When they came to the logging yard, the people were anxious. They were very happy to see the two people and a dog back safely. Although tentacle monster is no longer the original Eagle dog monster, it is not much different from the original. It is a silly dog with a big tail.

Seeing that they were all safe, Fang Qi said, "let's go quickly before dawn. It's already a land of right and wrong. It must be difficult to deal with a large number of officers and soldiers when they come."

They put on tarpaulin cloaks and rode to the southwest. Gus rode a camel to lead the way. The goods knew that so many things had happened in the town and so many people had died, but they were safe. If the officers and soldiers caught them, there would be no good fruit to eat, so he ran very fast.

The tentacle monster still climbed to the puppet horse. It didn't rain at dawn, but it was still gloomy. More than a hundred miles ahead, there are more and more hills in front, fewer and fewer forests, and even trees grow very low. That clump can only be called shrubs at most.

At first, Fang Qi didn't know why there were no defenders of the white tent Khanate at the border. Later, when he walked so far, he couldn't see people at all. Only then did he know that the local environment was too bad. There were no forests except the cold and humid hills.

When you get here, you can see a big white light. Many tall trees grow along the great lake. There is a small town not far from the great lake. The party entered the town to fight. This town is not as crowded as the one they came to, but many Persians are stranded. Looking at these Persian people and small boxes, they must go to the Central Plains to do business again.

The rain here blocked all the dozens of Persians in the small town. After listening to them, they knew that this period was not only long, but also there were wolves and bandits on the mountain. When there were not enough people, they didn't dare to go there. Seeing Fang Qi's faces as Oriental people, he asked them about the situation ahead.

Fang Qi didn't say much. He just said that they met bandits in the forest and didn't dare to stop where they ran for hundreds of miles. Those Persians looked at each other and prayed that they would go again when it was sunny. The weather here is very strange. Generally speaking, it may be like this for a month as long as it is cloudy and rainy.

The road is hard to walk, and there are robbers and wolves. No one dares to risk his life. Fortunately, they all run this road all year round, so they just wait. It doesn't matter.

After dinner, several people went back to the inn for lodging. They didn't sleep well in front. They ran so far all the way. When the inn finished washing, everyone fell asleep like a dead pig. Fang Qi and Miao Miao didn't want to say anything more. They also drilled into the quilt and slept separately.

They were also lucky. Soon after lying down, the sky became gloomy again, and the rain crashed down. Not only that, but also the wind was tight. Listening to the sound of wind passing through the treetops and rain, the house is warm again, so I sleep very well.

They slept until midnight. Miao Miao got up and poked Fang Qi: "deflate, listen to what's going on?" Fang Qi was sleeping soundly and confused. "Why, people are dreaming of asking for a wife... Ouch, it hurts!" His mind was clear, "why?"

"Listen!" Miao Miao made a sign to him to listen carefully in the dark. Fang Qi got up and saw that the flame of the oil lamp in the room was flickering, and the tentacle monster was stunned and listened to it. Then he pricked up his ears, opened his fire and listened to the sound.

His divine sense separated the sound of rain and wind, as well as the snoring and farting of guests in the inn, and went all the way to the great lake. Miao Miao also followed. When the two divine senses came to the lake, they saw the water splashing in the great lake, and a big black head came out of the lake. The long neck of the thing was covered with hard thorns from head to bottom. It turns out that this thing is playing in the water. It comes out of the water, Moos a few times, and sticks out a small head from the bottom of the water, just like everyone's head.

The little head came to the big guy and rubbed hard on the big guy. It was like a puppy playing coquettish with the big dog. The big guy opened his mouth, and the little head stretched his neck to find fish from the big guy's mouth.

Fang Qi lost his way: "people eat. What's good? Go back." As soon as the divine consciousness shrinks, he returns to the inn. Seeing many rare birds and animals, I don't think it's strange to see this long necked plesiosaur again.

Miao Miao lay down angrily and said, "you are really boring. I want to have some fun for you. When a dog bites LV Dongbin, he doesn't know a good heart. "

Fang Qi smiled: "please, people are dreaming of asking for a wife, you..." stop quickly, but Miao Miao didn't fight back against him and went to sleep without saying a word. Fang Qi had to wilt and pick up the cigarette bag to light the oil lamp. Suddenly, he saw a light cyan glow on the tentacle monster, which was very dim. Fang Qi can only see after opening his eyes and ears. He can't help but secretly say strange in his heart. No wonder tentacle monsters can also be upgraded?

You know, it turns out that only the Gryphon monster has the chance to mutate after eating the lobster and the wolf. This situation is very rare, even if Xiaohei and Xiaobai follow them all the year round. On second thought, it's not impossible. You know, tentacle monster devoured his baby and Eagle dog monster, and abnormal body changes are inevitable.

When his eyes looked at the tentacle, the guy was sleeping on the floor and was emitting no light. He didn't know anything about it. Fang Qi's mind came up with the astrolabe. He just looked at the mirror with a lot of diamonds and gemstones. He felt like the colorful stars in the sky, so he made up nonsense that it was a astrolabe.

Fang Qi was used to pretending. Ordinary things always had to say something that others couldn't think of. Later, the two really arranged the things according to the stars into the tentacle monster's brain, mainly to suppress the terrible phagocytic power of the tentacle monster. Because Fangqi fought with it, he not only failed to beat it to death, but also let others take away the weapon. Fangqi is a little afraid. A monster can have such terrible power that he can't deal with it.

Put on the seedlings, turn fighting into taming, and finally successfully control the abnormal behemoth. It's not true now. I've been practicing for many years, but I'm baffled by a little monster. How can I blow it in the future?

He didn't hold it in his mind for long. He comforted himself: I'm still powerful. Even the most powerful monsters have to drink my foot washing water! Aren't you awesome? Now you've become my summoning beast. What's good?

When he was secretly proud, he suddenly saw the dog turn over a dog's eye, which radiated a burst of red light. It seemed very angry. He was surprised in his heart. Did he know what I thought?