant may come and go. They live in the palace and Louguan, with strict City fences. They are often guarded by soldiers. He sent envoys to the state of Wei many times to get married. He was worshipped by the state of Wei as a fake Japanese king, and ordered to give gold, silk, brocade, knives, mirrors and things. " After Pei Mihu's death, the Chinese built a large grave in Hege mountain, with a diameter of more than 1000 steps, and more than 1000 martyrs.

Robbers are robbers. As soon as they heard that there was a king's grave buried here, they suddenly came to their senses and began to look everywhere on the mountain. The thousand island islands are very large, and there are many mountains on the island. I don't know which mountain is buried under the king's grave. Later, with the guidance of the people, they finally found a clue near the Hege mountain.

It turned out that before beimihu died, he was buried deep in the mountains. Don't let anyone find it, so there was no stone tablet on the mountain. However, because it took a lot of manpower and material resources to build the grave, it must be very wide. The king of a country, of course, can't dig a hole and bury it.

The big man and the big bald lad followed Da Jinya all the way to the place, but the place was only a very wide stream. The stream was very flat, and the bottom of the stream was covered with small stones. But the shrimps refused to go in, saying that it was a cursed place for ghosts.

It turned out that few people had seen the Queen's face all her life. They only heard of her "beautiful appearance, bewitching people and ghosts.", At that time, this kind of person was very frightening, so people were very afraid at that time. Even after 36 years of rule, there were many small countries in Japan, but nothing happened. After her death, someone made up that she was cursed by a ghost. The frightened people forgot her early, and no one dared to dig her grave.

Fang Qi couldn't help but feel a move in his heart: Wo Na wipe, I have dug up a lot of secret history in Japan. I haven't heard of the queen. Isn't this woman possessed by a Soul Eater?