"Ah Yue baby, what should I do now?" Ding Dafu turned and asked.

Quan Yue is really ashamed to call Huo Tingyu now.

Lu Shen didn't fall, and Vanessa didn't ask anything. He was very tired and pinched his eyebrows.

"Ah Yue baby?" Ding Dafu raised his wrist and looked at the time. "It's very late. We didn't have a good rest last night. Let's have something to eat first, huh?"

Quan Yue really has no appetite now. However, after hearing Ding Dafu's stomach growling, he still gasped, "OK."

Anyway, Vanessa won't wake up soon. He talked to Joe John, and then went to the western restaurant near the hospital with Ding Dafu.

Ding Dafu's eyes sparkled when he came in. It felt like he was a young girl in love, which attracted many people to look at him one after another.

The more Quan wished that a huge gap could be opened on the ground, enough for him to drill in.

It's a shame to have dinner with a dead gay and order a Mediterranean couple's set meal!

Ding Dafu was very considerate to help him chop up the steak and changed it to Quan Yue's face, "shall I be considerate?"

"Great blessing!" Quan Yue looked positive.

"Don't say anything! There's a problem with me. When I eat, I never say anything serious! "

Quan Yue was choked by him and his eyebrows jumped twice.

"Actually, I quite understand you! Your sexual orientation is normal, only I am abnormal, but you are still willing to make friends with me, regardless of my family background and whether I am a top hacker! "

Ding Dafu said he didn't talk about business at dinner, but he still couldn't hold his breath and opened the conversation.

"Dafu, a person's sexual orientation can be changed!" The more power persuasion.

"No way. When I was a child, my mother asked a Filipino maid to take care of me. The Filipino maid's lips were so thick!" Ding Dafu gestured, "it's like sausage."

Quan Yue's eyebrow angle jumped twice.

"She always likes to kiss me, and always gets saliva on my face. Since then, I especially hate women!" Ding Dafu said to himself, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, "I've also tried, and the old man didn't give me less women, but I just can't! I'm going to depend on you all my life! "

Quan Yue: "

They talked one by one, and the mobile phone rang.

Quan Yue took a look and stood up. "Vanessa woke up."

Ding Dafu had just patronized and talked, but he was not full at all. When he heard that Vanessa woke up, he hurriedly stuffed the steak into his mouth with a fork and said vaguely, "let's go!"

Looking at such a kind and lovely Ding Dafu, Quan Yue really couldn't bear to hurt him.

"Although it is impossible to be a lover with you in this life, I will always treat you as a brother! Just like ah Yu. "

Ding Dafu's eyes turned red and he was moved to tears.

Regardless of the strange eyes around him, he gave Quan Yue a huge bear hug.

Quan Yue had just eaten, and the food in his stomach had not yet been digested. With such a strong hug, the food in his stomach was almost vomited out.

“mua!” Ding Dafu kissed Quan Yue on the cheek.

There happened to be two men from country m passing by them. They said in a joking whisper: "honey, they are like us!"

Quan Yue had planned to have a slightly better attitude towards Ding Dafu. Hearing the speech, he pushed him away tenderly.

Ding Dafu was still excited. He seemed to smell the fragrance of flowers in full bloom. He was really sad to be pushed away by Quan Yue.

"Ah Yue baby, what do you mean?"

Slap and give a sweet date?

No, Quan Yue clearly gave him a candy with broken glass!

"All right, hurry to the hospital." Quan Yue angrily opened the door and drilled in.

Ding Dafu tilted his mouth, opened the co pilot and drilled in.

Speechless all the way.

Back to the hospital, Vanessa was still weak.

Quan Yue asked her a few questions directly, but Vanessa only had time to answer two and fainted.

"Less power, Vanessa is too weak. I'd better wait for tomorrow!" Joe John gave Vanessa a worried look.

"Well, take good care of her."

After getting on the bus again, Quan Yue still contacted Huo Tingyu.

"Ah Yu."

"Find the way deep?"

"Only the speedboat owner was found. When Lu Shen just came to m country, he worked as a yacht maintainer."


"What about Dongdong?"

"As usual, but MIA came to Pingcheng and joined hands with Jenny. Should we be able to find a way to eliminate this virus soon?"

"Your voice sounds tired. Are you okay?" The more concerned the right to ask.

"Fortunately, I can insist!"

Quan Yue had to ask something more. Suddenly, he felt Ding Dafu's jealous eyes, and couldn't help wrinkling his eyebrows.

"Ding Dafu, I really regret what I just said to you!"

"Ah Yue baby, it's no use regretting. If you say it, it's like pouring water!"

The more power, the more speechless.

"Ah Yu, Vanessa just woke up. I'm going to ask her if Lu Shen said anything to her when she gets a little better tomorrow."

"You can do it."

Feeling that Huo Tingyu is in a bad state, Quan Yue is really worried about him.

"Ah Yue, as soon as my side is over, I will return to Pingcheng as soon as possible."

Moreover, whether the police can find Lu Shen or not, if Lu Shen is really alive, he will not let Lu Jiao go!

As long as he keeps an eye on Lu Jiaojiao and wants to come, he will be able to find the exact whereabouts of Lu Shen.

They said a few more words before they cut off the call.

Back to Ding Dafu's villa, Quan is more tired and lies down directly on the sofa.

The more it is in the dead of night, the more Quan misses Tao Xiaotao, the more surging it is like the tide.

He estimated the time difference and contacted Tao Xiaotao.

"Do you miss me?" Quan Yue asked.

Tao Xiaotao said, "why should I miss you? Even if you want to, I hope you can find the bastard deep in the road quickly! "

The more the right to speak, Ding Ding Fu suddenly came together, holding his hand, the lens alignment his face with a mask.

The black mask made Tao Xiaotao look pale with fear.

"Are you a man or a ghost?" Tao Xiaotao asked a particularly stupid question.

Ding Dafu raised his orchid finger and snorted again, "I don't know what happiness is in the midst of happiness. A Yue baby is so good. He is the best man in the world. Why don't you say you don't want to! You really have no conscience. "

Tao Xiaotao stared, "Quan Yue, you're looking for other women behind my back!"

After that, Tao Xiaotao cut off the video directly.

Quan Yue angrily stared at Ding Dafu, the initiator, "what are you doing?"

"I'm so handsome. Which eye of hers sees that I'm a woman?"