Chapter 1271

Genoa manor.

At the beginning of summer, when she woke up on July 1, she found that it was already bright. She didn't remember when she fell asleep last night, but vaguely remembered that she and Feng Xun talked to each other until the end. When she talked about the possibility of different positions in the future, she couldn't continue to talk. Finally, she lay down with each other's heart.

She stretched out her hand to touch her side, and found that there was still a wisp of residual temperature, which means that Feng Xun really fell asleep with her last night!

Thinking of Feng Xun's answer last night, at the beginning of summer, Qi Xin sighed, lifted the quilt, got out of bed, stepped on the soft carpet, slowly came to the window, opened the floor curtain, and the sunshine was good outside.

She closed her eyes and felt the sun bathed in her face. The child in her stomach seemed to move a little. She reached out to touch her raised abdomen and said with a low smile, "baby, do you also think that mommy shouldn't tell your daddy that assumption?"

The baby in the stomach didn't move.

"Your father and I are not only husband and wife, but also family members. We have never stood in different positions... But I don't want to see that the death of my mother has anything to do with the Fengjia behind your father!"

Early summer seven said with a bitter smile, she can't tell Feng Xun what's on her mind, she can only share it with the children in her stomach!

"Maybe I should find out for myself, find out the list that Morgan said, and the answer will be revealed naturally!" Early summer seven murmured.

The baby in her stomach moved slightly again, as if in response to her decision.

At the beginning of summer, the corners of the lips rose slightly and said in a low voice: "baby, Mommy knows that it's not easy for you. After so many things with Mommy, Mommy won't take you to adventure again!"

She can't check it herself, but she can ask for help

But this person must have deep friendship with her mother!

Maybe Kelly can do it with great skill and clean work. She is still her mother's lover. She would rather be chased out of the organization at the risk of being chased. It shows that Kelly hates the person who killed her mother!

I just don't know how the seriously injured Kelly is. Since she was rescued, I haven't had time to ask Feng Xun. How is Kelly now!

On the seventh day of the summer, he put on his slippers and went to the bathroom to wash. Looking at the bandage on his neck and the slight scar on his face, he shrugged helplessly.

I'm afraid it will take some time for the bullet to wipe the skin scar on the face to completely recover!

When she came out of the bathroom after washing, she suddenly remembered that there were many missed calls and text messages on the mobile phone she had put in the dresser drawer. At that time, the last text message she saw seemed to be from old lady Bai. You can ask her anything you say!

On the seventh day of the summer, when I mentioned my spirit, I quickly walked to the dresser and opened the drawer, but I couldn't find my own mobile phone. I felt a thump in my heart.

Strange, that cell phone she put here, how suddenly disappeared?

Did someone steal her cell phone while she was asleep?

But the security of the manor is very strict. Even the housekeeper pickup and the maid can't enter the room easily without permission. The only one who can take this mobile phone is Fengxun!

She hasn't told Feng Xun about her mobile phone, because she's worried that Feng Xun doesn't want her to participate in any rose cross!

Now Feng Xun takes this mobile phone, maybe he sees the content on the mobile phone, or he has other plans

The heart of the seventh day of the summer becomes a little messy. Just as she wants to open the door, the door opens from the outside, and Feng Xun's figure appears in front of her.

See her suddenly wake up, Feng Xun Leng Leng, rubbed her hair, asked with a smile: "little girl, how to wake up so early?"

"It's late. It's so sunny outside that it should be almost noon!" The seventh day of summer shook his head and answered in a low voice.

"I thought you were sleepy recently, so you should sleep a little more..." Feng Xun's eyes moved slowly down her face and fell on her raised abdomen.

"You're hungry. There's a lot of your favorite brunch in the kitchen. I'll ask them to bring it to the room."

The seventh day of summer shook his head and said with a smile, "no, I've been sleeping for a long time. If I want to go downstairs for a walk, I'll go to the restaurant for dinner."

Seeing that her face was ruddy compared with yesterday, Feng Xun nodded and said in a soft voice, "it's OK. Today's sunshine is so good. I'll help you to go outside and bask in the sun when you finish eating."

Without waiting for the answer on the seventh day of the summer, Feng Xun put his arms around her waist and helped her slowly down the stairs to the restaurant.

The big brunch came up from the kitchen one by one. Looking at the big table in front of me, I waved my hand on the seventh day of the summer and said in a funny way, "well, I can't eat so much!"

"You've suffered a lot recently, so you should eat more!" Feng Xun looked at her thin face with pity and said with a smile, "these are what you usually like to eat. You can eat as much as you want!"

"Am I thin?" On the seventh day of the summer, she subconsciously touched her face, shrugged her shoulders and replied, "in fact, during the time when I was robbed, I was not hungry, but I couldn't sleep well..."

"It's the same with me. I can't sleep every night!" With a low sigh, Feng Xun reaches out and peels an egg for the seventh day of the third lunar month. Then he takes up a paper towel and wipes his hands. He takes up a coffee pot and pours himself a cup of coffee.

The seventh day of summer is eating the egg that Feng Xun peels for himself. When he sees the cup of coffee in Feng Xun's hand, he directly blocks his hand without waiting for him to pick up the coffee.

"What's the matter?" Feng Xun put down his coffee and asked gently.

"Why are you drinking black coffee again?" Early summer seven brows slightly wrinkled, not happy to stare at the black coffee in front of him.

Feng Xun was stunned and quickly understood her meaning. He shook his head and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I don't drink black coffee every day. I can't hurt my stomach!"

"You promised me not to drink black coffee again!" At the beginning of summer, seven curled his lips and reminded him unhappily: "you are prone to sleep badly and drink black coffee. Isn't this a vicious circle? There are many kinds of coffee in Italy. You are not allowed to drink black coffee any more! "

Without waiting for Feng Xun to answer, he waved his hand on the seventh day of the summer and called the housekeeper pick-up. He said, "pick-up, listen, no matter what, no more black coffee will be prepared for him, no matter it's cappuccino, mocha or latte. No black coffee will be prepared for him. Do you understand?"

The housekeeper pika looks at Feng Xun hesitantly. Feng Xun shrugs his shoulders and smiles helplessly. On the seventh day of the summer, he says coldly, "pika, don't look at him. Doesn't my young lady's order work?"

"Of course not!" The housekeeper pika quickly shook his head and replied respectfully, "young lady, I remember your order. I will not prepare black coffee for Feng Shao in the future."