Xiao Xiaoling and Kan Xuanxuan also jumped and ran over. They looked very surprised and murmured, "how could this happen? Are there two suns?" Fang Qi was reminded by them and looked back. He saw that the sun rose in the East, and what was the one that reflected the mountains, temples, white pagodas, forests, lakes and ancient cities in the west?

In the glittering western sky, the mirage in the sky is like a fairyland world. The glow shone on the faces of the people and smeared a layer of golden light on their faces and bodies.

Such a strange scene is really strange. Even the sun rising in the East doesn't look so bright, but the golden light here is so bright that it completely overshadows the brilliance of the sun.

Xiao Xiaoling muttered to herself, "shouldn't it be Venus?" Kan Xuanxuan then said, "whether it's Venus or the sun, it's broad daylight anyway. It's impossible to see ghosts in broad daylight. Therefore, it can only be explained by seeing ghosts in the daytime."

Fang Qi was amused by the girl's tongue twister, "Yuxuan, you are so good at speaking. A mirage is just a strange celestial phenomenon. Where can there be ghosts... "But he stopped after half a sentence. He saw a group of camels walking leisurely towards the ancient city in the illusion of the sky, and vaguely saw people riding on camels.

Shit, what the hell is this? Experts have explained that a mirage is just a kind of weather. It is a fixed cloud formed by the transpiration of water and gas floating to the sky, but the cloud can also turn into human shapes and camels, and these camels and people can move around. Seeing this, Fang Qi wanted to build those brick houses with bricks.

Kan Xuanxuan suddenly had a big hole in her brain. "Brother Hei, do you think it would be the two-dimensional space refracted into our world, that is, the legendary parallel world." Fang Qi thought: "who knows, how big the brain hole is, how big the world is. Only what we can't think of, nothing can happen."

But the mirage didn't last long, then it faded away and disappeared into the boundless sky. The golden sun also disappeared, leaving only one sun in the sky.

Xiao Xiaoling looked on both sides: "it's strange. Why do I suddenly feel that there are ten suns in the sky?" Fang Qi joked, "your skull is broken. Find the old man and see where he has gone."

The three men began to look for old man Jiang on a small platform. When they turned around, they found that the stone mountain was too scary. It turned out that the high peaks behind had collapsed, and the surrounding rocks had broken and fallen down. The whole mountain seemed to have shrunk a circle.

The place where the original stone Bodhisattva statue stood has opened a large crack more than one meter wide, and the statue has disappeared, probably falling into the crack. Old man Jiang sat on the lower stone steps, his face dull, and his body was covered with a thick layer of sand and dust.

"Sleeping trough, you won't die." Fang Qi was also surprised. He hurried to jump to a step under the old man and looked at him. The old man was not dead. He just looked at the front with his eyes distracted and empty. He opened his eyes very wide and looked very frightened. Fang Qi reached out and shook in front of him: "Hey, old man! When you live, you make a noise. "

Old man Jiang didn't move. Fang Qi slapped him. The old man suddenly burst into a hand and grabbed his palm. Fang Qi's wrist hurt: "Hey, dead old man, you don't have to pretend to be dead. I'm trying to save you!"

Old man Jiang shook off his hand and stood up: "it's dangerous here. Let's hurry down the mountain." Without looking at Fang Qi, he wiped his shoulder and walked down the mountain.

Fang Qi stared at old man Jiang's back. The old man's feelings have recovered a lot. The body spots on his face have disappeared and his strength has increased a lot. It may have a lot to do with spitting out poisonous insects. He waved to Kan Xuanxuan and Xiao Xiaoling: "come on, let's go too."

It is easy for two people to go up and down the mountain, leaving only one triangle. Fang Qi looked back at the broken temple and suddenly remembered something and said to them, "you go down first. I have something on it."

Let them go first. Then they ran to the broken temple and scratched their heads for a long time. There was nothing in the broken temple, so they walked behind the broken temple. Behind it was a cracked cliff. There should be a white tower behind the original temple. I just saw a mirage and remembered that the stone mountain in the lake is not here?

Jumping over the cliff, he saw a hexagonal stone tower base at the crack. Fang Qi walked over. The stone slab covered on the tower base had fallen off, revealing a stone letter inside. Fang Qi took out the stone letter from the inclined stone pit and opened it. Inside, there was a scripture and a small porcelain vase.

As soon as he saw the antique small porcelain bottle, Fang Qi couldn't help a burst of heartbeat. He picked up the small porcelain bottle and tore open the wax seal on it. Suddenly, a strong smell of medicine came to his face. Fang Qi immediately stared like an egg, but it was not a soul fixing pill, but another strange medicine in the world: Ningshen pill!

If you want to say what effect the concentration pill has, you can only know from Fang Qi's bamboo slip book in Muzi. Concentration pill is the only magic medicine that can gather souls and condense souls, especially those ghosts who have been scared because they have stayed in the world for too long, but there is a premise that they must only be in a small space. If they have dissipated to thousands of worlds, even the Tathagata Buddha may have no way.

Fang Qi looked at it. Shit, it's simple. It's tailor-made for old ghosts. I didn't expect to find such a thing in this broken temple in the wild mountains. Of course, he didn't care when he read the efficacy and introduction of the concentration pill in the book, just because the pill was too rebellious and harder to get than the soul fixing pill, so he didn't think about it.

In fact, this concentration pill is also very good for practitioners. The biggest advantage is that even if they are critically hit by sky thunder, they will not dissipate their spirits. If they can't become human immortals, they can become ghost immortals.

He took the pill out of the porcelain bottle and was so excited that he couldn't wait to take it out of the porcelain bottle. I can feel that the pill is like a night pearl floating in the colorful space. The surrounding spirits are gathering towards the pill like a little starlight, and those spirits that have dissipated gradually turn into a faint and fuzzy human shape.