Quan Yue's mysterious mouth, "what do you think?"

Ding Dafu quickly put his hand on his shoulder and wiped, "I know you so well, I'm sure! We'll go there now. "

The more disgusted Quan brushed Ding Dafu's hand away, "no consciousness, isn't it?"

"I just like you!"

Quan Yue was almost disgusted to vomit. He glared at him and raised his step to leave.

"Do you think you can go out without me?" Ding Dafu held his arms and looked at him with a smile.

Quan Yue suddenly turned around, "I should also thank you for not forcing me to do anything too much!"

Ding Dafu hurried forward, "finally know me?"

"Open the door quickly. I'm going out."

"You'll only yell at me. Will you yell at your lovely girl?" As he spoke, Ding Dafu entered his password and walked out of the studio.

Lu Shen is so cunning that Ding Dafu brought a pinhole camera this time.


Vanessa was unwell and left Jimei early and returned to her villa.

As soon as the door opened, she felt a dangerous smell.

He was about to leave, but Lu Shen grabbed his hair and pulled it in directly.

His back pressed against the door. Lu Shen stared fiercely. Her eyes were full of frightened Vanessa.

"Lu Shen, what do you want to do?" Vanessa was very afraid at the moment. She was afraid that the knife he put on her neck would cut her cervical artery if Lu Shen shook her hand a little.

"Vanessa, you loved me like that!" Lu Shen said in a faint voice.

Vanessa swallowed her mouth hard. "Lu Shen, how have you failed to live up to one of my sincerity these years?"

"So, you joined hands with Huo Tingyu and took everything from me?"

Lu Shen was very angry. His eyes were burning with anger, which had already red his eyes.

Vanessa felt her scalp numb. "Calm down!"

"I can't calm down. You give me a sum of money immediately, and then we go our separate ways!"

"Lu Shen, do you really think you won't be turned out all your life?"

Lu Shen narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Vanessa, if you still have a little affection for me, you will give me a sum of money, otherwise..."

She met his murderous eyes and said word by word, "the road is deep. You've missed it once. Don't keep making mistakes!"

She appreciated Shen Anzhi very much and thought they were similar. After Shen Anzhi returned to Pingcheng, they had videos several times.

Knowing that Dongdong was tortured by the virus because of Lu Shen, Vanessa was a little glad that Lu Shen had refused herself all the time.

Otherwise, she can't imagine living with a man who looks like a devil all day. Will she be taken away one day.

However, she did not expect that Lu Shen still found her!

The road sneered, "Vanessa, what did I do wrong? If it were you, you would be more cruel than me! "

"I'm not you, and you don't have to threaten me! All my funds are tied up in Jimei. Even if you kill me, I can't get you cash! "

"You said, huh?"

"I said it!" Vanessa calmed down.

"Isn't Joe John always after you? Well, let's try and see if he is kind and righteous to you! " Lu Shen smiled grimly, and the knife fell on the back of Vanessa's neck.

Vanessa's eyes were angry, but her eyes turned over and she fainted directly.

When she woke up again, her hands and feet were tied, and Lu Shen stared at her.

"The road is deep!"

Vanessa tried to earn her hands. However, she didn't know what rope buckle he had tied. It was getting tighter and tighter. She could clearly feel the pain of the nylon rope deep into the skin and flesh.

"I advise you not to make fearless efforts!" Lu Shen played with his knife.

The sharp blade reflected the light and reflected it into Vanessa's eyes. Vanessa was very frightened.

"I have just contacted Joe John with your mobile phone. He is really nervous about you, but I don't know whether he will come with the money!" Lu Shen had a little more fun in his eyes.

Vanessa remembered what Shen Anzhi had said before. Money is money and emotion is emotion.

At that time, Joe and John agreed to support her, not because of interests?

And he has always been so calm that he will not come to save her with money!

At the moment, it seemed that Vanessa was trapped in a huge ice cave. Fear spread and completely surrounded her.

With the passage of time, the sound of cars driving in came from outside. Lu Shen raised his eyebrows, quietly came to the window and looked down.

Joe John got out of the car with a suitcase in his hand.

Lu Shen turned his head and raised her mouth at Vanessa. "He still has feelings for you."

Vanessa's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Lu Shen, I have come with us dollars. Open the door."

Lu Shen contacted Joe and John with Vanessa's cell phone.

Joe and John hurriedly connected, "don't hurt Vanessa."

"Open the box. I want to see if it's real dollars."

In such a short time, he doubted how Joe John raised so many dollars.

Joe John turned on his cell phone hands-free and opened the box. "I know you can see it. Do you see it? It's all true! "

Lu Shen raised his mouth, "put the box at the door and you can leave."

"Where's Vanessa?"

"Make sure there's no problem with the money. Naturally, I'll let Vanessa go."

Joe John naturally didn't believe such a cunning Lu Shen. He roared angrily: "Lu Shen, Vanessa was kind to you before. The reason why you can develop Jimei into its current scale is because of Vanessa! Such a woman who is so affectionate to you, you have repeatedly negative her. Are you still a person? "

"These don't need you to say!" Lu Shen said in a low voice, word by word.

John was like a trapped animal, and his breathing became more and more disordered.

"Don't hurt Vanessa."

"I only want money, you didn't call the police, and you didn't disappoint me. Naturally, I won't break my promise!"

Joe John pursed his lips, walked back slowly, got into the car, and soon the car drove away.

Lu Shen confirmed that there were no abnormalities around before he went downstairs.

Confirming that there was no problem with the money in the box, Lu Shen returned to the villa, took Vanessa down and stuffed her into the car.

"Vanessa, I forgot to tell you. I bought insurance for you before!"

Vanessa's eyebrows jumped fiercely. "What do you want to do?"

Lu Shen turned his head and smiled at her treacherously.