The three entered Du's living room and saw old man Du standing respectfully in front of the incense table with incense. However, it was very strange that what he inserted the incense was not a censer, but a small earthen pot. He inserted the three pillars of incense in it and worshipped three times before he stepped back two steps and turned to greet the nanny: "Zou Ma, send up the tea."

Liu Qiangsheng and the three of them sat down. Zou Ma brought tea. Old man Du took out his cup and poured tea. He waved calmly: "please, I knew you would come. When I saw you, a stone pressed in my heart finally fell to the ground."

Fang Qi and Liu Qiangsheng looked at each other. They both felt that the old man's performance showed inexplicable self-confidence and strangeness, and did not rashly pick up tea to drink. Liu Qiangsheng said, "it's good if you know. You look like you're ready. Well, let's be honest. "

Old man Du picked up his tea and sipped a few mouthfuls. He looked pale and talked about his story calmly. His original name was fan Haixin, the ungrateful man. At that time, he did not know that Miao Jiang's Gu Shu could follow people all his life. In recent decades, he has been living in repentance. However, repentance ten thousand times is not enough to eliminate the poison on him.

After he killed ah Hua with insects, he fled into the mountains and forests and was ready to flee further away. However, at this time, the Gu poison on his body had also occurred. The attack of Gu poison was beyond his imagination. The Gu insects arched around like earthworms in his body, and he was almost fainting in pain.

Next, his skin began to necrosis and fester, and the pain almost made people want to jump off a cliff to commit suicide. He tried every means, even removing rotten meat with stones and applying herbs to his body. However, what should rot is still rot, and what should grow is still growing. The pain made him worse than going to hell.

Later, he heard that there were pills made by alchemists in the world. It is said that these pills can help people cultivate themselves into immortality. With such news, he can understand the public treasure hunting and killing. Extreme pain had made him very cold, extremely calm, and well planned.

He attacked the alchemist in full view of the public, took the pill and swallowed it directly, and did not forget to take the alchemy script. If the pill he takes doesn't work, he is ready to escape into the mountains and forests to learn alchemy and remove Gu poison for himself.

It was really what he wanted. Even the hospital couldn't save him. But just then, ah ye, the stronghold leader of the Miao stronghold where ah Hua is located, came. Ah ye said to him, "if you want to remove the pain of Gu poison, you must always follow ah Hua and never leave."

Now, fan Haixin finally believes that Miao Jiang Gu Shu is not just a rumor, and escapes from the hospital while the doctor is negligent. Man, if it comes to this time, his potential burst out beyond human imagination. Jumping down from the third floor, he fled to Miao village all night and found ah Hua's bones.

Indeed, as ah ye said, when he fled into the mountains with ah Hua's body on his back, the Gu poison on his body no longer occurred. His flesh and skin began to grow again. Although the whole body is like a wasp's nest, it's ugly, but after all, you don't have to worry about being torn apart every day.

In this way, he carried ah Hua's bones and lived a hard life in the mountains. In his spare time, he took out the alchemy script to learn alchemy. But when he saw the meaning of the book, he realized that it was impossible to only learn alchemy, because alchemy needed Dan fire. If you want to refine Dan fire, you must start from cultivation.

Only when you have the foundation of cultivation and genuine Qi can you refine pills. Fan Haixin had no choice but to learn from books. He focused on refining the gold elixir he wanted to use. It was really a flash of the sun and the moon in the mountain. Many years have passed. Finally one day, he cultivated his own Dan fire and thought happily that he could refine the golden pill. Who expected to look back, but he was stupid.

It turned out that to refine pills, you not only need a special furnace tripod, but also need valuable medicinal materials. This blow is too big. The so-called hope is as big as disappointment. Fan Haixin was somewhat discouraged when he saw the complicated names of various medicinal materials and the expensive medicine tripod behind him. He casually lay down and slept. He didn't notice that he burned all the bones he brought to ashes in his sleep.

After waking up, it scared him half to death, but it didn't happen as he was afraid. Having experienced unforgettable pain, he never dared to abandon ah Hua again. That is, since he took the skeleton with him, he would dream of her every night.

Fan Haixin decided to continue his cultivation with ashes. When he passed a brick and tile factory, he suddenly had an idea and made a small bone china altar with ah Hua's ashes, so that ah Hua's soul could be attached to the bone china altar. It is also because he is accompanied by ah Hua every day, so his body does not rot.

So he carried the bone magnetic altar around to work for people. After so many terrible things than death, people's mind changed completely. From his appearance at the beginning, he has become an ugly person who is neither human nor ghost. He has already stopped thinking about everything. No longer want to get married, have children, cling to dignitaries, but live an ascetic life.

He didn't dare to stay in the southwest. He walked all the way, worked and lived, and finally came to the northwest. In this sparsely populated barren land, I met a man surnamed Du and had a good relationship. Lao Du made his youngest son a dry son for him.

At midnight one day, he was awakened by a strange sound. It seemed that ah Hua asked him to go outside quickly when he ran outside. There was a strong wind blowing outside. The strong wind rolled sand all over the sky. With a loud bang, the seven or eight meter high chimney fell down and was hitting the small adobe house where they lived.

When the wind and sand stopped and he climbed out of the sand pile, he found that only their small village with brick and tile yard had become a desert hill, and the sand covered everything. Even the stone road to the town could not be distinguished.

Fan Haixin pulled away the sand to find his bone china altar. When he found the bone china altar, he heard the stuffy child crying from the sand nearby. When he pulled away the sand, he found that three members of Lao Du's family had been killed by the collapsed stone house, and there was a baby crying in his wife's arms.

Seeing that the child's crying face was red, fan Haixin went up and broke the woman's hand to get the child out. Then he took out all the food, money and clothes, and the sand mountain began to collapse, slowly covering the whole mud house of the seven people.

When old man Du said this, he paused a little and drank tea. Fang Qi couldn't help looking at the gray looking bone china altar that old man Du worshipped when he first came in.