Chapter 1268

He carefully lifted the quilt, got up and went to the living room. He called Dr. Brown. He didn't wait long, but Dr. Brown got through.

"Hello, Dr. Brown, it's me, Feng Xun!"

At the other end of the line, Dr. Brown nodded and said with a smile, "well, I'm still thinking that you haven't contacted me since you asked me to help your little nephew with the examination! Now you have finally called me. Have you received the result I faxed you? "

"Yes, thank you, Dr. Brown. A lot of things have happened recently, so I don't care to contact Dr. Brown!" Feng Xun replied in a low voice.

"I know that a big man of your level must be busy with business and may not have time to read the fax. I'd better tell you again on the phone! Your little nephew's mental health, brain and nerves do not have any problems, so you can completely rest assured! "

After a pause, Dr. Brown added with a smile: "it's really not easy for him to maintain his present state of mind even though he has been in the cold since he was young! Even an adult may not be as strong as his psychology! "

"That's why I took him in and planned to cultivate him well!" Feng Xun's frown unfolded slightly, and he was quite pleased to mention little Noah.

"He is indeed a good child and deserves to be treated with heart. When I chatted with him, I found that he was always grateful to you and your wife..."

After praising Noah, Dr. Brown suddenly thought of Feng Xun's wife on the seventh day of the summer and asked with concern, "by the way, how's your wife recently? She must have been pregnant for months

"Yes, I called today just for my wife!" Feng Xun answered with a low voice and said slowly, "Dr. Brown, I know pregnant women are prone to emotional instability, but I want to ask you, if she experiences some sudden things, will it trigger her post-traumatic stress disorder caused by her previous memory recovery?"

"It depends on what she's going through!" When Dr. Brown said this, he found that Feng Xun on the other end of the phone became silent and speculated tentatively: "Feng Xun, what happened to her? If it's a shock, or severe sadness, it's likely to trigger PTSD! "

When Dr. Brown said this, he didn't wait for Feng Xun's reply, but he said in a low voice: "but don't worry too much. The fright and sadness I said should be extreme! And if you stay with her all the time, she can get emotional comfort. The sequelae of PTSD should not happen! "

"But I haven't been with her all this time, and I haven't given her any emotional comfort..." Feng Xun said with a bitter smile, shaking his head and blaming himself: "Dr. Brown, I've kept it from many people, but since I've found you today, I don't intend to keep it from you! My wife, she has just been rescued by me after a kidnapping

"What? How could this happen? " Dr. Brown's eyes widened in surprise. He knew that Feng Xun wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, but he didn't hear this kind of news outside. Maybe Feng Xun didn't want his wife to be exposed to this kind of thing, so as to avoid being criticized!

"Did she get hurt when you brought her back? Is the baby OK? " After a moment of surprise, Dr. Brown asked.

It's not just a shock. If there is any damage to her body or her child, I'm afraid it will bring her a terrible emotional impact!

"Her neck is hurt, the child is OK..." Feng Xun replied in a low voice.

"Fortunately, the child is OK!" Dr. Brown breathed a sigh of relief, heard his tone a little low, and comforted him with a smile: "since the child is OK, her mood should be just a scare problem, which is easy to solve! Don't leave her recently to enhance her sense of security. If she has nightmares at night, give her a cup of hot milk before going to bed to stabilize her mood! "

"I can do all these things, but she said some strange things to me before going to bed, as if she had no confidence in our relationship, and I don't know why she had such doubts..."

Before Feng Xun's words were finished, Dr. Brown replied with a smile: "it's not surprising that she will lose confidence because of being kidnapped. These things will gradually improve. You don't have to worry. Everything will take your time! Of course, it can also let her have more contact with her relatives and friends, which may help her adjust her mood and not always be immersed in the previous kidnapping! "

"I see. I'll take Dr. Brown's advice. Thank you." Feng Xun thanks politely.

"Nothing. I recently attended a psychology lecture tour in Europe. If I'm free, I'll come to your manor to see her!" Dr. Brown said with a smile.

"I would be very grateful if you could come in person." Feng Xun said quickly.

"I'll try my best to make the assistant arrange the time..." Dr. Brown answered with a smile. Before he hung up the phone, he thought of one thing and said, "by the way, let your wife ensure sleep and rest. When she has a good rest, she won't be cranky!"

Feng Xun thanks again.

When he hung up, he went back to his bedroom and was about to lie down when he vaguely heard a slight sound from somewhere in the room.

He followed the sound and went to the dressing table on the seventh day of the summer. He gently opened the drawer. Sure enough, he saw a message on a strange mobile phone screen.

This mobile phone is very strange, he has never seen, and he tried, found that his fingerprint can not be verified, he tried to enter a few passwords in vain.

He can only look at the SMS pop-up on the mobile phone screen, and his brow is frowning.

The number of sending SMS is strange, and the content is even more strange: "Friday, 3pm, we will visit you, if it is convenient, please reply!"

Who is the person who sent the message, and who does "we" refer to?

With doubts, Feng Xun remembers the number of this short message in his mind, and then picks up his mobile phone to look at it carefully. This strange mobile phone, he has never seen a little girl use it!

But in the drawer of little girl's dressing table, the mobile phone must be little girl's, and it won't be put in by others, because without his permission, little girl's things can't be manipulated by anyone!

But why didn't the little girl tell him about the mobile phone?

Feng Xun looks at the sleeping girl on the bed and hesitates for a moment. He still leaves the bedroom and tries to dial the number that sent the short message from his own phone, only to find that the number can't be dialed, as if it was sent by means of a short message platform!