It's amazing that Miao Miao and Gao Changgong didn't react until this time. They ran over and asked what was going on. Fang Qi immediately felt a sense of weakness and fell down on the bench. Only now would he feel sweaty and afraid: "Lilith was taken away."

Gao Changgong stood foolishly and looked straight at kava. "What happened? How could Lilith be taken away? Who is it?" After asking a series of questions, Fang Qi understood the seriousness of the problem.

Miao Miao put his hands on Fang Qi's: "you can't argue. People are forgiven. It's an archangel who dares to fight against God, and it's also the origin of the European disaster. Lilith went where she should go. Don't worry about her. "

Fang Qi raised his face and stopped talking.

Gao Changgong and kava were completely confused: "what do archangels do? What right does he have to take Lily away? "

Miao Miao: "archangels are... I suggest you go and read their religious books. Every world has its own religious system, and we live in an era that is somewhat familiar with the history of western religion. The archangel was originally a follower of God. Later, he betrayed God and became a devil. In fact, this theory is the opposition between yin and Yang and restricts each other in the civilization of the Central Plains, but their concept is much later than our concept of the universe, and their vision is not broad enough. "

Of course, they can't understand this statement. Even if Gao Changgong has the soul of Qin Qingyang in his mind, he may not have a good understanding of Western religious ideas. But Miao Miao's meaning is clear. They can't directly confront the Western gods.

However, Fangqi soon knew what she meant: "I know that the archangel you said is Satan, the hell devil in their world. Well, life and death are destiny. I'm afraid Lilith is also destined. "

In fact, there was no concept of vampire in Europe at that time. Of course, this Lilith is not really a vampire, but a female movement leader in the Babylonian Dynasty during the two river civilization. Later Judaism compared her to a witch with a human snake tail. In the Old Testament, she became Adam's first wife, and in the New Testament, she became Satan's lover.

No matter how to copy around, Lilith's beauty is adored by everyone, and it is said that Lilith will never grow old. But apart from the Babylonian legend that she was a positive woman, all later religions linked her beauty to evil. In this regard, there is little difference between ancient and modern China and foreign countries. If the goddess looks too good, she will become a demon who will harm the world by collecting Yang and absorbing essence.

Bloodthirsty people are just an incurable infectious disease, similar to sepsis. I'm afraid the more direct reason is the mutation of human genes. It is now impossible to know what evil Europeans did. Judging from the bones of millions of people in Rome, Paris and the basements of cathedrals, several large-scale population declines in history were caused by very serious infectious diseases.

As for the legends of European vampires and werewolves, most of them are European Brain holes, which can be traced back from a few historical backgrounds to shape a complete system of blood families and werewolves. A lie told a thousand times becomes truth. European counterfeiting can make a lot of money at the box office. From this point of view, Europeans are much smarter than Bonzi.

When I returned to my room, it was not long before the fish belly appeared in the sky. A red sun jumped up from the sea. The whole Barcelona town was bathed in a golden world, unreal like a dream.

Fang Qi was relieved after hearing what Miao Miao said. He also knew that Lilith was not with them. Since her lover came to ask her out, let her go. Anyway, it was not her own disaster.

Before long, the huluwa brothers sent someone to the inn to ask them to go down the mountain. Fang Qimiao packed up his things and followed the man to the port. When he passed the town square, he saw several wooden crosses set up on the square, with five men and women tied on the crosses. There was only a piece of coke left after the fire. It was very terrible.

In the early morning, the seaside port was filled with cool water vapor and smelly fish. Several people bypassed the fish restaurant and set foot on the gravel road until they came to a mast sailing boat. The two brothers of huluwa at the wharf are directing people to transport goods to the ship. When they see them coming, they come forward to salute with their breasts and ask them to board the ship.

When they got on board, Fangqi noticed that the ship was not only a new ship with double masts, but also eight long oars on both sides. Generally, a ship with long oars in the bottom tank can see the scale at a glance. A ship that can be divided into two compartments and has two masts and eight oars is very expensive. At the same time, the ship is also very large, which is suitable for long-distance navigation.

But after running so far in this area, Fang Qi has never seen a giant ship with several layers of masts and two layers of oars like Kublai Khan. Even Captain Hook, the pirate part-time mage's ship is only a four oar single mast.

When they got on board, a sailor took the horses to the cabin to settle down, and two women with flaxen hair took them to dinner. Just when they got on the ship, huluwa's two brothers said that their other brothers were asking people to transport the goods here. When the goods were loaded, the ship would start.

Fangqi and his family are arranged in an open restaurant. The restaurant on this floor is close to the railing, which is covered with thick tarpaulin. The sun can shine directly into the cabin, as if they were enjoying the sunbathing of the Mediterranean.

It is now August and September. Although the sun in the morning is still burning, it is no longer hot in midsummer. Before they finish eating, the sun has risen, and bursts of sea breeze are blowing. Fang Qi comfortably takes out his cigarette bag to smoke. The big golden dog is lying beside him eating beef and a large piece of bread. This guy has to let him eat some vegetarian food, otherwise he can develop a Tibetan mastiff.

There were five people, but now there is one less. Gao Changgong and kava silently ate bread and beef smeared with cheese. Miao Miao said, "Why are you all bitter? Lilith is not dead. She just went to another place. How come you two leave us, what will you do? Don't you just talk? "

Kava whispered softly, "it's just that it was very lively, now..."

Gao Changgong: "I decided to follow you at that time. There's nothing wrong with me wherever you go."

Miao Miao smiled, "Gao Changgong, send each other thousands of miles, there is always a difference. We won't stay in this world too long after all. If you think you can follow us all the time, you're very wrong. However, we also thought that when you get to Suizhou, you can find a safe place to practice or live, so it's up to you. "

The ship shook for a while. The big bald head took his gang of huluwa brothers aboard and shouted, "sail!"