However, Fang Qi also gave her a move, which was as tight as a move. Since her pencil leg was good at kicking, she caught it and looked at how she kicked. As soon as she calmed down, she asked, "I mean, you were almost cut to death by others. You had a small belly pocket to protect you, but you were injured elsewhere. What if I don't open your clothes? At least your grandfather is also my patient. Do I want to watch you die? Please be reasonable. I've never seen you so crazy in the world. "

Kan Xuanxuan clenched her teeth and struggled again. Her legs stretched like a bow. Her tired sweat flowed down, but she couldn't get rid of it. Fang Qi looked at the girl in tight clothes and leather clothes. This posture was too rogue. He suddenly looked at the middle position and smiled with evil interest: "sister, you are a 2A scenic spot. You want chest without chest and meat without meat. If you want to be fatter, I may still be interested. Maybe I can push you down right away. What a pity. This leather dress looks like a washboard. I'm not interested at all. "

"Fart!" Kan Xuanxuan couldn't stand it any more. She twisted her waist and body, and the other leg twisted towards Fang Qi like scissors. Fang Qi had been on guard for a long time and quickly stretched out his other hand to hold the twisted pencil leg. Kan Xuanxuan's legs were gripped, and her upper body lost control and fell to the ground. Fang Qi hurried and tried hard. The girl's upper body bounced up like a grasshopper, and her fists hit Fang Qi's face like the wind.

Fang Qi couldn't make room for his hands for a moment. He quickly shrunk his head and arched her chest. The closer he was, the lighter he was injured. Immediately, they had a close contact. They smelled the wonderful smell from the girl in their nose. However, Fang Qi did not dare to make other ideas. He freed his hands to catch Kan Xuanxuan and beat her fists indiscriminately. He twisted her hands behind her.

In this way, their body center of gravity shifted and collided with an iron cabinet, which made a dull noise before they stopped. Both of them were out of breath and finally stopped. But then the two found that they couldn't bear to look directly at him now than the posture just now.

Fang Qi pinched her two pencil legs for fear of her falling to death, and Kan Xuanxuan instinctively tightened Fang Qi's body because she was afraid of losing control and falling to the ground. This time, they were close together. As many hooligans as possible.

Kan Xuanxuan blushed like blood, and her body was stiff like an iron. She was breathing in her chest. Scenic spot 2A fluctuated up and down with her breathing, but her eyes were like killing people. But this girl is stubborn. She knows she can't beat Fang Qi, but she just doesn't admit defeat. She clenches her teeth and desperately wants to get rid of it. But she can't earn enough to get rid of Fangqi's bondage.

Fang Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the girl's eyes were as fierce as a knife, he couldn't help laughing: "violent girl, I really convince you. I can't beat me, but I chased me. It's said that the hidden sect has a rule. As long as I look at you naked, you will be my man. Now I not only want to see you, but also put you in the right place! "

At the beginning, Kan Xuanxuan really held her breath. She didn't think Fang Qi would let her, but felt that her innocence was touched by a shameless hooligan. How can she live? Now, seeing Fang QiTeng's hand touching her and tearing open her clothes, he felt a little scared and said, "dare you! My father will kill you. We people in dark night mountain will copy your home and destroy your family, and dig your ancestral grave! "

Fang Qi smiled innocently, "Oh, really? By the way, I forgot that you dark night mountain is an ancient sect. It seems more arrogant than the hidden sect. However, since you delivered it to the door first, I'll fork you first. As for the matter of digging graves and destroying doors, let's talk about it then. " Then he grabbed the collar with one hand and tore it hard, revealing half a snow-white shoulder.

Kan Xuanxuan could not imagine that this guy was not frightened at all, but aroused his animal nature. In a hurry, she burst into tears, and then she began to cry. With her cry, her body softened like noodles.

"Ang?" When Fang Qi saw the girl crying, he couldn't start. He loosened her hand and retreated to one side. Kan Xuanxuan slipped down from the tin cabinet and squatted on the ground, crying with her legs.

Fang Qi's most afraid move for girls is to "cry". No matter how fierce he is, he is not afraid. He is only afraid of girls messing around and crying. As soon as he cries, he must have a curse. He stood aside and watched the ferocious guy wailing and scratching the back of his head. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

I thought such a tough girl would continue to fight with him after crying a few times, but after waiting for a long time, the girl cried like a draught. Fang Qihao was bored. He said in his heart, forget it. I'll see what's put here. It's also a preview of my homework. Anyway, boss Wang said that he would not let them enter the laboratory for practical training in the future.

Thinking of this, he said to Kan Xuanxuan, "if you continue, I won't disturb you. Just walk around here. When you're finished, tell me and let's go out together." I came to a test bench full of test tube utensils and looked at it.

He did experiments in college and knew what it was for. He turned his face and glanced in a row of glass cabinets. He suddenly felt that the back spine was cold. He saw a large glass jar in the glass cabinet. The glass jar was filled with muddy formalin liquid, and the yellow liquid was soaked with ugly deformed fetuses.

To what extent those fetuses are deformed, Fang Qi has seen them on the Internet. Some are like a meat ball. They can't see that they are fetuses at all, but more like a one eyed monster, staring at him with godless eyes. Some people's fetuses look like insects, but they are full of tusks, and their legs have degenerated into tentacles. If they grow up a little longer, it may be like he saw a river boy on the Internet.

At this time, the grille lamp suddenly flashed again. This time, it was different. The grille lamp behind suddenly flashed, followed by a "bang" explosion, a burst of black smoke, and other lamps also flashed dazzling white light.

Fang Qi was frightened. "Lying in the trough, this is going to be haunted!" Hurry back from the same road to find Kan Xuanxuan, and wait for him to run to the place where Kan Xuanxuan stayed. The grille lamp has exploded in front of her. Fang Qi saw a blood red eye staring at them in the dark.

Fang Qi immediately connected himself with the one eyed monster soaked in formalin, ran over and shouted, "stupid girl, run!" But it was still late, and a fiery red thing popped up in the dark and wrapped around Kan Xuanxuan's ankle.