As soon as Fang Qi heard the cold and rotten smell, he knew that it was noisy outside. When he lived in the inn, the shopkeeper repeatedly told them to go to bed early and get up early, don't light the light, don't talk loudly at night, and don't panic, so as not to cause harm.

Such things as kaqiang only come out in the middle of the night. They are afraid of sunshine and fire. But the sense of smell and hearing are very sensitive. Like a wolf, you can smell the smell of strangers and animals dozens of miles away. As soon as you climb out of the cave, you will follow the sound and smell to bite people and animals. Sometimes it will come out in rainy days, so the herdsmen in this area will not go out to graze as long as they encounter rainy days, and the Hu merchants who walk will sleep early and stop on their way.

Fang Qi put out the oil lamp made of sheep oil, and the card cavity attracted by the smell of burning oil only bumped outside their stone wall, which made people panic. One or two doesn't matter, but more than a dozen hit the wall together. Even if the stone wall is thick and has no windows, something will happen after tossing for a long time.

Miao Miao put down his book and his eyes glittered in the dark: "these things can really make trouble. No wonder future generations should advocate cremation. I think this method is very good. Why don't they burn it?"

Fang Qi: "it's not that the ancients thought it was safe to enter the land. If they wanted to plant the dead in the ground, it would be like growing leeks. They can grow in a Cheng Zi."

Miao Miao giggled. "Your explanation is the funniest statement I've ever heard. It's very funny."

Fang Qi hushed and whispered, "go to bed. Leave early tomorrow. I can't sleep well in this damn place. I'm afraid. Leave early and be good."

The next day they didn't get up to eat until the sun rose a pole high. Many Hu merchants had prepared horses and carts to start. Fang Qi asked the shopkeeper to prepare the wine and meat. When they were ready to eat, they mounted their horses and set off.

The shopkeeper called Fang Qi aside again: "Han, you are straightforward, and I won't let you suffer. Remind you, there is a dead man's Valley more than 100 miles ahead. It used to be an ancient battlefield. Many people died. Many bodies were thrown into underground holes on the side of the road before they could be buried. If it's sunny, you have to be careful. It's only at noon that we cross the valley of the dead. We must not wait until the sun can't shine in the valley. It's easy to have an accident. "

Fang Qi asked how far the dead man's valley was from here. The shopkeeper said it was 50 or 60 miles away. They should be there at noon, but the dead man's Valley is more than 30 miles away. We have to hurry. It's best to hit the torch. The cavity is afraid of fire.

Fang Qi arched his hands to thank him, turned and left. When they got on the horse, Gao Changgong and Qinglong had packed the wine and meat on the horse's back. They went the opposite way with another group of Hu merchants who went to the Central Plains. Most Hu merchants went to the Central Plains while the weather was warm this season. Of course, several other merchants from the Khanate will also go northeast from this road. This road of land trade has never been broken. It has always been the main channel for trade between the Central Plains and many small countries in the southwest.

There are too many good things in the Central Plains. They like tea, iron smelting, tools, paper and so on, as well as gold and silver. Once these things are transported back, they will be purchased by the local rich nobles in exchange for more gold and silver; If you use these gold and silver to sell jewelry and handicrafts to the Han people in the Central Plains, you will earn some silver. Go this year and go back next year. Although it's a long journey, it's not easy to travel a long way, but you can make a lot of money once.

This is also the ancient silk road they have been pursuing for thousands of years. Although it is difficult and dangerous, bandits can't stop them. On the contrary, Fangqi is not selling things, but looking for the truth.

After going out of the mountain area, Fang Qi and their horses ran wildly. They had to arrive at the dead man's Valley before noon. Since the shopkeeper said it was dangerous, they had to go according to what others said. The horse is a new driver. He doesn't care about the small stones on the road. He will arrive dozens of miles soon.

From a distance, he saw the steep valley ahead. Fang Qi pointed to the place and said, "everyone must be careful. There is probably the valley of the dead. You two go before and after." Pointing to Gao Changgong and Qinglong, he said he would cut some wood to make a torch.

Before arriving at the valley, everyone dismounted to pick up firewood and light a fire pile. First, they had a rest and ate something. They only crossed the dead man's Valley at noon. Others cut more than a dozen branches to make torches.

Fang Qi stood high and looked inside. It was very narrow like a man's lane. The valley was hidden in the shadow of the sun. It was probably that the wind passed through the valley and made a ghost sound. It was really dangerous. The shopkeeper said it used to be an ancient battlefield. Looking at the mountains here, it looks like Hangu pass. The passage through the pass is so narrow that one man can't open it. It is very difficult to attack and defend here. If it becomes a place to attack and attack, many people will die. It's just that this is not Guanzhong Plain. It's a granary. I don't understand why they compete here.

Cai Xiaoe asked him to come down for dinner. Gao Changgong often fought. He knew that the terrain was dangerous. "This is not a place to stay. As soon as the sun shines on the valley, we will rush over." Qinglong disdained: "what's the matter? I don't believe it!"

Fang Qi nodded: "well, you'll be dead. We don't want a large group of dead people behind our hips. It's good to have you." It's still early. After dinner, people sit or lie down and rest until the sun gradually climbs up and shines into the valley.

Cai Xiaoe called the people in and set out. They all got on their horses and walked towards the valley. Gus didn't know whether he was frightened or what. He didn't talk much all the way. He only knew to follow Fang Qi and Miao Miao silently.

In front of them are Gao Changgong and Fang Qi. Behind them are Miao Miao, who is sitting on the horse and concentrating on reading, and the tentacle monster who protects her. Behind them is Gus, and the green dragon is broken at the end.

The dark wind blew out of the valley, with a biting cold. Gao Changgong held a torch in one hand and a big gun in the other. The two men ran to the valley with bright eyes. The dead man's Valley is not a straight passage, but winding. There are always corners where the sun can't shine.

The geological structure here is also wonderful. There are not only large and small holes on the road, but also holes on the cliffs on both sides. The mountain wind sweeps through the holes and makes a chilling sound.

Gao Changgong said as he walked, "I'm afraid it's going to collapse here. The ground is full of pits. It's not surprising that a few people fall down." He was really right. He didn't go far. There was a deep pit trampled by a horse on the side of the road. The pit was also very deep, and the sun couldn't shine below. As Fang Qi walked over, he saw a shadow passing by.