Fang Qi scolded, "why did you two eat? The loyal protector doesn't know yet? " Xiao hei and Xiao Bai were scolded and had to keep quiet. Miao Miao said, "well, we're not little white rabbits. The Jackal has a shotgun. I'm afraid it will do something!"

Xiaobai flattered immediately: "look how hard we are. OK, let's keep an eye on it."

Gao Changgong stood up. "What, I'll go pee. Is there anyone on the same road? Follow up! " As a result, someone paid attention to him. He is a male goods. Except that Fang Qi is a man, who will go to pee with him. This goods is looking for smoking.

Seeing that no one really paid attention to him, he said bitterly, "well, I'll go. Don't follow." He talked to himself and no one would follow him. Gao Changgong gets into the deep forest and takes out a Wu to hiss. Suddenly, he feels a cold wind behind him and is ready to fight back.

But he didn't wait for someone to attack. When he looked back, he saw Fang Qi shaking his legs and still whistling in his mouth. He was quite upset: "I called you just now. You didn't say a word and came stealthily again. What's the meaning?"

They said, "I didn't want you to come with me, but I didn't want you to laugh."

Gao Changgong picked up his pants and looked in one direction. He turned back. The other party hissed strangely. Fang Qi saw his ghost and came close to him. Gao Changgong whispered, "there are people on the other side of the mountain!"

Fang Qi said, "do my shit and go back to sleep." Turn around and go. Gao Changgong said, "those are the two men who chased Hula sentry!"

Fangqi suddenly became interested: "well, let's go and see what they're doing." They climbed up the mountain one by one. Sure enough, they saw a fire in the northwest of the mountain. The two people wearing hats had taken off their hats and were sitting by the fire. A few people were hanging upside down from the tree next to them. It was those Hula sentries. One of them cut his throat and blood flowed into a jar.

When the man's blood ran out, one of them picked up the jar, raised his neck and drank it. Then he cut another man open, and the other drank a jar of blood.

Fang Qi looked cold. Although he had heard of cannibalism, it was the first time he had witnessed it. The two people were familiar with their actions. Obviously, it was not the first time. Fang Qi is not afraid of gods and ghosts, but he is more afraid of people who are more cruel than ghosts and gods. Gao Changgong said, "it's bad luck for these bandits to meet more cruel."

After drinking human blood, the two took out their knives and began to cut human flesh and roast it on the fire. But no matter how they toss, they just can't hear the screams of those hu la whistles. They may be scared to shit.

After looking at it for a while, Fang Qi didn't want to see it. He just felt that it was too disgusting and people ate people. How much evil did it have to cause? They were about to retreat when they saw the two men standing up and looking this way. Their four eyes were very bright in the dark, just like four LED torches.

Fang Qi shrunk and scolded, "his grandmother didn't find us. It's really unlucky to meet an ogre in the middle of the night! Withdraw. " They came down from the mountain and returned to the campfire.

Miaomiao and Gao Changgong were already asleep, but Fang Qi couldn't sleep. There are two ogres on the other side of the mountain. Even if his kung fu is high, he can't sleep. Leaning against the tree, he took out a dry cigarette bag and lit it. There was a rustling sound in the grass. The eagle dog monster came and lay down beside him.

The hawk dog monster used to be talkative, and I don't know if it has been with the silent puppet for a long time, but now it doesn't like talking. Fang Qi stroked his fur for a while, and the eagle dog monster looked at him with dog like eyes.

Fang Qi suddenly remembered something and asked it in a low voice, "do you smell blood, too?" The eagle dog monster nodded, and Fang Qi asked, "what do those two guys do?" In fact, he and Miao Miao both blocked out the breath along the way, so he couldn't see it.

The purpose of shielding the breath is not to get angry and not afraid to return, but the amazing breath burst out all over the body, which will certainly lead to bad things. It's like lighting a light in the middle of the night. Insects, moths and everything will rush up. Annoyance can annoy you to death. Don't think that practitioners can show off and force everywhere. Most of the time, they don't dare to swagger around. Do you know where there will be more powerful than you?

The Gryphon barked, "monsters in the ancient tomb, but they dare not come."

"Ancient tomb?" Fang Qi was stunned. "Is there an ancient tomb here?"

The Gryphon hummed, but didn't say whether there was an ancient tomb here. Fang Qi thought that the monsters in the ancient tomb were nothing more than card cavities, but these two guys were obviously not card cavities. They didn't understand what was everywhere. Since they came out of the ancient tomb, they didn't feel anything about bloodthirsty cannibalism. At least they couldn't call people. It's better to call it ogre. It's scary. If you have a DV, you can shoot a hot cannibal video.

With Xiaohei Xiaobai and the eagle dog monster guarding, Fang Qi was not afraid that they would come and eat themselves. Before he finished smoking, he leaned against the stone and fell asleep.

Sleeping vaguely, he suddenly felt a cold on his face, followed by several drops of water. As soon as Fang Qi opened his eyes, the rain splashed down. Although the horizon had been lit, it was still dark in the forest. A few people were all awakened, and all got up and rode on their horses to find shelter in the cave.

The Greyhound ran around in front and disappeared. When they climbed up, the Greyhound barked at them and led them to a cliff where weeds grew. Pulling away the weeds showed a cave more than one person high.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. They went into the cave. Their clothes had been wet by the rain. A cold wind blew in the cave, which made them shiver. Gao Changgong and kava black water demon went to find dry firewood to light a fire, and several people sat around the fire.

Originally, I planned to go to Wangcheng in three days. It was really an unexpected situation. It rained. As long as it rained continuously, I couldn't go away for a moment. I was afraid of such a thing when I was on my way, but there was no way to delay on the way.

Miaomiao took out the wine bag to let them drink to keep out the cold. Fang Qi saw that kava's face was flushed and her eyes were watery, so he knew the bad food. As soon as he touched her wrist, he felt her shortness of breath and acceleration of her heart pulse. I ran all night last night and slept outside in the middle of the night. It's strange that I didn't get sick.

Holding her against the stone, she poured real Qi into her body to drive away the cold in her body, and urged the real Qi to circulate in her meridians for several weeks before kava slept soundly with sweat. Fang Qi also helped her get through Ren Du's two veins to make her breath run more smoothly.

Just after drinking and eating, they were resting. Suddenly, they heard a sound of swallowing from the depths of the hole.