Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although Su Lu was hiding in the unfinished main building, she still felt the tremendous power of the storm.

Because the wind was too strong, the rain was almost being blown in horizontally!

The water vapor was being carried in by the strong wind, and even inside the main building, everything was still damp.

The corner where Su Lu was hiding was a dry spot she had finally found after being splashed with rain a few times.

But it was still cold.

She was drenched, and the cold draft filled the rough building without doors and windows.

Su Lu squatted against the wall. She had a fever, and her head was dizzy.

Her phone, which had already been low on battery, had completely run out, and she had no idea how much time had passed.

In a daze, she thought she heard someone calling her name.

“Su Lu! Su Lu!”

“Who? Who is calling me?”

Su Lu mumbled in a daze, “Was I hallucinating? How could I hear Bo Jingshen’s voice?”

She shook her head, only causing a more intense headache and dizziness.

However, the hallucination-like voice did not disappear. It was not loud and was even very fragmented as if it had quickly scattered with the wind.

“Su Lu! Su Lu! Where are you!”

Su Lu’s cracked lips trembled as she softly murmured, “Bo… Jingshen.”

She couldn’t take it anymore. Her slender body, which was originally curled up in the corner, fell sideways.

She lay on the debris-covered cement floor.

“Su Lu!”

The deep male voice, filled with urgency, drew closer.

The sky grew dark, and the main building became even dimmer.

In the dim light, Bo Jingshen saw a slender body curled up on the ground in the corner. Silently, pathetic, and fragile.

An intangible hand squeezed his heart.

Bo Jingshen’s throat tightened, and his voice trembled, “Su Lu.”

Su Lu opened her eyes with difficulty. She heard footsteps approaching.

As she opened her eyes…

Her breath nearly halted in her throat. In the dim light, against the backlight, a tall silhouette with a large bag appeared, running toward her from the pouring rain and howling wind.

Tears streamed down Su Lu’s cheeks. Clearly… she hadn’t thought about crying in such a predicament.

However, at this moment, she couldn’t control it.

Bo Jingshen reached out and his hand gently touched her burning skin.

“D*mn it! What kind of inspection is this in such terrible weather? Would you starve to death if you weren’t so dedicated?” he exclaimed in frustration.

Su Lu raised her hand and lightly grasped his fingers, “Ah Shen.”

Her voice was slightly hoarse and very fragile.

He hadn’t heard that title in years.

Bo Jingshen paused. No matter how angry he was, he couldn’t vent it out at this moment.

He silently put the large bag on his back aside, which was well-prepared with waterproof supplies.

There was a blanket from the hotel that had been vacuum-sealed and rolled up, mineral water, and energy bars. There was also a small first aid kit with commonly used medicine and simple wound treatment tools.

Su Lu was half-conscious, but she was obedient. She swallowed the fever-reducing pill placed near her lips.

She allowed Bo Jingshen to wrap her up with a dry blanket.

Her entire body felt uncomfortable, but she felt very at ease. Before she fell asleep, she looked up at him in a daze.

Why did Bo Jingshen’s face look so pale?

But she couldn’t dwell on that thought any longer. She fell into a deep slumber, more akin to a state of unconsciousness than sleep.

In her semi-consciousness, it felt as if she was being tightly embraced, as if it was the embrace that she had missed for a long time.

When she woke up, she found herself in a hospital.

She was wearing a striped patient gown with an IV drip hanging from her hand.

“You’re awake!” The nurse happened to enter the room.

Su Lu asked, “How long have I been sleeping?”

The nurse replied, “You had a high fever. You didn’t sleep for long after being brought in this morning.”

Su Lu asked again, “Who brought me here?”

The nurse responded, “An ambulance. The storm was less severe this morning, so the ambulance managed to bring you back.”

The nurse came over to adjust the IV drip speed. “You’re from out of town, right? It was quite risky to go to the construction site during a typhoon. Fortunately, you only caught a cold and developed a high fever. You didn’t sustain any injuries.”

Su Lu lowered her gaze and softly acknowledged the nurse’s words.

Suddenly, the nurse’s next sentence made her look up in astonishment.

The nurse said, “The gentleman who was brought in with you wasn’t as lucky. He had a long gash on his back. Fortunately, there were no internal injuries, but he lost a significant amount of blood.”

Su Lu trembled all over. So, it wasn’t her imagination.

He had come to find her.

Su Lu suddenly remembered what she saw before she fainted…That pale and handsome face.

Was Bo Jingshen already injured at that time?

“Hey, hey! What are you doing? You are not done with the IV yet!”

Su Lu pulled out the needle and got out of bed. She had already rushed to the door of the ward when she suddenly realized and turned her gaze to the nurse.

“Where is he?”

The nurse didn’t react quickly. “What? Who?”

“The gentleman who was brought in with me! Where is he?” Her voice was urgent.

“Room V27…”

On the VIP ward floor, there wasn’t the usual busyness and noise found in the hospital. The corridor was quiet.

Su Lu reached the door of room V27.

Jiang Li’s voice came from the partially closed door of the ward.

“So, you mean you still plan to attend the exhibition? You really can’t stay away from work even with minor injuries.”

“It won’t affect anything.”

“Whether it affects or not, you’re at least honorably injured. Even the doctor said you’re quite something. You dare to drive around in this typhoon weather. Aren’t you afraid that a falling tree might crush your car and you with it?”

“Keep cursing if you want, I appreciate it.”

Hey, I wasn’t cursing, bro. I was just worried, you know? The planes stopped flying, so I took a long journey by train and then switched to a car to rush over from Feng City. It’s all about sincere friendship, you know? Uh… about you and Su Lu… ah, forget it, I won’t ask anymore.

Jiang Li didn’t think there was something between Bo Jingshen and the woman. He just didn’t quite understand why it was Su Lu. It seemed like…they had a history?

But Jiang Li didn’t dare to ask too much.

Su Lu stood outside the door, her hand hanging by her side, trembling slightly.

“He actually…drove to the construction site to find her in that kind of weather. Even the driver didn’t dare to drive there. The driver had to take shelter at a gas station along the way to escape the wind and rain. Bo Jingshen, on the other hand…”

Su Lu raised her trembling hand, preparing to push open the door.

Suddenly, a cold and indifferent female voice came from behind, “Who are you? Why are you standing at the door eavesdropping?”

Su Lu turned her gaze and saw a beautiful woman standing behind her, scrutinizing her with her eyes.

She dressed in a high-end suit that complemented her slender figure, she appeared sharp and neat. Her beauty was striking.

Su Lu suddenly remembered the name mentioned by the captain to Bo Jingshen during their conversation after getting off the plane, Cainan.

Zhuang Cainan’s face couldn’t conceal her weariness. She waved her hand, “Never mind, move aside.”

Then, she passed by Su Lu and pushed open the door to enter the ward.

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