Several bosses gathered around. Lu Sheng had long been sought after. He didn't know that he was everywhere. His face was full of bright smiles when he was called by President Lu again and again.

"Where, where."

Lu wanchu hated the hypocritical communication of these people and walked to another place of the banquet.

A little fat girl sat on the sofa and seemed to feel uncomfortable. She hung her head and covered her stomach.

"Li Meili, what's the matter with you?"

At the corner of the party, several girls surrounded the fat girl Li Meili.

Li Meili raised her head with a pale face and was about to speak. The girl who asked just now made a mockery, "I won't eat too much."

There was a lot of sarcasm around, and Li Meili's face became paler and paler, as if she would faint the next moment.

She misunderstood and thought someone cared about her, but they still mocked her.

Li Meili has always been a fat girl since childhood. No matter whether she eats less or doesn't eat, she will get fat, and the bigger she gets, the fatter she gets. The girl who grew up with her is always cynical when she sees her, saying that her name is not beauty, and she has to call it beauty. The result is really beautiful, fat beauty.

She grew up in cynicism. Because of their ridicule, she has less and less courage. She often stays alone and is unwilling to talk to others.

"Let's go. It's really boring. Didn't Xue Ying arrange something more interesting for us tonight? Let's go."

First, the girl who mocked Li Meili waved her hand uninteresting. Her name is LAN LAN and she is Xue Ying's best friend. Tonight, Xue Ying told her to clean up Lu wanchu. They can't waste time and absolutely let Lu wanchu pay the price.

"Make a plan first. We must let Lu wanchu go to the backyard. Then we can bully her."

"Yes, this is the banquet hall. It must not be held here."

Several people completely ignored Li Meili and left directly.

Li Meili looked up painfully. She didn't know what these people were going to do. Was it to deal with Lu wanchu?

Lu wanchu knew her, but she didn't know her very well. She wanted to inform Lu wanchu that someone was dealing with her, but she didn't dare.

Li Meili bowed her head and wept with guilt.

"What's the matter with you?"

The soft and beautiful voice sounded in Li Meili's ear. Li Meili thought it was another prank, so she hugged herself and didn't dare to raise her head.

A hand fell on Li Meili's forehead. Li Meili jumped, raised her head and saw Lu wanchu.

Lu wanchu smiled kindly at Li Meili, with a charming smile, "are you uncomfortable?"

Li Meili nodded stupidly, and immediately shook her head, "I... I'm not uncomfortable."

"I haven't said yet. Your face is white and bloodless. I know some medical skills. Let me show you."

Lu wanchu said, picked up Li Meili's hand and personally felt her pulse, "are you upset in your stomach and have a pain."

Li Meili's fat face was shocked. She didn't expect Lu wanchu to know, "well."

Li Meili's voice was very low. She lowered her head and didn't dare to look at her eyes. She just felt that her ugliness was not covered up under those eyes. She was very low self-esteem.

Lu wanchu didn't bring any medicine or silver needle. He took Li Meili's hand and pinched the acupoints in her hand. Soon, Li Meili felt that her aching stomach relieved.

"Eh, no... it doesn't hurt anymore."

Li Meili looked at Lu wanchu in surprise and blushed subconsciously at her beautiful eyes.