Fang Qi sat up and said, "what's the matter?" His eyes swept over Joseph. The guy was still sleeping like a dead pig.

Miaomiao slipped into the bed and the other party waved to the outside because they hired a small boat, which was fast and convenient. So the cabin is for three of them. Two sailors and the captain control the ship on the deck.

Fang Qi blew out the lights, followed Miao Miao to open the hatch and crept outside. The small captain's room was dark and there was no light. Only the mast light on the pointed sail mast was as erratic as a ghost fire.

"Well, where have these three people gone?" Fang Qi suddenly stopped, and there was no light everywhere. He could only vaguely see the gray silhouette of the distant coast. The ship is still sailing forward, but now the wind is so small that it can hardly be felt, and the speed of the ship is also super slow.

When the two came to the bow, Fang Qi made a special detour from the stern, but the boat was very small. Where could people hide in a big fart? When they returned to the bow, they saw Miao Miao standing there in a daze, and said, "maybe they wanted to take a bath in the water, or they wanted to catch some fish in the water to make soup."

Miao Miao turned his eyes: "when is it? Please be serious!"

Fangqi had to shrug his shoulders and stop saying, "where did you say they went?" Suddenly he patted his thigh, "lying in the trough, they were swept away by the water demon."

"Bleed!" Miao Miao whispered and looked at the darkness ahead. Fang Qi also looked at the place in the direction she looked at. He saw several black shadows shaking in yingchuo. Although their eyes were very good, they were too far away after all. They could only see a few black shadows on the sea and didn't know what they were doing.

"Sleeping trough, the sea is haunted." Fang Qi couldn't help laughing again.

Miao Miao pinched him hard and shouted in a low voice, "don't shout!"

Fang Qi had to hold his nose and didn't dare to say anything. After a while, the shadows disappeared again, as if the people had jumped into the sea.

Fang Qi said, "these three guys won't have problems. It doesn't matter if they have problems. We're a miracle doctor. What's the matter when we throw the boat at sea and don't reach the village in front of us and the shop behind us."

Miaomiao was about to conclude a Dharma formula when he suddenly felt a sound of water behind the boat. Then the boat sank and someone jumped onto the boat. Fang Qi and Miao Miao looked back and saw a man turned over on the deck and covered with blood. It was one of the two sailors who ran back.

Fang Qi was about to pick up the man. Another man got on the boat and Miao Miao dragged him on the boat. The man was also bleeding. He looked clearly and confirmed that he was the captain. Fang Qi wanted to light the light, but the captain said in a low voice, "don't light the light. Go and put out the light on the mast. Don't make a noise. There's something under the water."

Miao Miao went to the mast and pulled the rope. The cover fell off and put out the fire. Suddenly, the ship fell into darkness.

Fang Qi stopped the bleeding in the dark, but the two people were too frightened. In addition, they just came out of the water and couldn't even shiver. Fang Qi had to give them a little real Qi first to keep them from freezing. With Miao Miao, they dragged them into the cabin, closed the door and lit the lights.

Fang Qi heals the two, while Miao Miao goes out to watch the wind to prevent the thing at the bottom of the sea from jumping out of the sea and overturning the boat.

At the moment, they had passed out. From what the captain said, "there is something under the water", probably refers to a big monster like a big octopus. The clothes on their bodies were torn to pieces, and their flesh and skin were almost stripped. From several scars on their backs, they seemed to be torn off by some monster. Their flesh and blood were blurred and terrible.

Fang Qi breathed out a mouthful of turbid qi and twisted two blue flames with his hands, but instead of directly healing the two people, he injected the flame into the two people's bodies to enable them to activate their strong healing ability to repair the wounds.

After doing all this, Fang Qicai put away his momentum. As soon as he looked up, he saw that Joseph was looking at him with bright eyes. At first sight, Fang Qi had a bone chilling chill. Why is this strange and cold look? Does this thing at the bottom of the sea have something to do with him?

When Joseph saw Fangqi staring at him, he was surprised, turned his face and asked, "what's the matter with these two people and how did they get hurt like this?"

Fang Qi added a few pieces of charcoal to the brazier to make the fire burn more vigorously. He clapped his hands and sat by the bed, took out a small cigarette bag and lit it. "Joseph, do you know there's something on the bottom of the sea?" He looked around and asked, "Hey, where are your eagles and dogs?"

Joseph leaned on the bed board and looked down. The black dog climbed out from under the bed. Later, the black eagle also came out from under the bed.

"The two guys probably slept too hard and ran too far these two days." Joseph explained.

Fang Qi spewed out smoke. With a "Oh" sound, he got up and went out. Miao Miao sat in the captain's room with a pot of red charcoal fire in front of him. Fang Qi pushed the door in and told Miao Miao what had happened just now. She was surprised and said, "why did he do this? What good would it do him to kill the captain and sailors?"

Fang Qi shook his head: "yes, I think his eyes are too strange and fierce. They are just like another person. I feel this guy's Yin is fading a little. The more he retreats, the faster he will lose his mind. I think he is a monster at the bottom of the sea. "

Fang Qi and Miao Miao can separate and display their mind. As a living dead Joseph who drank Lilith's blood, it shouldn't be difficult for the soul to get out of the body and gather again. If the living dead lose their senses, they will be as crazy and uncontrolled as the gray things in the valley of the dead.

Miao Miao looked at Fang Qi with two eyes in the dark: "well, we have to be careful. Don't do this again."

It's a good thing to treat people, but a living dead man like Joseph will only stimulate his frenzy, make him lose his mind and kill people. Anyway, wait until those two wake up and ask for details.

Fang Qi thought of this and said, "it's my fault. I didn't think of this before treating him. We should have considered that he would lose his mind at the beginning. The two things he followed were only under his command, so I'd better go back and control his condition. "

Thinking of putting them in the same cabin with Joseph, I had the feeling of keeping the wolf and the sheep in a circle. This feeling was so scary that he immediately turned his head and walked to the cabin.

He hurriedly pushed open the hatch and saw Joseph with red eyes squatting in front of the captain. His long tongue was like a twisted and wriggling red snake with a sharp thorn on his tongue. He was aiming at the captain's forehead to poke it.