Fang Qi had to stop the car and change places with sun Jingyi. Sitting next to Kan Xuanxuan, he saw that she was still turning his eyes, and said, "little fart girl, you will die if you don't toss! Let go of your hand. If you don't let me touch it, how can I cure you? "

Kan Xuanxuan let go, but she was ready to kick people all the time. Fang Qi was very upset: "I'm hurt too. I don't have time to play with you. Go back and suggest you go to the kindergarten. It's really noisy."

Kan Xuanxuan was angry again. "It's amazing that you can cure diseases, and sister sun can also cure diseases..." when she said this, she felt something wrong and said she didn't care to talk to him. Fang Qi's two hands condensed two balls of real Qi and pressed it on her slender neck. Kan Xuanxuan shouted. It may be that the hot real Qi touched the broken skin on her neck, which made her cry.

Fang Qi really wanted to straighten her bad temper, so he didn't give her acupoints to relieve the pain, so he directly pressed his hot palm on her neck. She trembled when she saw the pain, and she couldn't bear it with her heart, but she wanted to do something bad again, so she released her hand: "don't cry, I'll give you acupoints to relieve the pain, but the position may not be very elegant. Don't kick me."

Kan Xuanxuan wiped her tears and stared at him. Fang Qi pointed to her chest: "there are two acupoints in your 2A scenic spot. If you can resist the pain, I don't need to point it." Kan Xuanxuan hesitated and turned around and looked at him with eyes straight.

Fang Qi stretched out his hand, but looked at her demonic eyes and retracted: "forget it, you look at me like this, I can't do it. Can you close your eyes? " Seeing that Kan Xuanxuan refused to close her eyes, she poked her finger in front of her chest quickly and shouted in her heart: where is the 2A scenic spot? It's obviously the airport. Although mosquitoes are thin, they still have two or two meat. This little fart girl, cough, there's no cure. I have to suggest her to eat papaya milk next time.

Having finished the acupoints, seeing Kan Xuanxuan really looking at him, Fang Qi's scalp was numb: "Hey, I didn't bully the child. Don't look at me like a wretched uncle." Sun Jingyi in front smiled, "can you stop making trouble and help her treat it quickly."

This time, Kan Xuanxuan no longer felt the pain. Fang Qi put his hand on her neck three times to the left and three times to the right. While massaging, he sang: "twist your neck, twist your butt... OK." There was no sign of congestion on his neck. When Fang Qi was still complacent, he said to her, "take a picture of your mobile phone and return it."

Kan Xuanxuan snorted to show her contempt. In front of the mountain is a small town. After driving for so long, the three people feel tired. Kan Xuanxuan said, "do you want to stay and go tomorrow?" Fang Qi didn't want to delay on the road. Just change the shift for three.

Sun Jingyi glanced back and said, "no, I always think this place is not suitable for long. Let's leave." Kan Xuanxuan sneered: "sister Yi, what are you afraid of? We have an all-round Superman, but we have a night off. I can't stand it. I'll leave tomorrow. Don't have another accident on the way. "

This reason is quite sufficient, and Fang Qi can't say anything. Turn into the town from the highway and find a fast hotel not far from the entrance of the town. It was more than nine o'clock in the evening when they lived in. If they set out tomorrow morning, they could sleep for a few hours.

However, the three settled down in the hotel and ate in the small restaurant nearby. But I heard a burst of bleak alarm in the street. When I looked outside, I saw all the families open their doors and walk into the street. The short streets were crowded with people, all wearing masks. Both adults and children carry lanterns with different shapes, including lotus lamp, rabbit lamp and birthday star lamp. But no matter what kind of lamp, without exception, it is all plain white. Even the masks of those people are all white.

The three were surprised. Fang Qi asked the boss, "shopkeeper, what are the people in town doing?" The boss showed a strange look on his face and urged him: "you should eat quickly and leave. Originally, it was ghost day. It didn't start until 10 o'clock. Every family had to go to Xita mountain to worship ghost immortals. You can't collide with ghost immortals. Otherwise, none of you can leave. "

Fang Qi and his wife were driven out of the restaurant and hurried back to the hotel. The hotel owner was about to close the door. When he saw the three of them come in, he told them, "go back to your room and stay in there." Put on a plain white mask, pick up a white lantern, lock the door from the outside, and join the flow of worshippers to the West.

The three returned to the upstairs room. What they wanted was a suite and two rooms. They were afraid that someone would come after them. Fang Qi sleeps in the outside, while Kan Xuanxuan and sun Jingyi sleep in the inside, so that they can take care of each other.

After entering the room, Kan Xuanxuan couldn't hide her curiosity. She went to the window and looked down. Fang Qi also went to the window. She saw that the whole street was white and extended to the West. There was a white tower on the mountain in the west, which was decorated with various white lights. I can't see what else there is. I just think it's a magical and gloomy world.

Sun Jingyi advised, "don't look. You'll get into trouble. Wash and sleep." Kan Xuanxuan shouted and followed sun Jingyi to take a bath. Fang Qi dragged a bench and sat in front of the window. Unexpectedly, the curtain "Hula" was pulled up by sun Jingyi.

Sun Jingyi, who has always been very steady, said to each other very seriously: "don't you think there are too few things? I can tell you that this ghost town is good to leave early." Looking back at the figure taking a bath in the bathroom, "don't be like Xuanxuan. She's just a child. I suggest we go downstairs and drive away immediately after taking a bath."

Fang Qi didn't understand Sun Jingyi's performance and smiled casually: "Jingyi, were you scared just now? I tell you, if there are ghosts, I can catch them for you as pets. "

Sun Jingyi stamped her foot: "I'm serious with you. You're really incompetent!" As soon as he was about to leave, he came back: "Fang Qi, have you noticed that I have an extraordinary intuition and always feel that something will happen tonight. On the way, I expected that there would be five people intercepting us... Let's take a bath and go, huh? "

Fang Qi took down the cigarette in his mouth and finally nodded: "OK, go take a bath and I'll get ready." Open the door, go to the parking yard below, take out the remote control, open the trunk of the car and release the puppet robot.

But at this time, he also felt that the Express Hotel was so strange. It was not that there were no cars in the hotel yard, but that one car parked in the corner had been rusted and the other car was covered with thick dust.