"Go to the woods and collect medicine first."

Lu wanchu took Muli's anxious look into his eyes and smiled faintly.

"OK, I'll get something right away."

As soon as Muli was happy, he immediately turned to the eaves and picked up the basket and machete he usually needed to take up the mountain, as well as some bow and arrow weapons made by the Ke family, which they needed to deal with the animals on the mountain.

The mountain of the Ke family is not big, there are almost no large animals, only some rabbits and other pheasants, so they don't worry about what will happen.

The mountain is not big, but it needs familiar Ke people to lead the way, so Muli didn't go out today, but was ready to go up the mountain with him at the beginning of the landing night.

Along the way, many Ke people were very surprised at the changes of Lu wanchu. Muli explained patiently. Only then did they know that this was Lu wanchu's true face, beautiful like a fairy.

On the way up the mountain, he met maity with a basket on his back. Maity was very happy to see Muli and Lu at the beginning of the evening and came forward to say hello warmly.

"Miss Lu, is that you?"

Lu wanchu nodded. Mai Ti immediately came forward, "Miss Lu, are you going up the mountain, too? I'm going to go up the mountain to pick some wild vegetables. If you and the clan leader go up the mountain, why don't we go together. "

Mai ti is very curious about Lu wanchu. In fact, he wants to ask Lu wanchu to teach him some medical skills. He is afraid that Lu wanchu is abrupt, and he is even more afraid that Lu wanchu is not willing to teach him medical skills.


Lu wanchu didn't see the desire of Mai ti's eyes. He knew it from last night.

Mai ti is a very enthusiastic person. He didn't like medical skills at first. Later, he saw that the people of Ke family often delayed their illness because they didn't understand medical skills, so they spent a lot of effort to learn some shallow medical skills, but that can't save anything. They can only treat some simple diseases.

The conditions of the Ke family are very poor. Once people get sick, they are very serious diseases, which makes maity feel uncomfortable and useless. He wants to do something for his people.

"Miss Lu, it's hard to walk on the mountain. Be careful."

Muli took a strong branch and handed it to Lu wanchu so that she could go up the mountain with the branch.

Lu wanchu didn't refuse. He walked slowly up the mountain with branches.

The mountains of the Ke family are not high, but they are difficult to walk.

What she needs to find this time is a poisonous herb that can be used. As long as she helps the Ke family, she can go home.

The materials on the mountain of the Ke clan are still rich, but no matter how rich they are, they will be scarce because of long-time picking.

There were few animals along the way, but there were some wild wild vegetables.

Mai Ti picked these wild vegetables into the back basket. Seeing Lu wanchu staring at him, he smiled shyly, "these wild vegetables are delicious."

Lu wanchu glanced at the wild vegetables in Mai ti's hands and nodded.

She knew that maity picked wild vegetables not because they were delicious, but because there was no extra food at home. He had to pick them.

Next, she saw that maity collected some herbs, which were common herbs for treating cough or snake bite. He didn't seem to know most of them.

Mai Ti put the picked herbs in the basket and smiled at Lu wanchu. "These herbs can save many people."

Lu wanchu took a complicated look at Mai Ti, raised his lips and smiled. He bent down to pick an insignificant weed and handed it to Mai ti. "This is called cough grass. It can clear away heat and detoxify, treat cold and cough, poisonous snake bite, carbuncle, swelling, tinea and scabies, and itch the skin."