Fortunately, the rest of the people went back to the house. There were only them in the big living room. Wu Yan put her head against Fang Qi's chest, like a bull, and her shoulders shrugged. Seeing her posture, I knew she was very uncomfortable. Fangqi stretched his arm around her and patted her back with his hand.

He doesn't know if he can save Wu Yan's mother. But at the beginning of this moment, Fang Qi was determined to help Wu Yan find her own things. This was her lost emotion.

After getting along with Wu Yan and Liu Puyu for a long time, Fang Qi just knew that Wu Yan had been like an orphan at Liu Puyu's house all day, and didn't know the real situation of her family. Wu Yan and her father never mentioned it, not even Liu Puyu and the Liu family.

If he hadn't met Xie Zhaoling in Lianhua building and went to Dahan mountain, I'm afraid he would never know this secret in his life. I don't know why this guy who looks silly at ordinary times is as happy as picking up his wallet all day.

"Yanyan, your mother is not dead yet. She was taken back to Dahan mountain by your grandfather and kept in a secret cold cave." Fang Qi leaned over her ear and said softly.

Wu Yan finally raised her face. Her face was full of tears and snot. She rubbed her face on Fang Qi's clothes. She was like a flower monkey. Wu Yan stared at Fang Qi with red and swollen eyes, as if she didn't believe what he said.

"It's true. I went to see her with your father." Fang Qi stretched out his finger to wipe the tears on her face and looked at the big piece of wet on his body. "Your grandpa has been looking for ways to save her for so many years, otherwise I wouldn't have met him. He knows I'm treating you, so I have to wait until I cure you before I can save your mother. "

"Little black brother, I believe you!" Wu Yan couldn't see any doubt on her face. She believed that her little black brother could save her mother. Fang Qi was the God in her mind. He could do anything. Grandpa Liu was sentenced to death by top experts in China, but little black brother still saved him. She believes that little black brother can bring her mother back to life. He can!

Fang Qi wiped away the tears on her face and patted her slightly baby fat face: "well, now wait for your body. Don't have any accidents. After this observation period, we can save your mother."

"Uh huh!" Wu Yan nodded hard and hugged Fang Qi again, like an attached child.

Fang Qi told him again, "your grandpa is actually right. If you leave Dahan mountain, your mother will die. He has done a lot for his mother and you. Won't you hate him anymore? " Wu Yan nodded: "little black let me not hate him, I naturally listen to little black. It's very boring to hate someone. It's just that he has never come to see me for so many years. I won't forgive him for this. "

Fang Qi smiled: "well, your grandpa is the richest man in heaven. You can blackmail him hard. Don't be vain. Well, go to bed. " Seeing Wu Yan off, Fang Qi sat on the sofa, picked up the coke on the tea table, drank it and threw it into the dustbin.

It's really late. Now he puts the serious injury of saving Wu Yan's mother on his shoulder. He has to think about how to save her. He walked to the back yard, smoking and sitting on the rattan chair under the eaves to watch the snow.

Wu Yan's mother is not really dead, but a deep fake death. Deep fake death is also called near death in medicine, which is only one step away from real death. In order to solve this problem, Xie Zhaoling has also studied Tibetan secret cultivation spells. Real death needs to experience four kinds of Liberation: water, fire, wind and earth. Without these four processes, it is not death. It is not what modern medicine says that if heart disease stops beating and there is no breathing, it is called death.

Compared with the death regulations in the secret, the medical identification is very hasty. It can be seen that science and theology are still far away. Fang Qi also understood the interpretation of Tibetan secret practice on death. After careful observation that day, Wu Yan's mother died but did not die, and her body did not decay, just as Xie Zhaoling said. He died because of this strange disease, but his body is not rotten because of this strange disease. I don't know whether it is a bad thing or a good thing.

Fang Qi suddenly thought of what Xie Zhaoling said that the Xie family was rich because of looting in Nanyang. Is this related to their offending people in Nanyang at that time? You should know that the healing techniques in Nanyang area, including healing techniques, poisonous insects and head lowering, are known as the three evil methods in southern Yunnan, which once prevailed in Southeast Asia. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon said: the heat poison acid is the heat poison acid. The heat here can relieve pain. It means the pain caused by insect bite.

According to Xie Zhaoling, there have been at least five generations of Wu Yan's generation. Moreover, Wu Yan's symptoms are not pain, but fainting and nosebleed. It seems that it is still necessary to find out what causes the fever virus disease, otherwise Wu Yan's mother will start very hard.

Thinking of this, Fang Qi took out his mobile phone and edited a text message to Xie Zhaoling. He wanted to know what happened to the Xie family in Nanyang. It's certain that the Xie family robbed, killed and set fire in Nanyang area. Maybe they offended some experts who would use Nanyang magic. Fang Qi really wants to see it in person if necessary.

Nanyang magic originated in southern Yunnan, which is also the place of Miao Xinjiang. The Miao people are the descendants of Chiyou. According to history, Chiyou is a bronze head and iron arm. Emperor Yan was defeated. Later, he united with the Yellow Emperor to invite Fengbo and Jiutian Xuannv to help boxing, so as to beat back the Jiuli tribe led by Chiyou to 100000 mountains in the southwest.

Taking out the myths and legends, we can see that Chiyou's production mode and combat effectiveness are very powerful. Many spells handed down by the Jiuli tribe are powerful, and they are still very popular in Nanyang.

Like the four evil spirits of Vajra, they practice the right Dharma and hide secrets, but they lose their lives as a killer organization like yihuohui. It can be seen that there is no right Dharma and no one is perfect. No spell can be simply said to be good or evil. Only those who use it can be divided into good and evil. Fang Qi has long understood this truth.

He didn't wait until Xie Zhaoling replied. Fang Qi was going to go back to his room to have a rest. Suddenly, he saw a noise in the yard where Yang Wei lived. He couldn't help but move in his heart. What was the old boy ready to do?

The sensitivity of the cultivator increases with the rise of the martial level. Being promoted to the heaven level is like crossing a barrier. Both smell, hearing and perception will be greatly improved. Fang Qi, who is at the same level of heaven and martial arts, can't feel Yang Wei's cliff if he hides his tracks.

The light in the living room was off. Fang Qi boasted of his whereabouts, and Yang Wei might not be able to find it. When he saw a faint person on the wall in his courtyard, he hid behind the porch column to hide his breath and carefully observed Yang Wei's actions.