Fang Qi didn't understand why he was so nervous. Yi Yan got into the small storage compartment next to him. As soon as the door was closed, he heard the footsteps stop outside the cabin door and didn't come in. He thought it must be the captain who came back, but why didn't the captain come in?

He originally wanted to release his divine knowledge, but he thought that Shinsen without legs made a half ghost monster and deliberately wanted to catch the big water monster. Who knows if he has any other backhands. This guy is not as gentle as he seems, and it is more sinister and terrible than he met several captains.

Thinking of this, he leaned on the crack of the door and looked out. At this angle, he happened to see the iron wheelchair without legs. However, he looked at the door through the gap of the iron wheelchair, but saw two strange barrel shaped things hidden in the wooden box under the wheelchair.

He never thought that there was heaven and earth under the legless xiansen's iron chair. This guy deliberately hid his two legs! I can't understand why he did it? If you have a problem with your leg, I can cure you.

Finally, there was another voice outside the door. Legless xiansen said hoarsely, "come out, don't hide!" The hatch creaked and a foot appeared at the door. Fang Qi's vision was blocked by the iron chair. He could only see that half of his boots were black, yellowish brown, dripping down, and smelling a strong cold smell.

Fangqi thought, did gray kill the monster? When the iron chair shook, there was the empty "eat" of some concealed weapon and the impact sound of hitting the board wall. The boot suddenly disappeared. Then the iron chair trembled, and there was the sound of iron rubbing the scabbard. It seemed that without legs, Sen was going to make a big move.

Fangqi wondered. It's a good thing that gray killed the monster and legless xiansen. Why did he want to work with others? What exactly does that mean.

He just wanted to break his skull and couldn't figure out why. Suddenly, he saw the iron chair moving out quickly. Fang Qi pushed open the hatch and drilled out. He saw that there were more than a dozen nails nailed to the hatch. There were many mechanisms hidden in the legless xiansen rotating iron chair. It was absolutely no problem for ordinary people. But now it seems that he is definitely not dealing with ordinary people, otherwise he would not draw out a big sword to chase out.

Fang Qi drilled out and saw a pool of water at the hatch. Two iron wheels rolled two deep ruts on the snow. There was a constant jingle outside. However, he looked up and was frightened at the door. He didn't know when the snow outside had covered the ground. Such a heavy snow was almost blurred four or five meters away. He couldn't see it clearly at all.

He lay on the shutter and looked at the sound place. He saw two people fighting in the snow and fog, but he was too far away to see who Shinsen was fighting with. Xin said that gray may know the whereabouts of the treasure at the bottom of the sea. It's reasonable to kill the legless xiansen who knows the secret in order to swallow the baby alone.

Why don't I sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then take gray in one fell swoop after they lose both. It's also a favor for legless xiansen. How can I miss such a good opportunity in vain!

Thinking of this, Fang Qi came out and walked slowly towards the place where they fought. As he walked, he loaded a bag of cigarettes and thought that they would fight almost after I finished smoking. Then I would try again to catch the madman gray at one stroke.

But when he lit a cigarette and went to the deck, he was stunned to see the man fighting with legless xiansen. NIMA, is this, is this still a person?

The "man" was covered in coral and seaweed, and his body was pimpled. It made people feel as if he had stayed at the bottom of the sea for several years before climbing up. It's not gray at all. It's not the guy Fangqi looked at under the boat. The big rusty sword and legless xiansen fought together. It looked stiff, but the sword was strong and heavy.

Legless xiansen chopped several times on the monster, but only the sparks splashed. The monster couldn't avoid it. Legless xiansen couldn't kill it. I don't know how Shinsen got into trouble with this thing or how he ran to the boat to do it with him?

Fang Qi had a fight with Shinsen without legs. He had two skills, but he was too short to cope with the guy who climbed up from the bottom of the sea. It turned out that the goods were quite arrogant, but now their face was full of sweat. The other party shouted, "take a torch and burn it!"

Fang Qi ran back to the captain's room, took out a torch, ran out with a bucket of fish oil, poured the fish oil on the monster and threw the torch on it. A fire suddenly rose on the monster, burning a big torch. The burning monster squeaked and screamed, spewing out blue-green flames from the armor shell, and the air was filled with an unpleasant burning smell. No matter how powerful the iron armor monster was, it couldn't resist the fire. It staggered to the side of the ship and fell into the sea.

Legless xiansen uses his big sword to carry the snow to put out the fire spilled with fish oil, puts away his big sword and goes back. Curious, Fang Qi followed him back to the captain's room: "Hey, what's this? Why did you work with it again?"

Legless xiansen filled himself with a glass of wine, took it up and dried it, and said, "this is an armored corpse, a monster at the bottom of patray's sea. We often encounter these things when we run boats." He poured the wine again. Fangqi wanted to hear what it was, but he didn't want to go on.

Fang Qi's mind was full of paste, and he didn't know how many unknown secrets this guy had hidden, but since he was unwilling to say, he couldn't ask again. He changed the subject and asked, "will the guy who gave you poison die in the sea?"

Without legs, xiansen was silent. He just drank. This guy is insidious and strange. If he doesn't want to say, it's useless to force him. Fang Qi drank the wine and put down his glass: "well, let me know when the ship comes ashore. Let's get off the ship and land." Then he opened the door and wanted to go back. Without legs, xiansen suddenly said, "wait!" When Fang Qi caught something thrown over, it was a gold coin cast into a statue.

One side of the statue on the gold coin was a personal head, and Fang Qi couldn't understand the words on the other side. He raised his hand and said, "thank you." He opened the door and walked towards his cabin, but scolded in his heart: dog day is really stingy. I saved your life and gave you a gold coin.

Back in the cabin, Miao Miao was still sitting and practicing. Tao Fen ate alone. Seeing Fang Qi coming back, he waved happily and motioned him to eat too. Fang Qi went to the small table, but saw that there were only Miao Miao and Tao Fen, and they didn't prepare it for him. Tao Fen pushed his share of black bread and beef to Fang Qi and whispered, "you eat, I'm full."

Fang Qi just wanted to say that I had eaten. Suddenly, the ship made a loud noise, the whole ship vibrated violently, and the plates on the table fell down together.