Unable to find a solution, Wu Yan's best result is to stay in this cold mountain and valley all her life and can no longer step into the secular world. Don't say whether Wu Yan will be willing or not, even Fang Qi can't stand it. Wu Yan is a pistachio in the villa. Without her, the villa would be much more boring.

But Fang Qi has given Wu Yan various treatments, but now he doesn't know what the results will be. When Wu Zun returned to the front hall, his mood was a little more stable. The Xie family put tea and snacks in honor of the two. Xie Zhaoling explained to Wu Zun that he had been looking for an antidote for so many years. His brother Xie Zhaoqian chimed in a few words in time.

Wu Zun knows that Fang Qi is treating Wu Yan, but the effect is not ideal. Fang Qi said: "Uncle Wu, Wu Yan's disease is genetic, so it is difficult to treat, but we have thought of a way. We have been treated for several days and are now under observation. I have treated many difficult and miscellaneous diseases before, and there is no disease that can't be cured in the world, only I haven't found the right method. It is often said that the remedy is right for the case. It is simple to say but difficult to do. "

Xie Zhaoling hurriedly said, "doctor Fang is really good at medicine. I have been poisoned by corpse and snake venom for so many years, and now I have cured him. Doctor Fang, I have a treasure for you. Please accept it! " He asked his brother to go to the study to bring things, and said, "I know you don't need money. Giving you money is vulgar. It took a long time to decide to give you that baby. You don't need icing on the cake, you need to give charcoal in the snow. The best thing is to give you the most suitable thing. "

Fang Qi said, shit, who says I'm not bad for money, what I'm bad for is money! But it was curious to hear him say so. Naturally, the things he gave would not be gold and silver treasures. What kind of treasure would they be?

Not at all. Xie Zhaoqian took out a small square bronze box and held it up with a dragon flying phoenix arch on the left and right. The box was stained with Turquoise bronze rust. At a glance, he knew that it had been years. After taking over the copper box, it was very heavy. When I opened the box cover, I saw two white jade like stones inside. As soon as I opened the copper box, a fragrance came to my face.

Fang Qi's spirit was inspired: "spirit stone!" But I took out the stones and looked at them carefully. The two stones were full of aura. When I held them in my hand, I only felt that the refreshing faint fragrance made people excited, lubricated and slightly cool. But it's not the blue and white stone with aura as elder Kan said.

As soon as the stone is taken out, it is as translucent as snow and fog, and the chaos becomes gradually clear. A white jade dragon appears in the stone held in the left hand, which swims and rolls flexibly in the chaotic space; And another stone appears a smart Phoenix. These two stones are very much like crystal balls bought in a handicraft shop, but they have plenty of aura.

Originally, in the secular world, spirit stone has been a very precious thing. Otherwise, the dark night mountain will not take the initiative to intervene in the teaching building of the biochemical college, nor will it directly send someone to escort the iron box taken out to the dark night mountain.

It is often said that gold is valuable and jade is priceless. Spirit stone is more precious than jade. The reason why the spirit stone is precious is that everyone in the secular world is proud of being a cultivator. Even a prominent family like Zeng Laoqi will spend a lot of money to buy a divine pill and create a high-level cultivator.

The two stones in front of us must be the best of the spirit stones. The box of blue and white spirit stones obtained by dark night mountain can also sell at a sky high price, not to mention the two spirit stones in front of us. Although Fang Qi can't put it down, he can't stand such a precious thing.

Fang Qi put the two stones in a copper box, locked them on the tea table and said, "Lord Xie, although I saved you, I really can't afford such a valuable and valuable thing. Please take it back."

Xie Zhaoling nodded slightly, "doctor Fang, you may think it's just a spirit stone, but you only know one and don't know the other. I did get the copper box from an ancient tomb, but the stone is not as simple as the spirit stone. I have seen the bamboo slips. The bamboo slips said that it was the dragon and Phoenix stone. The tomb owner bought the dragon and Phoenix stone at a high price from a businessman. He is also a practitioner. It is said that he has understood these two stones for many years. He only knows that these two stones can open different spaces, and he doesn't know whether he entered that space. Anyway, there is no record in the tomb room, and there is no body in the tomb owner's coffin. "

After hearing this, the people thought it was magical. They also heard Xie Zhaoling talk freely: "that tomb is just a clothes tomb. The tomb is solid, but there are not many funerary objects. I only found some bamboo slips and an ancient sword, and then this bronze box."

Fang Qi knew that bamboo slips and wooden slips were the main tools for recording words before the Western Han Dynasty, while bronze ware could be traced back to the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. At that time, practice was the most popular means, but there were few written records. In the Han and Jin Dynasties, people of practice were as flashy as the style of writing at that time. They only pursued the surface, but there were few people with enlightenment, such as Ge Hong's eight immortals.

Dragon and Phoenix were not mascots in ancient times, but real creatures. As early as the Yu and Tang Dynasties, the court also set up the Huanlong family, which was a person who specially raised dragons. The latest record of Phoenix, a divine bird, is now in Fengming Qishan, a very famous place where King Wen of Zhou visited the East.

It can be seen that the dragon and Phoenix have long disappeared in the long river of history, or they only exist in another space. The practitioner didn't know where he got these two spirit stones, so he took them as a kind of heaven's secret to understand. Finally, he didn't know how.

Xie Zhaoling then said, "I don't need this thing much. I'd better give it to you for enlightenment." Wu Zun also said, "since your father-in-law is sincere, you might as well accept it. It may be good for you to understand medicine."

If the two stones didn't have aura overflow, people would think it was a forgery like two crystal balls. Fang Qi nodded: "well, obedience is better than respect, so I'll take it. I have nothing to do here. It's useless to stay more. You Weng's son-in-law can have a good talk. I'll go first. "

The Xie Zhaoling brothers didn't stay much, so they saw each other off. Fang Qi drove down the mountain and left. Along the way, Fang Qi thought that since Wu Zun has been recognized by the Xie family, after all, with Wu Zun's son-in-law and the background of dark night mountain, both Yang Hao and Shi family must be afraid to invade again.

From the big Hanshan mountain to the expressway, Fang Qicai knew that it was really far away. There was snow everywhere. Thinking in my heart, the Xie family is also strange. Why are cats in such a place where birds don't shit and ghosts don't lay eggs, just to avoid disputes in the world?