The tramp opened the noisy pile of debris behind him and pointed to the hole in the back: "come on in, it's safe." The footsteps in the back were getting closer and closer. Fang Qi and Miao Miao didn't care about the smell and hurried into the hole. The tramp then went in and blocked the hole with some garbage, and heard the disorderly footsteps running past.

The tramp took out his sickle and lit a candle to lead the way. Fang Qi and Miao Miao cat followed closely behind. But at this time, a man in black stood at the entrance of the alley. His eyes swept the alley gloomily. It was strange that the smell of the two oriental people disappeared inexplicably.

Fang Qi still doesn't know why he is so nervous in the city. His "nervousness" is not unreasonable. They were trying to find Lucifer. Gabriel was not a fool. Of course, it was impossible for them to succeed.

They followed the tramp in the underground passage for a while and finally found a clean hole. The hole was covered with hay, some ragged clothes and some living utensils. Wandering put the candle fire on the candlestick and lit it. The light was much brighter.

The man pointed to the pile of grass: "just stay here and wait until the city is loose in a few days."

Fangqi and Miaomiao got dirty and smelly, so they took off their robes and threw them aside. The man picked up his clothes and tutted: "Oh, which family did you escape from? It's a pity to throw away such good clothes. I'll wash them for you. You rest here at ease. No one can find here. "

He took his clothes and left. Fangqi came with a small cigarette bag. "See, I said I was watched. Don't you believe it. If Gabriel wants to stop us from looking for Lucifer, there must be a ghost in it. "

Miao Miao held his knees in both hands: "even if you're right, how can we find Lucifer?"

Fangqi had no idea and smoked. The sound of running water can be heard in the hole. It looks like a city sewer. It must be dirty water in the sewer. Even if the man washed his clothes, they didn't want to put them on again. The water in the sewer can't be clean.

After washing his clothes, the man took them back, put them on a stick to dry, lay down on the messy grass, bared his big teeth and said, "I'll save you out. How much are you willing to give me?"

Fang Qi and Miao Miao were silent. The man thought they didn't want to give money. He muttered a "cheapskate" and turned over to sleep. Fang Qi and Miao Miao ran around all night last night. They felt sleepy for a while, so they closed their eyes and took a nap. Unexpectedly, they fell asleep as soon as they closed their eyes.

When they woke up, they suddenly found that the man was gone, and Fang Qi's burden was gone. They couldn't find it after looking for it in the haystack. Miao Miao said, "forget it, don't look for it. We're lucky we didn't steal us together when we sleep in a thief's nest."

There was nothing else in the baggage, only a few. I bought a few more clothes, some scattered small money and a ingot of silver in the shop. The goods stole the baggage. As Miao Miao said, it was lucky not to run up to report them.

But Fang Qi has a bad heart. If he brings people to catch them, how can he be lucky? Thinking of this, he said, "forget it, let's go quickly. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

They cleaned up and walked in the opposite direction. Out of about half a mile, I suddenly heard someone shouting behind me: "two good people, please wait for me."

Fang Qi thought: good people? Nima, is the money spent? Afraid that he would bring his soldiers in and quietly pull Miao Miao to hide in the dark, he saw that the guy was walking towards them with a deep foot and a shallow foot, holding a candle in his hand.

Seeing that there was no one behind him, this guy looked around like an alert dog as he walked. When he approached, Fang Qi suddenly moved behind him: "boy, you take our things and dare to come back."

The tramp was startled. Then he smiled and said, "I, I, I'm going out to buy something. The road ahead is hard to walk. There are many dead people over there. They are haunted. "

Fang Qi reached out and took down the burden he carried on his back. The small money and silver in the bag were gone, but there were more hard things. When he opened it, there were some things like pepper, garlic, shallots, beef and mutton, bread and cakes. The tramp had tied torches and waist knives and spears in his hands.

"Why do you buy these things?" Miao Miao is also strange.

"Hehe, as I said just now, there are many dead people in front and they are haunted. If you want to go out, you must go through the front to get to the buyana Mountain Monastery outside the city. You can only go out to buyana mountain. Don't bring anything, for fear that ghosts will tear us apart. "

Fang Qi may not believe his kindness. "You can report to the soldiers and get the reward."

The tramp squatted down, untied the rope, and gave them waist knives, spears and torches: "do you really think they can get the reward by reporting it? It's strange to believe them. If you don't catch me and lock me up, I'll be lucky. " It turned out that the soldiers were not credible. Maybe even he himself would be unlucky. Instead of taking risks, we might as well send them out. Maybe we can get some benefits.

Seeing that what he said might also be true, Fang Qi took a torch and lit it. Miao Miao also wanted some points, but the man said, "the journey is not close. You have to save some money. I've passed this road. There are many evil spirits in front of me, but even the most fierce evil spirits are better than those who are like wolves and tigers in the army. Those people can really kill you. "

Miao Qi said, "ghosts are better than people? That's not a ghost. What's so terrible? "

The tramp gave them his things, got up, blew out the candle, put the candle head on his body and said, "let's go."

Fangqi handed the torch to the tramp and asked him to lead the way in front. Soon after walking out of the sewer, there was a crack exposed by the collapse. The tramp held up a torch and took a picture inside: "this is it. We can walk from the corner of hell to mount buyana. We all have to be careful."

"Horn of hell, why do you have such a strange name?" Fang Qi asked.

"Hey, hey, I named it. There are many dead people in it. It's like going to hell and a church, so I named it the corner of hell." Although this guy once walked this road, he still walked tremblingly. He climbed into the crack and walked forward a few miles. It was really empty. Once in a while, when he heard a rattling sound in the hole, he stopped quickly and nervously held up the torch to shine again and again.

After walking some way, the tramp lit up the stone wall in front of him with a torch: "in front of him is the legendary Saint Philip's Cathedral." The place illuminated by the fire was buried by the collapsed mountain, a tower carved into the tip of a cross, and huge rocks leaned on the top behind the stone church.

"Yes, there are ghosts!" The tramp screamed.