Fang Qi hurriedly asked, "see what's coming?"

Miao Miao smiled. "It turns out that this book of the dead is really a Book of healing. I guess it's right. Look how smart I am." Then he shook his small skull with complacency.

"That's all? Where did you get your confidence? " Fang Qi really didn't understand, "even if this is a book for curing diseases and saving people, you can cure Tutankhamen without saying."

Miao Miao hooked on him, "come here and I'll tell you." Fang Qi leaned over and Miao Miao bit his ear and said a few words. Fang Qi suddenly realized, "Oh, that's right. OK, I'll cooperate with you." He said to aha, "find us an empty room. We're going to practice. You three go and protect the Dharma for us. This is related to whether we can win the first war tonight. "

Seeing that he said so seriously, AHA also said, "don't find an empty room. Where I sleep, you two close the door and can't hear the outside. At the same time, we don't have to move around anymore. We just eat wine outside and wait for you to come out."

Fangqi originally wanted to change places. Aha, a bachelor, is too sloppy at home. It turned out that according to his previous habits, he was willing to find a large family in the village, because the large family had spacious houses and good conditions, so there was no need to make mistakes. But aha, the leader, turned out to be a diamond king. Obviously, he didn't hear Fang Qi's dislike. He carelessly took the initiative to let the room out for them to practice.

Miao Miao winked at him: "yes, right here, very good."

After closing the door, Fang Qi whispered, "I've rolled in the haystack. I'm afraid you'll be wronged."

Miao Miao said, "I'm very moved when you say that." But the tone of her voice didn't seem to be moved at all. Instead, it was a little teasing. Fang Qi had to shut up.

They sat on AHA's bed and meditated. Miao Miao said, "you Muggle, what I told you is clear. You seem to pretend you don't understand."

Fang Qi was wronged. "If you don't make it clear, blame me. You know my brain is one muscle. It's so hard. It's better to tell me directly in my mind."

"This is a Scripture. I said that if you understand it thoroughly, it's nothing to deal with Tutankhamen. Just because he becomes a devil is also a curse disease. People who curse others are already sick. Can we cure this disease? Well, let's suit the remedy to the case and let him change this problem. "

Read the sentence in your mind, but it's the same as the word in the tomb, but the understood meaning is completely different. Listen carefully, it really means treating diseases. Broken sentences and poems have existed since ancient times. The ancients always wrote things without adding anything. The book of the dead is the same. If we understand it according to conventional thinking, these three words mean how to comfort the dead, like the great mercy mantra of Buddhism.

However, Miao Miao's explanation turned out to be like this: death refers to the idea of death and elimination; Soul can be understood in two meanings, one is ghost, the other is disease, and it refers to the disease of spiritual direction; Book is not necessarily the meaning of the noun book, but may be the meaning of writing records. The meaning of this connection is: records of the treatment of mental diseases.

Fang Qi suddenly Muggle, "I'll pull up, Miao Miao, I have to admire you. Your brain is bigger than the sky. I think it can be explained. There's nothing wrong."

Miao Miao smiled. "It's not surprising that you read this thing as a book to comfort the dead. It will naturally attract ghosts."

This is true. People who have read the Buddhist scriptures know that if someone reads the Sutra mantra of transcending the dead, such as turning back, it will attract many ghosts to listen. Only because the reader is unintentional, the ghosts in his heart can feel it.

Fang Qi was full of admiration. "Well, go on. We'll rely on this medical treatment file to cure this neuropathy."

Miao Miao continued to explain. Intelligence is really a good thing. After hearing Miao Miao's explanation, Fang Qi was puzzled: "Miao Miao, you can read it. Why do you say we have to work together."

"Muggle, I don't understand. We must not blindly use one attribute to cure diseases and save people. We must match Yin and Yang. I don't have to say this. You can't just use one medicine during treatment. The reason is the same. "

When Fang Qi and Miao Miao came out of the room, they were having a good drink at the wine table. The three people haven't come back yet. AHA poured a glass of wine for Fangqi and Miaomiao, "drink some, you two. We can deal with the devil at night."

They drank the wine. Indeed, there was a pot of meat on the table. There was a thick layer of oil floating in the soup in the pot. Seeing the food level struggling on the food and clothing line, Fang Qi and Miao Miao lost their appetite.

AHA kept asking for food: "this is the wild antelope they bought in the market in the morning. Try it, too. It tastes good."

Fang Qi tore a small piece on it and tasted it. It tasted strange. It was sprinkled with a lot of pepper, which was spicy and spicy. Miao Miao also tasted a piece when he saw him eat. Hehe said, "spicy hot pot in Sichuan." Of course, they don't know what the hell Sichuan spicy hot pot is, but they always talk nonsense. Except for ahameng circle, the others don't care at all. Kava forked a large piece of meat and called Jinmao aside to feed it. During this time, she got along well with Jinmao.

After eating all night, the three didn't come out. Fang Qi was worried and reminded AHA: "man, go and see what happened to them and what arrangements they have. You have to have a bottom." AHA was not very confident. He took his horse and said, "eat first. I'll go and have a look. Be careful."

Fang Qi waved his hand: "go, we don't need you to worry."

The sound of the horse's hooves gradually disappeared. Fang Qi said to them, "listen to you all. Miao Miao and I have studied it carefully. We stole the book of the dead and read it half. Those monsters are looking for us. Without the book of the dead, they can't open the underworld smoothly. Your three most important tasks are to protect both of us without any mistakes. The consequences of opening the underworld are terrible. Maybe it will be a cruel massacre comparable to the Mongolian Yuan people. "

Although kava is a normal human, she still has a certain understanding of the so-called underworld. Maya people are also divided into gods and demons. She is worried: "my weapon has no mana. Can I kill monsters?"

Miao Miao said, "it's okay. Those mummies just climbed out of the grave and were controlled by some kind of dark force, just like string puppets. If you can burn it with fire, it's as good as dry firewood. " He also said to Gao Changgong, "Oh, you'd better get some oil on the big guns and light a fire, so that they can burn if they touch it. There's no need to spend a second shot."

When they were discussing the countermeasures to kill the enemy, Fang Qi heard small rustling noises outside. He hissed at them, crept up to open the door, and saw a tall dark figure standing 100 meters away from the street, staring at this side.