"Ling Han?" Lu Siyuan was surprised. Is it really related to him?


So in Lu Siyuan's confused eyes, Qin Yong tells a strange story.

"Just an hour ago, Ling Han reported the accident to the police. He believed that the accident the night before yesterday was intentional, and the suspect was Chang Huan. At the same time, he also said that Chang Huan had deliberately hit him on the back of the head with a vase, trying to murder him."

Lu Siyuan

Lu Siyuan did not expect such a development at all.

"Chang Huan?" Lu Siyuan thought a little, "that sky combination of Changhuan?"

"Yes." Qin Yongdao, "the police into the GMG investigation, reporters heard the wind are crowded to GMG, later heard that the accident when you were present, so reporters will come here."

Lu Siyuan

Just a few days, this kind of thing happened. It's not a TV play!

Lu Siyuan asked strangely, "why does Ling Han think Chang Huan wants to kill him? They've been enemies before? "

"That's not clear."

Lu Siyuan still feels incredible.

To be asked in detail, the mobile phone ring is so loud that it's Ling Han.

"I heard the reporter went to you, isn't it true?" The voice on the other end of the phone was anxious.

"Of course it's true," Lu said

"I'm sorry." Ling Han's voice was small. "I didn't know things would be so big. Something happened here. I didn't have time to tell you."

"I'm fine." Lu Siyuan chuckled, "they won't eat me."

"I'm afraid they'll disturb you..."

"Just get some people to watch." Lu Siyuan interrupted him, "but it's you. Now the reporter should be looking for you?"

"Fortunately, I stay in the company, they can't get in." Ling Han said.

Lu Siyuan asked, "what's going on? Is the accident really done by Chang Huan? "

Recalling the scene that night, when the car was retrograde, he had to turn the steering wheel, and then their car crashed into the construction site and had an accident. The traffic police said that the monitoring equipment in that area was broken and nothing was photographed.

Now I think it's really suspicious.

"It's him." Ling Han's tone is very positive.

"Is there any evidence?"

"..." there was a moment of silence, "I know it's him."

The pause in Linghan's words made Lu Siyuan frown, "no evidence?"

"I saw his car. His car has followed me several times. That night, it was his car that was retrograde that led to our accident. He did it on purpose Ling Han continued, "on the day of transfer, I went back to investigate and met him. I deliberately told him that I didn't sit in the car, and his face changed on the spot. At that time, the accident was still a secret, but he knew it."

Lu Siyuan thought that he was in a hurry to go back to investigate the cause of the accident on the day of transfer“ What you just said can't be used as evidence. "

"I know, so I chose to call the police. I believe the police can find out the evidence."

"Why does he want to harm you?"

"Do you believe what I say?" Ling Han asked.

Lu Siyuan is stunned. He really doesn't doubt what Ling Han said. He should be more suspicious of such a strange thing. The accusation of murder is not a trivial matter. Why does he believe what Ling Han said?

When you think about it, a vain and pompous person like Ling Han is not trustworthy.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not," Lu said

"..." Ling Han said, "that's right."

"You didn't answer my question." Lu Siyuan asked, "why does Chang Huan do this?"

Ling Han did not answer.

"Speak up."

After a long time, when Lu Siyuan thought Ling Han had hung up, he finally said, "I told you not to be angry."

"Why are you angry?"

"I have his secret." Ling Han's voice became very low, almost inaudible, but Lu Siyuan still heard, "what's the secret?"

"... I have videos of him taking drugs."

Lu Siyuan

Ling Han continued: "remember when I got up from the river and stopped the car?"

Of course, I remember that he went to visit Bai zice's tomb that night. On the way, he suddenly met Ling Han with blood on her head and wet all over her body. At that time, Ling Han looked so miserable that she would never forget her.Maybe it was Ling Han's appearance that day that moved his compassion. He not only sent him to the hospital, but also promoted and tolerated him intentionally or unintentionally in the following days.

"That time I fell into the river, not because of friction with people, but because I was knocked unconscious by Chang Huan. They threw me into the river because they thought I was dead." Ling Han said slowly, "Lu Siyuan, if I didn't have you that day, I wouldn't have survived, so I'll be grateful to you all my life..."

Lu Siyuan

"I know you want to know why he wanted to kill me, because I used to blackmail him about the video." Ling Han's voice is very low, "sorry."

Lu Siyuan really didn't expect that there was such a reason. What's more, he didn't expect that Ling Han would tell him the truth. He was silent for a moment and said, "why do you want to say sorry to me? Why tell me such an important thing? "

"..." Ling Han said, "because you are injured because of me, you have been kind to me, and... I believe you."

After that, there was silence on both sides.

Lu Siyuan feels that he is in a strange mood now. Ling Han, who is vain, boastful and selfish, takes videos to coerce others, should be very annoying. But just now he apologized to himself in a cautious tone and revealed the truth, but he didn't hate it.

Very strange.

After a while, Ling Han said, "last time I survived by luck, he wanted to kill me and even implicate you, so I won't let him go." Calm and steady voice is not quite like the usual Ling Han, Lu Siyuan said in a deep voice: "don't worry about my injury, I also made mistakes that day..."

There seemed to recover, and his voice was a little light. "Don't worry. He tried to kill me again and again, and he would leave some clues. Don't say it. You're good. I'll take care of it. "

After hanging up the phone, Lu Siyuan's heart slightly corrects. Ling Han has no conclusive evidence. Chang Huan is also an idol artist. The company will definitely not let Ling Han go, and Chang Huan's fans will certainly attack him.

Who can help him at the moment?

After thinking for a moment, Lu Siyuan said, "Qin Yong."

Qin Yong, who has been silent, looks at him suspiciously.

Lu Siyuan said: "Ling Han is in trouble. You go back to the company and take him out and find a safe place to stay."

Qin Yong was stunned and said, "Siyuan, to tell you the truth, I don't hate Ling Han, but this time he nearly made you go to see the king of hell. I really can't accept him happily."

Lu Siyuan said in a deep voice, "Qin Yong, I know you are doing me a good job, but I drove that day, and I volunteered to save him. How can I blame him?"

Qin Yong shook his head, "Siyuan, he has a great influence on you. It's not a good phenomenon that you can spare your life to save him and worry about him when you lie in the hospital bed."

Lu Siyuan waved his hand, "needless to say."

Qin Yong knew that once he made a decision, no one could shake him. He sighed and said, "OK, I'll bring it out. But what's the safe place you're talking about? "

Lu Siyuan thought for a moment and said, "my family."

"Your house?" Qin Yong is very surprised. He has never seen Lu Siyuan bring people home.

Lu Siyuan light way: "don't think about it, if this thing is really someone deliberately caused a car accident, I will never give up."

GMG multi-storied building.

"What are you doing? What the hell are you doing? " In GMG's office, ah Kun waved his hands and walked around, shouting anxiously and irritably.

The office was temporarily used by the company to accommodate Ling Han. Now the building outside GMG is full of fans of Chang Huan. Fierce fans hold banners to block the door and ask Ling han to apologize publicly. Media reporters are also mixed in, constantly trying to rush inside. GMG transferred almost all the security personnel to stop fans and reporters.

If Ling Han goes out, she will be torn up by those angry fans!