Fang Qi's man fell out and hit the wall, which dented the cement wall into a big pit, and then the man fell to the ground. As soon as he got up, Yang Hao swept over. Fang Qi hurried to a lazy donkey and rolled away, not to mention how embarrassed it was.

Yang Hao took back his iron leg and sneered: "I really don't understand. If you killed Yang Xiaodong, I might believe it. But my eldest brother is much better than me. Where has he gone? "

Fang Qi wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth: "I think you can go to the TV station to shoot a traitor, 'where has my brother gone', maybe you can get angry, and your brother can go home when he sees it."

Yang Hao giggled like a owl, making people feel goose bumps all over and fall to the ground“ Boy, you're so stubborn that you want to take advantage of me. I'll take your dog's life! " His hands came like eagle claws. Fang Qi dodged from left to right and stepped aside one by one with the furniture in the house. The furniture was miserable. Whenever his eagle claws grabbed it, the sawdust flew and broke to the ground.

Walking around the house like this, Yang Hao didn't take advantage of anything anymore. He couldn't help but be ashamed and annoyed: "young generation, it turns out that you still have two children." Fang Qi didn't lose the wind at all. "It's not two, it's three."

Yang Hao smiled angrily: "well, I'll see what your three sons are like!" Suddenly, the decoration cabinet inlaid on the wall burst into pieces, and wood chips and fragments stabbed Fang Qi like steel needles. Fang Qi flew backwards, hit the leather sofa, and rolled from the sofa to the back of the sofa.

Yang Hao screamed like an eagle pouncing on a rabbit Harrier, and people jumped over the sofa. Even in mid air, people felt a strong wind wrapped in a violent and powerful fire. Yang Hao was shocked and hurriedly tightened his legs, but he took a step later. The sound of "bang" was dull, and he felt that his legs had been knocked by a big hammer, He bumped into the rotating steel stairs.

Underground, people hit the steel handrail. They were stunned to hit the handrail out of a circular arc. The shelves below could not adhere and fell down together. Yang Hao couldn't hold his feet. He wrapped his right hand around the handrail gently, and the man jumped up again. He thought that the platform could also rest his feet, but he didn't expect to hear the "hiss" wind in his ears, and two silvery white lights came straight from him.

Yang Hao's legs were injured. As soon as he landed, he felt deep in pain. Before he could stand well, he was blown up by the two silver bombs. He had no strength to rely on. He was like a broken kite. I'm also afraid that someone will fall down with the force of thousands of falls in a hurry.

This time, I didn't catch the move. Unfortunately, I fell in a panic. I was scratched by the supporting steel pedal on the way. "Times" cut my clothes from my ass to my back. Suddenly, I was bleeding. I couldn't bear to see my body hurt. I fell firmly on the marble ground below.

The two legs made a crisp sound like each other. Yang Hao could no longer stand. As soon as he collapsed to the ground, he sat on the ground. Seeing Miao Miao holding two flames in his hand, he was furious and scolded in a ferocious voice: "shameless young man, who dares to plot against me? What kind of hero!"

Fang Qi sneered, "I'm not going to be a hero at all, but you. I'll call you an elder. We've been beaten all over the ground to find teeth. It's too embarrassing to say it."

Yang Hao vomited a bad breath and tried to stop his anger and thoughts. Zhenqi wanted to stand up, but Zhenqi was blocked in the upper part of his body and couldn't pass. Several times on one side, it was like a wall. He couldn't go down any more. Suddenly, he was surprised and asked in a trembling voice, "young generation, what did you do to me just now? Why can't my Zhenqi run?"

Fang Qi "Oh" said, "look at you. You're covered in blood and dregs. Your brother Fang just expected that you would be injured when you fell down, so he gave you a preventive injection in advance. How about this needle? Isn't it good? Ah, I seem to have used it backwards. The blood flow is like a small fountain. "

Yang Hao angrily rushed to his forehead: "young generation, do you dare to kill me!" This time he was really afraid. Even if he killed him, he didn't believe that there would be such an adverse existence in the secular world. The earth level jumped over the sky level. Can the world be mixed?

Fang Qi lit a cigarette, gently spit out a smoke ring, and said to Miao Miao, "go up and see if Han Meng is all right. I'll try the old boy. " Miao Miao nodded and threw two Dan fire bombs to Fang Qi. He jumped up the stairs to find Han Meng.

Fang Qi played with two walnut sized Dan fire bombs in his hand. As soon as he raised his hand and threw it into the air, he opened his mouth and swallowed it. Yang Hao was stunned: "demon, what magic method are you using!"

Fang Qi smiled: "Yang Hao, Yang Hao, what you don't understand is magic. You are too shameless. Kidnap a little girl to make an appointment with me. After a while, the reporter's team will come. With such a report, your Yang family will be disgraced. I'm afraid the hidden world won't let you go. It's estimated to be worse than the Yao family. "

I suddenly remembered something, "Oh, I think of a dirty thing. How did you Yang family instigate Shi Family in those years? Did you do it? Is that what you mean to kill the Liu family? "

Yang Hao's face was as usual, but it seemed very painful. The muscles on his face jumped disorderly, bit his teeth and scolded: "young generation, you used to avenge the Liu family. Since it fell into your hand, I will kill and eat meat and move my mouth. I won't beg for mercy from you!"

"Oh, the duck is dying. This smelly mouth is very hard. You know I can't kill you. It's boring to say such shameless words. " Fang Qi flicked the cigarette end into Yang Hao's pocket, "I can't kill you, but it doesn't mean you can't be burned to death, right."

The pipe fell into his pocket and immediately gave out an unpleasant burning smell. Soon the smoke became bigger and bigger and the flames came out. Yang Hao was frightened and roared, "Fang Qi, you are cruel. Today, I planted Yang Hao in your hand, and I gave up. If you dare to let me go back, I will settle my old and new accounts with you someday. "

Fang Qi sneered, "I'm sorry, I made it clear to you just now. You're shameless, I'm especially prosperous! I'm so shameless than you. Didn't you inquire before I came? Don't treat me like a hero. I'm not going to kill you, but I may maim you! "

The flame "poof" burned up, and suddenly burned Yang Hao's beard and front hair. Miao Miao appeared on the stairs. She was still carrying Han Meng on her back and jumped down from it. Fang Qi hurriedly stretched out his hand and gently pushed Han Meng into his hand.

As soon as the girl saw Fang Qi, she immediately hugged him as if she had seen her relatives, cried "brother" wrongfully, and began to cry.