One of them, a grandson of Chuchi, named IL, led troops south along the Black Sea to attack Sabbath and Persia. At present, he has won Sabbath and is fighting with Persia and Arab princes.

All the places where these robbers pass are waste soil. Men kill all women and things, rob all things, and burn all houses and things they can't carry. Although they fought with many small tribes, they were afraid that Kublai Khan would attack. Therefore, they sent one or two hundred cavalry to garrison here. It is located in the main traffic road into Europe, West Asia and southern Arab countries. The sent Tamar flag can generally be released for hundreds of miles.

In addition to Kublai Khan, the other four khanates supported Ali Buge's Orthodox Mongolian Yuan Empire and fought with Kublai Khan. Therefore, they were afraid of Kublai Khan's growing momentum. In particular, the land of the golden tent Khanate is vast. At the beginning, Wu xulie supported Wu xulie. Later, Wu xulie lost the battle and won a territory in South Asia with the help of the golden tent Khanate. Therefore, in any way, the golden tent Khanate was afraid to work directly with Kublai Khan.

After listening to CAI Xiaoe and looking at the topographic map, Fang Qicai knew that they had deviated. Originally, there was a way from Mount ala to bypass the black sea without going so far, directly into Wu xulie's territory, and then West into the Persian state. The road they have come is the road of Commerce and trade in Batu.

From here to the south, you can really enter Persia and Arab princes, hundreds of miles more than the south line. But now it's like this, and I can only cross the line of fire of the Mongolian Yuan people with a hard sheepskin.

After eating wine and meat, several people slept in the tent and discussed how to get there. After all, people are at war. It's certainly not feasible to say that it's a small business. Miao Miao said to kava, "then help us dress up as Mongolian Yuan cavalry, or I'm afraid we can't rush out."

Makeup is kava's specialty. All the people were made up into big cakes overnight. The Mongolian Yuan cavalry with small face, thick eyes and thick lips smiled at Fang Qi: "your face looks like a battered dough. It's so ugly!" Fang Qi saw that other people also have this shape. This face shape is the standard of Mongolian Yuan people. It's not difficult to make several more according to this standard.

Miao Miao and Fang Qi each gave them a strange name of Mongolian Yuan. They all stayed in the army of Mongolian Yuan people. Naturally, they know the barracks system of Mongolian Yuan people, and several people are called Tangma patrol. Only the action of horse scouts and patrols will not attract people's attention.

After making up, the people went to sleep. The next day they rested for another day. On the third day, they were ready to eat wine and meat on the road, left the garrison and continued to the south. You can't see people all the way, even chickens, dogs, cattle and sheep. After passing through a broken Town, they didn't dare to enter the town. The corpses in the town were everywhere, and the stench was in the sky. Groups of wolves and wild animals were entrenched in the town looking for food. It was desolate and desolate.

They also saw the belly of the female corpse hanging from the tree in zhenzikou cut open. The crows had pecked the corpse into a white skeleton. If they hadn't seen her with blond hair, I'm afraid they couldn't see whether it was a man or a woman.

Everyone kept away: "these Mongolian soldiers are not as good as animals. They even kill women." Fang Qi said, "come on, the more people die in front of you, please be careful, don't talk at will, so as not to be seen through and ask for trouble."

On the way, I really met many Mongolian Yuan cavalry running around, but they didn't say hello to them or ask them. They didn't stop to rest until they reached a small place called Shu Jintai. That night, when he slept under the man's hill, Qinglong felt uncomfortable. He took off the mask and threw it aside. While eating wine and meat, he complained that it was too boring to come to this place.

Generally, no one paid attention to him when he spoke. Although Gao Changgong admired his martial arts, he was so bad that he didn't want to talk to him about important things. Qinglong just ate and drank. He fell to the ground and slept. No one paid attention to him.

People look at me and I look at you. They are silent for a moment. Cai Xiaoe took kava to the dark place of the forest for convenience. The black water demon stabbed Fang Qi and motioned him to see may. She saw that may vomited away holding the stone without taking a few bites. Fang Qixin said that the girl would not be hurt by that and would have a little Persia? When I cut her pulse, I felt something wrong. She has a pulse. It doesn't seem to be a sign of pregnancy at all. On the contrary, she is seriously disordered. I couldn't help but sink in my heart and said to Miao Miao in my mind, "it's bad. May has got the plague!"

Miao Miao was also startled and got up. Except that may is the only 100% human fetus here. There is no problem walking through so many dead places. That's a strange thing“ Can it be cured? "

Fang Qi thought for a moment. It seemed that there was a prescription for curing the plague in alchemy. According to Fang Qi, he found some ore bearing stones near the hill platform, ground them into powder, slowly rubbed them with both hands, and then fed them to May to drink. He pointed her several acupoints to stop her vomiting.

Just then, Cai Xiaoe and kava hurried back and said, "there's a crowd over there." When they looked up, they saw that the horse team was coming towards them. Unexpectedly, it was a group of cavalry coming back from the front. The number was about 20. They came close like a whirlwind. Seeing that they were also Meng Yuanbing's clothes, they stopped and dismounted one after another: "what do you do?"

Fang Qi pointed to may lying on the ground and said, "we are the flag officer of the horse guard. Someone has fallen ill." Those people seemed to be very hungry and came to grab something to eat. Gao Changgong and the black water demon jumped up and pulled out their knives to stop them: "don't rob!" The gang didn't care. They pulled out their knives and wanted to fight them. Qinglong was angry: "I have few horses. You dare to rob me of my food!"

The cavalry stared at the Green Dragon: "who is he!" Fang Qi then remembered that Qinglong removed the mask and explained, "he is a fine work we caught. If you know it, get away quickly. If you run over there for dozens of miles, there will be a military camp and food in the camp. If you dare to rob us, don't blame us for being rude! "

Where the cavalry were willing to listen, they showed their weapons to fight. Where the cavalry was the opponent of the green dragon, they fled after being beaten. Fang Qi Fed may the medicine, took out the jade cat and put it on Mei's chest. The exquisite jade cat, inspired by the real Qi, soon pulled out the virus of Mei's chest and lung depression, and the jade cat gradually turned black and gray.

Fang Qi forced the poison from the jade cat with his true Qi and put it on Mei's chest again. After three times of pulling out, the toxin was finally no longer so black before it was put away. May's face turned normal, her breathing gradually became even, and she fell into a coma.

Cai Xiaoe came and asked, "what's the matter with her?" Fang Qi smacked his mouth: "I'm sick. Take off my clothes and I'll examine you." Cai Xiaoe stared, "believe it or not, I'll beat you!"