The captain quickening his movements, but he Kwai the bolt gun that made of the big and strong wood is really too laborious. Soon, another man came to help. The teenager was thin and weak. He swung a heavy axe and was tired and sweating a lot.

Two people must cut faster than one. The wood chips splashed and made a loud noise. They were tired and panting after cutting for a while. Two more guys came to replace them. It's not that they didn't work hard enough, but the deck is tilted. It's really boring. Later, the anchor gun finally cracked, and the captain shouted, "get out of the way!"

With a "click", the wooden pier finally pulled down a large piece of deck and fell off. The wooden boat suddenly lost its traction. The speed slowed down suddenly. Several people couldn't stop their feet and fell on the deck together. However, they were finally out of danger. Several people lay paralyzed on the deck and couldn't get up for a while.

After a while, the captain got up from the deck and looked in the light. He saw that his hands were full of blood. He didn't know where his face was scratched. His face was bleeding. It looked very scary. However, I moved a little. Fortunately, I haven't suffered any fatal injuries. He shouted to the guys to check the damaged part of the ship to see if there was any water leakage. In this place where there is no village in front of and no shop behind, if the ship breaks up, it will soon be buried at the bottom of the sea.

The guys ran to the bottom cabin to check, and the captain raised the torch and went to the bow to check the damage. The side of the bow was pulled off a big piece, exposing the dark cabin below. Except for this trauma, no major disaster of ship cracking was found for the time being.

He called a man to guard the mast and ran to the bottom of the ship. There was indeed a big hole in the ship board near the keel at the bottom of the ship. The sea water had been so deep that it was still bubbling in.

The captain asked several men to hold the quilt, picked up the quilt by themselves, blocked the hole, asked them to move the ballast stone to press on the quilt, and hurriedly bailed out water and poured it out until dawn.

Several people climbed up the deck from the bottom cabin. The captain still thought of Fangqi and asked a man to go to the cabin. The man came back and said they were good, but he knocked his head off. The captain still wondered. He said that maybe they were just hiding somewhere.

But when the Captain stood in the bow and looked forward, he was silly, because the fog ahead was too big. The fog before and after was white. He couldn't see where he was now, let alone how far away he was from the coast.

But the captain naturally had the captain's way. He asked the guys to cook first, wait until they were full, and then sail to the calendar side until they landed. The captain knocked his finger on the table and said to the boy, "little Peter, go and see our guests and let them eat."

Soon, Fang Qi came, but Miao Miao and Tao Fen didn't. The captain waved to him, "please come and sit down, my guest."

Fang Qi went to his desk and sat down. He looked indifferent. The captain read countless people, but he was stunned and couldn't see what the man was. "My guest, please eat," he said

Fangqi picked up the spoon and wanted to eat, but the captain said, "you guys are going to Barry. I'm sorry to tell you that our ship was damaged by a water monster and needs to be overhauled. I'm afraid we can't get to Barry. We have to dock after dinner, or we'll all fall into the sea to feed the fish. "

Fang Qi shrugged and didn't speak. The captain wanted to throw the two men into the sea to feed the fish, but he didn't want others to have nothing to do. His own ship was made like this and two guys died. Seeing that the man didn't show a panic expression at all, he was at a loss for a moment. Hearing the little bell clanging in the cabin, his face changed, put down his spoon and scolded "Legless bastard", got up and went out.

Fang Qi broke a piece of black bread and stuffed it into his mouth. The broth and mashed potatoes were really hard to swallow, so he pushed it aside.

There was a thin young man nearby: "xiansen, why don't you two come to dinner?" His eyes were fixed on Fangqi's food.

Seeing that the child was as thin as a hemp pole, and his pale face was covered with freckles, Fang Qi moved in his heart, pushed the pot of potato broth in front of him, and put the black bread in his hand in front of him: "eat."

The child took it and wanted to eat. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took it to his hand, his neck was picked up. His body was as strong as a cow. He scolded: "you, you dare to eat the guest's food!"

However, the child wolfed the broth in the wooden basin into his mouth, as if he hadn't eaten for several days. He was almost mutilated by being hit again and again, but he put brick like black bread into his mouth, and the strong man couldn't take it off.

Fang Qi shouted, "put him down!"

The man was stunned and said in a thick voice, "but he, he ate your food."

"I said, put him down!"

The man said "Oh" and put the child down. The child fell on the floor, but he still held the wooden basin and stretched out his tongue to lick it, like a poor dog who kept burping.

Fang Qi took the captain's meat soup and poured it into the child's basin. The child drank it at one breath, but the choking was worse. As soon as his mouth opened to vomit, Fang Qi stretched out his hand and poked the acupoint under his throat. The child stretched out his neck and swallowed the food he was about to spray.

The man next to him was obviously a little confused. He bared his crooked big yellow teeth and giggled: "little rabbit, little rabbit..."

The child got up from the ground, licked the wooden basin again, and scraped the bread crumbs in his mouth with his dirty hands. Then he put the basin on the table and said, "thank you, Sensen!"

Seeing all the people in the room looking at them, Fang Qi said to the boy, "go, follow me." Take the child back to the cabin corridor, find a place to sit down, take out his small cigarette bag and ask, "is there a legless bastard on your ship?"

The little boy looked timidly at the hatch and made sure no one said, "that's Shinsen without legs. He is the captain of the ship... Captain Shinsen was his sailor. Shinsen without legs had his legs cut off, so he wanted revenge and stayed on the ship all the time..."

The child spoke incoherently, but Fang Qi understood a little. It turned out that the captain was not the real captain. The legless xiansen was the real ship owner. He came to seek revenge. I don't know how capable this guy is. His legs have been cut off. He's not reconciled.

Seeing that he only smoked and didn't speak, the child turned and ran out. Fang Qi thought he was afraid and didn't care. The fart child must have been bullied on the ship. Unexpectedly, the child ran over again. His dirty hand stretched out in front of Fang Qi. His clenched hand was a delicate small porcelain vase.

Fang Qi grabbed the porcelain vase and stared at the child, "where did this come from?"